英语思辨与写作(江西师范大学)1450329595 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‍Which statement is true about an argumentative essay?​

A: An argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue.
B: You should use reasons to support your opinion.
C: Your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right.
D: None of them.
答案:  An argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue.;
You should use reasons to support your opinion.;
Your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right.


‍For an argumentative essay to be effective, it must contain certain elements that will persuade the readers to see things from your perspective. For this reason, you must take a few minutes to plan and prepare before you jump into writing an argument essay. You should‎

A: Find a good topic
B: Consider both sides of your topic and take a position
C: Gather evidence
D: All of them 
答案:  All of them 


Which pattern does the following outline belong to?‍‍I. Introduction‍Explanation of the issue‍Thesis statement‍II. Body‍Block 1‍Summary of other side’s arguments‍Rebuttal to the first argument‍Rebuttal to the second argument ‍Rebuttal to the third argument ‍Block 2 
‍    E. Your first argument ‍    F. Your second argument‍    G. Your third argument ‍III. Conclusion‍    It may include a summary of your point of view‍‎‍‎‍

A: Block pattern
B: Point-by-point pattern
C: Both of them
D: Neither of them
答案:  Block pattern

Dear Mom,​Thanks for having me over last weekend to continue our discussion. I think we are close to an understanding, but I’m still a bit discouraged by your response. Even though you didn’t come right out and say it, you let me know just how you feel. I know how much you want me to be an independent adult, living on my own. I’m working toward this goal but need to move home for a while. It seems that Dad and Sheila welcome the idea, but I have to convince you. So here goes.​First, you still need a lot of help around the house, and you know me: Housework is my favorite pastime. Dad and Sheila are such slobs, and you spend a lot of time cleaning up after them that you could be using for something more interesting. What about that drawing class you always talk about? Take it! Let me keep house! I might even be able to teach Dad and Sis to pick up after themselves for a change.​Second, since I got my new job, I can help with the budget. I won’t be paying $850 a month to rent an apartment, so I’d be glad to give half that amount to you and Dad as rent. I could also buy my own food or give you a percentage toward your grocery bill. If I do contribute in these ways, I could still save close to $600 every month so that I can start college in the fall of next year. Since your house is close to my job, I could walk to work and save the gas money, which is killing me right now.​Third, I don’t have a boyfriend anymore, and furthermore, I don’t want one for a long time to come. You won’t have to worry about my relationships this year. As I told you this weekend, I need to get serious about my future and get ready to go to school.​Despite these huge advantages, I know you’ll say the same old thing: “Lisa, you’re 34. When are you going to settle down on your own and stop moving back home? This is the sixth time in 10 years.” The point, Mom, is that this time I’m preparing for the future. I think I’m finally growing up and realizing what it takes. This will be the last time—I promise. Just think: When I go off to college, Sheila will be a high school graduate, and we can go to school together. You and Dad will finally be empty nesters. Won’t that be fun? Please give it some more thought, Mom. How can you say no?​Love,​Lisa​‌​

A: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “Thanks for having me over last weekend to continue our discussion. I think we are close to an understanding, but I’m still a bit discouraged by your response. Even though you didn’t come right out and say it, you let me know just how you feel” can be viewed as an explanation of the issue.
B: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “I’m working toward this goal but need to move home for a while. It seems that Dad and Sheila welcome the idea, but I have to convince you” can be viewed as a clear thesis statement. 
C: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “Despite these huge advantages, I know you’ll say the same old thing: “Lisa, you’re 34. When are you going to settle down on your own and stop moving back home? This is the sixth time in 10 years” can be viewed as a summary of the opposing arguments.
D: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “The point, Mom, is that this time I’m preparing for the future. I think I’m finally growing up and realizing what it takes. This will be the last time—I promise. Just think: When I go off to college, Sheila will be a high school graduate, and we can go to school together. You and Dad will finally be empty nesters. Won’t that be fun? Please give it some more thought, Mom. How can you say no?” can be viewed as rebuttals to the opposing arguments.
E: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “The point, Mom, is that this time I’m preparing for the future. I think I’m finally growing up and realizing what it takes. This will be the last time—I promise. Just think: When I go off to college, Sheila will be a high school graduate, and we can go to school together. You and Dad will finally be empty nesters. Won’t that be fun? Please give it some more thought, Mom. How can you say no?” can be viewed as a summary of the opposing arguments.
F: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “Despite these huge advantages, I know you’ll say the same old thing: “Lisa, you’re 34. When are you going to settle down on your own and stop moving back home? This is the sixth time in 10 years” can be viewed as a rebuttal to the opposing arguments.
G: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “Thanks for having me over last weekend to continue our discussion. I think we are close to an understanding, but I’m still a bit discouraged by your response. Even though you didn’t come right out and say it, you let me know just how you feel” can be viewed as a clear thesis statement.
H: In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “I’m working toward this goal but need to move home for a while. It seems that Dad and Sheila welcome the idea, but I have to convince you” can be viewed as an explanation of the issue.(错误答案)
答案:  In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “Thanks for having me over last weekend to continue our discussion. I think we are close to an understanding, but I’m still a bit discouraged by your response. Even though you didn’t come right out and say it, you let me know just how you feel” can be viewed as an explanation of the issue.;
In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “I’m working toward this goal but need to move home for a while. It seems that Dad and Sheila welcome the idea, but I have to convince you” can be viewed as a clear thesis statement. ;
In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “Despite these huge advantages, I know you’ll say the same old thing: “Lisa, you’re 34. When are you going to settle down on your own and stop moving back home? This is the sixth time in 10 years” can be viewed as a summary of the opposing arguments.;
In the argumentative letter of Lisa to her Mom, “The point, Mom, is that this time I’m preparing for the future. I think I’m finally growing up and realizing what it takes. This will be the last time—I promise. Just think: When I go off to college, Sheila will be a high school graduate, and we can go to school together. You and Dad will finally be empty nesters. Won’t that be fun? Please give it some more thought, Mom. How can you say no?” can be viewed as rebuttals to the opposing arguments.

‍For the following argumentative topics of A “Marijuana should be considered illegal”and B “Selling and using marijuana in public places should be considered illegal”,  B is better, for A is too general.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌For the following argumentative topics of A “We should decide whether we want a bicycle or a car” and B “ If we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get a bicycle instead of a car”, B is better, for in A, our stand is not clear: do we support having bicycles or cars?​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎For the following argumentative topics of A “Are you one of those who thinks cheating is not good for students?” and B “Cheating helps students learn”, A is better, for a question can be an argument. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​For the following argumentative topics of A “Considering its geological position, Turkey has an important geopolitical role in the EU” and B “Considering its geopolitical role, we can clearly say that the EU cannot be without Turkey”, A is better, for facts can be an argument.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎What is unique about an argumentative essay is that you do not just give
reasons to support your point of view. You must also discuss the other
side’s reasons and then refute them‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确



‌Which one is not the standard for foreign language proficiency in America? ‏

A: communication
B: cultures
C: connections
D: competition
答案:  competition

​According to Dr. Herron James, the most effective way of cultivating a critical mind is to give him a comprehensive training in writing.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


​What is denotation of a word?​

A: Denotation is the dictionary
definition of a word.
B: It is basically the literal meaning.
C: It is the direct or
explicit meaning of a word or phrase.
D: All of them.
答案:  All of them.

​Synonyms always have the same connotations.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎Connotation is a ______________ or idea that a word makes people think of. It is the mental, emotional and social connections our minds make with a word.​
答案:  feeling


‌From a stylistic point of view, how many different groups of words do we
have in total? What are they?‎

A: formal words
B: common words
C: colloquial words
D: slangs
答案:  formal words;
common words;
colloquial words;

‍We use formal writing when writing essays for school or cover letter to apply for jobs.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


The question “How to choose words?” largely depends on:‎

A: What kind of feeling you are expressing: positive, or negative?
B: What kind of writing style you are adopting: formal or informal?
C: How to make your writing vivid & clear?
D: All of them
答案:  All of them

‌Which one is more general than others?‎

A: A good man
B: A warm-hearted man
C: A brave man
D: An honest man
答案:  A good man

‍The word “scientist” is a specific word when compared with “professional”; while it may be called a general word when compared with “chemist”.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎What are five senses?‎‎They include: the sense of sight, hearing, ________, smell, and touch.‎
答案:  taste


‎  __________ form the basis of English vocabulary.‎  ‎

A: Formal words 
B: Common words 
C: Colloquial words
D: Slang words
答案:  Common words 

‎__________ are very informal words used especially by particular groups of people. ‎

A: Formal words 
B: Common words
C: Colloquial words
D: Slang words 
答案:  Slang words 

‌______ are learned words, or literary words, or big words.‎

A: Formal words
B: Common words 
C: Colloquial words
D: Slang words 
答案:  Formal words

​______ are usually used in casual and informal conversation.‏

A: Formal words 
B:  Common words
C:  Colloquial words
D: Slang words 
答案:   Colloquial words

All three of these following expressions refer to exactly the same people, but they will invoke different associations in the reader’s mind:‌1.     There are over 2,000 vagrants in the city.‌2.     There are over 2,000 people with no fixed address in the city.‌3.     There are over 2,000 homeless in the city.‌Which of the following item shows the correct feelings?‌

A: negative, neutral, positive
B: negative, positive, neutral
C: positive, neutral, negative
D: neutral, negative, positive
答案:  negative, neutral, positive

‎Choose those that are connotations of the word “dog”. ‍

A: friendly
B: domestic animal
C: barking
D: faithful
E: wicked
F: a pet
G: a quadruped
答案:  friendly;

​Choose those that are connotations of the word “ocean”.‎

A: a large body of salt water that covers approximately 70% of the earth’s surface
B: appears different shades of blue
C: often with waves and currents
D: contains various types of plant and marine animal life
E: peace
F: tranquility
G: expansiveness
H: the unknown
I: the power of nature
答案:  peace;
the unknown;
the power of nature

​“NBA player” is more general than “Kobe Bryant”.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Stroll” is more specific than “walk”.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Cry” is more general than “sob”. ‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​“Furious” is a specific word when compared with the word “angry”. ‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​Plain, direct writing is the most effective way to express your ideas.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​“Assertive” vs. “Pushy”: Being Assertive usually has positive connotations (being confident, decisive, letting your views be known) whereas Pushy has a negative connotation (being excessively assertive to the point of aggression or annoyance).‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏“Group” vs. “Mob”: A Mob has a negative connotation of an unruly group, often with a violent purpose, whereas Group is neutral, and just means a number of people or things which are together.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​“Disabled” vs. “Retarded”: Retarded is the accepted way to refer to someone with a handicap, Disabled, on the other hand, is considered offensive with very negative connotations and should not be used.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​“Curious” vs. “Nosy”: Nosy has a positive connotation, implying that the person is eager to know and learn. Curious, on the other hand, implies a negative way of being overly curious or prying into other people’s business.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎“Scent” vs. “Stench”: Both words mean “smell,” but Scent is often used to describe good smells (flowers, baked goods, etc.) while Stench connotes a negative smell.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Economical” vs. “Stingy”: Both words describe something or someone who is frugal with money; however, economical (being smart with money) has a positive connotation and stingy has a negative one (often used to describe someone who is greedy or selfish with their money).‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏“Fired” vs. “Laid off”: Both words are used to describe losing one’s job. Laid off has a negative connotation (the person did something wrong) whereas Fired suggests a reason where the person losing their job was not at fault.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​“Protest” vs. “Riot”: Protest has a more peaceful connotation, referring to something lawful whereas Riot is often used to connote a violent gathering of people who may be breaking the law.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎“Youthful” vs. “Childish”: Both describe the state of being similar to a child, but Youthful has a positive connotation (vibrant, lively, energetic) and Childish has a negative connotation (immature, juvenile, having the emotional maturity of a child)‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​Lady Yang, being _____(fat/plump), became the apple in the eyes of Emperor Xuanzong. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‏
答案:  plump

‏This dress is _________ (expensive/overpriced). You see, its material is low-end and crumples easily. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‍
答案:  overpriced

‌After brainstorming, she first came up with ________ (innovative/crazy) ideas that really worked for the project. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‏
答案:  innovative

‏If you become too ______ (focused/obsessed) in the games playing, you may fail in the final exam. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‏
答案:  obsessed

‏He was     (flipping/checking through)a magazine in the living room. (Choose the informal word from the given ones, and fill in the blank.)​
答案:  flipping

‌With Google search engine, are people getting______(foolish/dumb)? (Choose the informal word from the given ones, and fill in the blank.)‏
答案:  dumb



‌Which of the followling statements is correct?‍

A: A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.
B: A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.
C:  A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.
D: A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.
答案:  A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.;
A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.;
 A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.;
A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.


‎Which of the following statement is correct?‌‎‌

A: To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).
B: To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ).
C: To indicate the exact words of the quoted speaker/writer, we should use comma (,).
D: To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).
答案:  To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).;
To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ). ;
To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).


For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‏‏College Is Not Always the Answer ‏‏‏

A: Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B: Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Review
答案:  Analyze, examine, explain or discuss

 For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‏‎Skills, With No Credential, Are No Longer Enough‏‎‏

A:  Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B: Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Review
答案:  Evaluate

 For the following title, figure out what measure is employed t








英语思辨与写作(江西师范大学)1450329595 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版第1张


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