商务英语阅读II(山东工商学院)1450286382 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版


Book 1-Unit 3 College life in the Internet age

Quiz for B3-U3

‏Chinese Mandarin (普通话) is ________ for foreigners to learn because the changes in the tone will totally change the meaning of words.‌‏‌‏‌

A: difficult
B: accessible
C: competitive
D: easy
答案:  accessible

‏The adoption of this measure will greatly reduce the ________ of greenhouse gas emissions (排放物), which may help slow global warming.​‏​

A: loan
B: decline
C: release
D: response
答案:  decline

​This lecture taught me how to manage my time better to include my online studies in my busy ________.​​​​​

A: schedule
B: outline
C: structure
D: responsibility
答案:  schedule

‌Generally speaking, an Irish person will not accept an offer straight away; he will ________ once or twice first before accepting it.‌‌‌

A: receive
B: decline
C: summarize
D: polish
答案:  decline

‌As a college student, you should enjoy learning and get yourself ________ in those things that interest you.‌‌‌‌‌

A: concerned
B: devoted
C: involved
D: pursued
答案:  involved

‍Bullying (恃强欺弱) can ________ a climate of fear and anxiety in school, and prevent students from focusing on their schoolwork.‎‍ ‎

A:  keep back
B: give rise to
C: feel like
D: make use of
答案:  give rise to

‌Science can now ________ many things which were thought to be mysterious by ancient people.‎‌A)   B) C)   √ D)  ‎

A: care for
B:  lay out
C: account for
D: set up
答案:  account for

‍The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally ________ improvements in diet.​‍​

A:  put up with
B:  attributed to
C:  added to
D: replaced with
答案:   attributed to

‎In some classrooms, desks are arranged in a U-shape, so the teacher can ________ easily with the  students.‎

A:  interrupt
B: interact
C:  interpret
D: interview
答案:  interact

‏Computer technology ________ individuals to educate themselves and adapt to a constantly changing job market.‍‏ ‍

A: lets
B:  makes
C: enables 
D:  provides
答案:  enables 

arouse ‏device ‏analyze ‏accessible ‏response ‏focus ‏budget ‏estimate ‏complex ‏compensate ‏ ‏ ‏‍‏‍The Internet’s great promise is to make the world’s information universally _______ and useful.‏
答案:  accessible

arouse ‌device ‌analyze ‌accessible ‌response ‌focus ‌budget ‌estimate ‌complex ‌compensate ‌ ‌ ‌​‌​The government is facing strong criticism for its slow ___________ to the disaster.‌
答案:  response

arouse ‎device ‎analyze ‎accessible ‎response ‎focus ‎budget ‎estimate ‎complex ‎compensate ‎ ‎ ‎‍‎‍Once you are relaxed, _________ your attention on the music and see what images come into your mind.‎‍‎
答案:  focus

arouse ​device ​analyze ​accessible ​response ​focus ​budget ​estimate ​complex ​compensate ​ ​ ​‌​‌Our feelings toward other people are often ___________. We may love someone and, at the same time, be angry with him.​
答案:  complex

arouse ‌device ‌analyze ‌accessible ‌response ‌focus ‌budget ‌estimate ‌complex ‌compensate ‌ ‌ ‌‏‌‏People who are harmed by civil servants often seek to get payment from the government to _________ them for their injuries.‌
答案:  compensate

arouse ‌device ‌analyze ‌accessible ‌response ‌focus ‌budget ‌estimate ‌complex ‌compensate ‌ ‌ ‌‍‌‍A(n) __________ can be attached to a private telephone to keep a record of all the incoming and outgoing calls.‌
答案:  device

arouse ‏device ‏analyze ‏accessible ‏response ‏focus ‏budget ‏estimate ‏complex ‏compensate ‏ ‏ ‏​‏​The school’s __________ was cut, so its faculty had to think of new ways to use resources economically.‏
答案:  budget

arouse ​device ​analyze ​accessible ​response ​focus ​budget ​estimate ​complex ​compensate ​ ​ ​‎​‎After you _________ a sentence grammatically, you should be able to understand its meaning better.​
答案:  analyze

arouse ‎device ‎analyze ‎accessible ‎response ‎focus ‎budget ‎estimate‎complex ‎compensate ‎ ‎ ‎‍‎‍Scientists have _________ that the stone bridge can last for at least another 20 years.‎
答案:  estimated

arouse ​device ​analyze ​accessible ​response ​focus ​budget ​estimate ​complex ​compensate ​ ​ ​‎​‎A mysterious phenomenon, which is difficult to explain, can always _________ one’s interest and stimulate one’s curiosity.​
答案:  arouse

Quiz of vocabulary

‏Generally speaking, an Irish person will not accept an offer straight away; he will ________ once or twice first before accepting it.‏

A: receive
B: decline
C: summarize
D: polish
答案:  decline

‏As a college student, you should enjoy learning and get yourself ________ in those things that interest you.​

A: concerned
B: devoted
C: involved
D: pursued
答案:  involved

‎We regret for selling you the faulty product, and our company has agreed to ________ you by $500.‏‎‏‎‏‎‏

A: match
B: reverse
C: reward
D: compensate
答案:  compensate

‎This lecture taught me how to manage my time better to include my online studies in my busy ________.‎‎‎

A: schedule
B: outline
C: structure
D: responsibility
答案:  schedule

​Sometimes, even when the mind ________ functioning, the   body keeps on working normally.‏​   ‏

A: ceases
B: arouses
C: regulates
D: specializes
答案:  specializes

​I think I have a healthy lifestyle. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and I’m a ________ drinker.‎

A: moderate
B: heavy
C: gradual
D: delicate
答案:  gradual

​The adoption of this measure will greatly reduce the ________ of greenhouse gas emissions (排放物), which may help slow global warming.‍​‍​‍

A: loan
B: decline
C: release
D: response
答案:  decline

‌Chinese Mandarin (普通话) is ________ for foreigners to learn because the changes in the tone will totally change the meaning of words.​‌​‌​

A: difficult
B: accessible
C: competitive
D: easy
答案:  accessible

‍Alice used to be terribly shy, but working abroad for a year has completely ________ her.​‍​‍​

A: solved
B: transformed
C: characterized
D: regulated
答案:  characterized

​Our hope for an enjoyable dinner was instantly ________ when the waiter dropped a salad plate on my head.‍

A: spoiled
B: restricted
C: exploded
D: vanished
答案:  exploded

Book 2-Unit 1 An expressive English lesson

Analyze the following text

  1 It is a common knowledge that education plays an important role in our lives. The utmost level of education is undoubtedly to have a university degree. However, not every university may   meet your expectations. In order to state that you are a graduate of a good university, there should be some requirements to be met. In my opinion, a good university should have qualified teachers, technologically   adequate buildings and many facilities for students.​      2 First of all, it must have enough qualified teachers for each course. Qualified teachers should   have adequate teaching skills in their subjects. Without adequate teaching skills, it will be difficult for the teacher to transfer his/her knowledge to the students. Also, as a person, the teacher should have proper personalities, that is, a teacher should be kind, supportive and   understanding to his/her students. Otherwise, they may be disliked. So, good teachers are indispensable for a good university.​      3 Secondly, a good university must have many buildings with adequate high technology facilities with students. The classrooms must be large enough and  well–equipped. A small classroom or a classroom without  technological supplies such as the internet or television will certainly demotivate students. In addition, libraries should have enough books and materials for students. This is very important to do research for students’ studies or assignments. All these above  considered, technologically developed buildings are necessary for a good  university education.​     4 Finally, a good  university should have many facilities for students. For example, there  must be enough sport centers and cafes for students to spend their time.  Since students spend most of their time studying at school, they need a place  to rest and chat with their friends.​ In addition, students sometimes need to get over their stress spending time in a sport center. Thus, beside academic study, a good university should provide social opportunities to its students.​     5 In conclusion, universities are places where students spend the most important stage of their lives. Universities should support the learning process with qualified teachers, technologically adequate buildings and many social facilities. Students should become familiar with all these characteristics so that they can choose a good university, which will affect their future.​Question:​Identify three parts of the essay: introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and concluding paragraph. ​​​​​
答案:  Introductory paragraph: Paragraph 1.
Body paragraphs: Paragraph 2-4.
Concluding paragraph: Paragraph 5

1 It is a common knowledge that education plays an important role in our lives. The utmost level of education is undoubtedly to have a university degree. However, not every university may   meet your expectations. In order to state that you are a graduate of a good university, there should be some requirements to be met. In my opinion, a good university should have qualified teachers, technologically   adequate buildings and many facilities for students.‎      2 First of all, it must have enough qualified teachers for each course. Qualified teachers should   have adequate teaching skills in their subjects. Without adequate teaching skills, it will be difficult for the teacher to transfer his/her knowledge to the students. Also, as a person, the teacher should have proper personalities, that is, a teacher should be kind, supportive and   understanding to his/her students. Otherwise, they may be disliked. So, good teachers are indispensable for a good university.‎      3 Secondly, a good university must have many buildings with adequate high technology facilities with students. The classrooms must be large enough and  well–equipped. A small classroom or a classroom without  technological supplies such as the internet or television will certainly demotivate students. In addition, libraries should have enough books and materials for students. This is very important to do research for students’ studies o








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