新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第一周 第一周测验

1、 Which of the following statements is correct when you organize your presentation?

A:Try to use long sentences as much as you can.
B:Focus on three or four main ideas.
C:Use the data that is related to the topic to a little degree.
D:Select more than six main ideas.
答案: Focus on three or four main ideas.

2、 Which of the following statements about spoken English and written English is correct?

A:Speaking and writing have little in common because they are different forms of communication.
B:Spoken English is relationally-oriented and authoritative.
C:Written English is action-oriented and personal.
D:Spoken transitions are usually longer than written transitions.
答案: Spoken transitions are usually longer than written transitions.

3、 How to make a good presentation?

A:Make sure the body of your presentation only consists of the strongest examples and supporting data necessary to prove your central argument.
B:Speak in a proper speed.
C:If you are giving a long presentation, keep the audience’s attention by changing the pace at regular intervals.
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

4、 Which of the following statements is correct when you deliver a presentation?

A:Hunch up and shuffle your feet.
B:When you speak to a key point, you should make a pause.
C:Speak in a monotone.
D:Always look at your notes.
答案: When you speak to a key point, you should make a pause.

5、 What strategy helps get your audience involved in your presentation?

A:Use anecdotes or interesting examples.
B:Ask them some questions.
C:Always make eye contact with them.
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

6、 Which of the following statements about giving a presentation is incorrect?

A:Speaking needs repetition to impress the audience sometimes.
B:Transitional words should be obvious in speaking.
C:Long sentences and complicated words should be involved in speaking.
D:The opening is important because it sets the tone of the talk.
答案: Long sentences and complicated words should be involved in speaking.

7、 What is needed in delivering a presentation?

A:Keep your presentation within the time limit.
B:Speak quickly without noticing the reactions of your audience.
C:Always keep your hands on the podium or in your pocket.
D:Try to give your presentation in an exaggerated manner.
答案: Keep your presentation within the time limit.

8、 What function does transition serve in the presentation?

A:Arouse listeners’ interest in the presentation
B:Help listeners follow the speaker. 
C:Ease the atmosphere and make closer relationship to each other.
D:Summarize and emphasize the key points.
答案: Help listeners follow the speaker.  

9、 When you deliver a speech, you should make your sound in control and __.

A:speak quickly
B:speak clearly and firmly
C:raise the pitch of your voice
D:talk in a monotone the whole time
答案: speak clearly and firmly

10、 Which one is not one of the reasons that experiences speakers use silence?

A:To emphasize important points
B:To show the confident of the speaker.
C:To lengthen the presentation to the allotted time.
D:To tells the audience that something important is coming
答案: To lengthen the presentation to the allotted time.

11、 What might be a proper gesture when you give a presentation?

A:Hunch up and shuffle your feet.
B:Keep your hands on the podium or in your pockets.
C:Stand in one place and hide behind the podium.
D:Walk from side to side and look at different parts of the audience.
答案: Walk from side to side and look at different parts of the audience.

12、 What is the characteristic of written English compared with spoken English?

A:Lexically dense.
B:Grammatically intricate.
D:All of the above.
答案: Lexically dense.

13、 What is necessary when you prepare a presentation?

A:Think about the purpose of your presentation.
B:Think about the number of people who will attend your speech.
C:Think about your dress.
D:Think about the time limit of the speech.
答案: Think about the purpose of your presentation.;
Think about the number of people who will attend your speech.;
Think about your dress.;
Think about the time limit of the speech.

14、 Which of the following statements should you keep in mind when you give a presentation? 

A:Focus on what the audience wants to know.
B:Smile to the audience.
C:Make contact with your audience.
D:Try whatever to force the audience to agree with you.
答案: Focus on what the audience wants to know.;
Smile to the audience.;
Make contact with your audience.

15、 Which of the following statements is correct when making a presentation?

A:It’s not important to attract the audience’s attention at the beginning.
B:It’s essential to give a pause before saying something important.
C:You’d better answer questions from the audience after conclusion.
D:You don’t have to make eye contact with your audience, just speak by yourself.
答案: It’s essential to give a pause before saying something important.;
You’d better answer questions from the audience after conclusion.

第二周 第二周测验

1、 What kind of opening of speech is effective?

D:all of the above
答案: all of the above

2、 What is the effective strategy to start a presentation?

A:To refer to the previous speaker or the situation.
B:To ask one or two questions.
C:To use a shocking statement or use humor and anecdotes.
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

3、 What should you do if you want to refer to the previous speaker at the beginning of the presentation?

A:The speaker’s wit.
B:The speaker’s reputation.
C:The speaker’s style.
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

4、 What should NOT be included in the opening remarks?

A:Extending greeting.
B:Brief self- introduction.
C:Emphasizing the key points.
D:Outlining the main points.
答案: Emphasizing the key points.

5、 What is missed in the following opening remarks?       “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to this presentation this afternoon. I’ve invited you here today to have a look at my findings. First, I’d like to show you the performance of the company, the sales of the company over the last three years; then let’s have a look at our market share in the women swear market and discuss our competitors; and thirdly, I’d like to suggest some improvements in our range of women swear. At the end I’d be happy to answer any of your questions.”

C:Name and position of the speaker.
答案: Name and position of the speaker.

6、 What is needed to do during the preparation of the main body of presentation EXCEPT_?

A:To make a conclusion or recommendation.
B:To determine the key points you want to cover.
C:To organize or sequence these points.
D:To use transitions to move from one point to another.
答案: To make a conclusion or recommendation.

7、 Which of the following organizations helps persuade the audience to take your suggestion?

A:Problem-solution organization.
B:Chronological organization.
C:Cause-effect organization.
D:Less important to most critical.

答案: Problem-solution organization.

8、 If you want to analyze a series of events, which of the following organizations is the best one?

A:Problem-solution organization.
B:Chronological organization.
C:Cause-effect organization.
D:Less important to most critical.
答案: Chronological organization.

9、 What purpose should you try to achieve when you design the conclusion of a presentation?

A:Summarize or recap the main ideas.
B:Capture the attention of the audience.
C:Sequence the key points.
D:Provide the information of the speaker.
答案: Summarize or recap the main ideas.

10、 What might be a proper framework of a presentation?

A:Problem statement, introduction, proposed ideas, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.
B:Problem statement, proposed ideas, introduction, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.
C:Introduction, problem statement, proposed ideas, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.
D:Introduction, proposed ideas, problem statement, next steps of research, research findings and results, conclusion.
答案: Introduction, problem statement, proposed ideas, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.

11、 Which strategies can be used to end your presentation?

A:To make a conclusion or recommendation.
B:To invite your audience to ask questions.
C:To summarize what you have said.
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

12、 How to overcome nervousness when you give a presentation?

A: Let the thought of failure creep into your mind.
B:Practice and have self-confidence.
C:Avoid eye contact with the audience.
D:Read from scripts and feel safe.
答案: Practice and have self-confidence.

13、 Which one is not a proper opening technique to capture the audience’s attention at the beginning of your presentation?

A:Criticizing the audience.
B:Using a well-known quotation.
C:Stating a little-known fact.
D:Asking a question.
答案: Criticizing the audience.

14、 What is your understanding of “making eye contact with your audience”?

A:Turn down all the lights so that only the slide screen is visible.
B:Interact with the audience through eye-to-eye contact.
C:With special attention to particular individuals.
D:Read a script to the audience.
答案: Interact with the audience through eye-to-eye contact.

15、 What is a good presentation manner?

A:Repeatedly use an expression such as “You know”.
B:Move rapidly up and down the hall when speaking.
C:Stand in an easy, natural position.
D:Toy with a necklace or pin.
答案: Stand in an easy, natural position.

16、 What is the 10-20-30 rule for slideshows from Guy Kawasaki of Apple?

A:Slideshows last no more than 10 minutes; should contain no more than 20 slides; and use a font size of no less than 30 point.
B:Slideshows should use a font size of no less than 10 point; contain no more than 20 slides; and last no more than 30 minutes.
C:Slideshows should contain no more than 10 slides; use a font size of no less than 20 point; and last no more than 30 minutes.
D:Slideshows should contain no more than 10 slides; last no more than 20 minutes; and use a font size of no less than 30 point.
答案: Slideshows should contain no more than 10 slides; last no more than 20 minutes; and use a font size of no less than 30 point.

17、 What should you not do when listen to the questions from the audience?

A:Fumble through your notes or visuals.
B:Establish eye contact with the questioner.
C:Listen to the entire question before responding.
D:Listen carefully and get ready to answer them.
答案: Fumble through your notes or visuals.

18、 If you don’t want any questions in and after your presentation, you can tell the audience by the following statement except that ______.

A:questions are to be submitted in writing
B:questions are not allowed to ask
C:questions will be answered privately
D:questions can be asked later
答案: questions are not allowed to ask

19、 If you have no idea about the question from your audience, you can ______.

A:admit your lack of knowledge and offer to do research and respond later
B:ask other listeners to help in providing the necessary information
C:offer to discuss the question during break time or at the end of your presentation
D:do all of the above
答案: do all of the above

作业第三周 Three Minute Presentation (3MT)

1、 Please give a presentation in just three minutes.Topic:Progress and problems in relation to your study / research
评分规则:   Theme & Content•         Thought-provoking /Meaningful•         Creative mind/critical thinking•         Updated knowledge/cutting-edge technology
 Language •         Pronunciation / Enunciation /Volume•         Vocabulary /Grammar/Agreement •         Fluency/Discourse management
 Performing skills •         Organization/Integration of ideas•         Extent/relevance/coherence/cohesive device

第四周 第四周测验

1、   (Qualification)Technology-enhanced language learning __ contribute to the development of learner autonomy, and lead students to move from dependency to independence.

答案: may

2、 (Qualification)Viewed thus, technology-based educational interventions _______ used to maximize opportunities for international students to exercise learner control and increase the effectiveness of their English learning.

A:must be
B:can be
答案: can be

3、 (Qualification)Technology enhanced language learning (TELL) ­­­­­­­­­­­____ used to promote certain aspects of learner autonomy such as learning at one’s own pace, freedom to choose materials, and should not be taken as a one-method-suits-all approach.

A:may be
B:must be
答案: may be

4、 (Qualification)The slight difference may stem from the fact that although ______ students in the three groups needed more authentic English learning materials to cultivate their English proficiency, many students in the third group were likely to have access to English writing resources via MOOC, which might help them to improve their academic English writing skills with the related framework of reference.

A:A couple of
B:a majority of
C:a few
答案: a majority of

5、 (Qualification)Simply put, _______ of international students appear to benefit from technology-enhanced English learning in a technology-rich but English communication-poor environment.

A: all
D:a few
答案: most

6、 (Qualification)__ employed multimodal resources to construct their English discourse so as to strengthen their academic discourse power.

A:All of postgraduates
D:A number of postgraduates
答案: A number of postgraduates

7、 (Qualification)__, this teaching mode gradually accomplishes the transformation from language knowledge learning to the cultivation of communicative ability for intercultural exchanges.

A:People believe
B:I think
C:In my opinion
D:From the perspective of international students
答案: From the perspective of international students

8、 (Qualification)____ that metaphor provides insights into the way people conceptualise abstract concepts, and sheds light on the process of formulating thoughts.

A:It is certain
B:It is almost certain
C:it is unlikely
D:It is impossible
答案: It is almost certain

9、 (Qualification)_______, the awareness of metaphorical expressions in different cultures may facilitate intercultural communication.

A:Beyond any doubt
B:It is impossible
C:It is certain
D:On the limited data available
答案: On the limited data available

10、 (Qualification)Human thought processes are largely metaphorical, and the human conceptual system is structured and defined in a metaphorical way. ___, metaphor is not only “a matter of words”, but also “a matter of thought”.

A:In my opinion
B:No one argues
C:I believe
D:According to Lakoff 
答案: According to Lakoff  

11、 Hedges are used in scientific writing due to the following reasons except __.

A:authors tone down their statements in order to reduce the risk of opposition
B:authors try to appear humble rather than arrogant or all-knowing
C:hedges are considered as a strategy of being more precise in reporting results
D:hedges are used as a strategy to present unproven claims with certainty
答案: hedges are used as a strategy to present unproven claims with certainty





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新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张




新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张



新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张




新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第4张



新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第5张



新科学家英语:演讲与写作(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第6张



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