Medical Parasitology(南方医科大学)1449921167 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版


01 Introduction to Medical Parasitology

Unit test 1

‍The main energy sources of parasites are:​

A: Protein
B: Fat
C: Carbohydrates
D:  parasite’s motabolites
答案:  Carbohydrates

‏Zoonotic parasitosis refers to:‌

A: Parasitosis transmitted between arthropods and vertebrates
B: Parasitosis transmitted between wild animals and domestic animals
C: Parasitosis transmitted between invertebrates and vertebrates 
D: Parasitosis transmitted between vertebrates and humans
答案:  Parasitosis transmitted between vertebrates and humans

‏After the host is infected by the parasite, the immunoregulatory effect is as follows:​

A: The immune response is limited to an appropriate level
B: The immune response is weak in the early stage
C: Immune response continues to increase 
D: Strong response to chronic infection 
答案:  The immune response is limited to an appropriate level

‌What kind of parasite can infect people with its fertilized egg and larvae ?‏

A: Taenia solium and Trichinella  spiralis
B: Taenia solium and Hymenolepis brevis
C: Fasciolopsis buslik and Paragonimus westermani
D: Schistosoma japonicum   and hookworm
答案:  Taenia solium and Hymenolepis brevis

‌The worm that cause larva migrans is:‏

A: Ascaris lumbricoides
B: Enterobius vermicularis
C: Toxocara canis
D: Ancylostoma duodenale
答案:  Toxocara canis

​The parasites that inhabit in our intestinal cavity are:‎

A: Hookworm, Enterobius vermicularis, Fasciolopsis buski, Taenia saginata
B: Filariasis buski, Plasmodium spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Leishmania donovani
C: Plasmodium spp, Schistosoma japonicum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Tania solium
D: Trichinella spiralis, Paragonimus westermani, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura
答案:  Hookworm, Enterobius vermicularis, Fasciolopsis buski, Taenia saginata

‌The intracellular parasite is:‌

A: Filaria
B: Paragonimus westermani
C: Plasmodium spp 
D: Entamoeba histolytica
答案:  Plasmodium spp 

‎For oral parasites, the most important and simple prevention method is:‏

A: Management of feces
B: Preventive medication 
C: Pay attention to food hygiene
D: Don’t eat  raw fruits
答案:  Pay attention to food hygiene

‏Which of the following descriptions is wrong?‍

A: Enterobius vermicularis eggs can enter  the digestive tract by breathing
B: It is a chance to be infected with tsutsugamushi disease by sitting or lying on the grassland
C: Infectious Ascaris lumbricoides eggs are often found in fresh feces
D: Drinking dirty or raw water can infect many kinds of parasites
答案:  Infectious Ascaris lumbricoides eggs are often found in fresh feces

‍In addition to Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii,the other parasites that cause brain damage include:‎

A: Cysticercus and Echinococcus granulosus
B: Hookworm and Trichinella spiralis
C: Filaria and Ascaris lumbricoides
D: Echinococcus granulosus and Taenia saginata 
答案:  Cysticercus and Echinococcus granulosus

‏Which parasite resulted in vector-borne disease?‌

A: Leishmania donovani
B: Giardia lamblia
C: Trichomonas vaginalis
D: Toxoplasma gondii
答案:  Leishmania donovani

​Parasite is defined as:‍

A: Any of two commensal organisms
B: The beneficiary of two commensal organisms
C: The beneficiary of parasitism in two living organisms
D: Any of two mutualistic organism
答案:  The beneficiary of parasitism in two living organisms

‌Obligatory parasite is‌

A: A parasite  must be parasitized in the special part of the host in its whole life cycle 
B: A parasite that must  parasitize in host or otherwise survive throughout its life cycle 
C: At least one life cycle period must lead a parasitic life
D: A parasite always needs special hosts  throughout life cycle
答案:  At least one life cycle period must lead a parasitic life

‌The following disease  resluted by larvae in human body, which one is not belong to larva migrans‏

A: Toxocara canis
B: Pagumogonimus Skrjabini
C: Ancylostoma duodenale
D: Angiostrongylus cantonensis
答案:  Ancylostoma duodenale

​Which of the following parasitosis does the reservoir hosts play a role in tranmission?‎

A: ancylostomiasis
B: schistosomiasis
C: enterobiasis
D: ascariasis
答案:  schistosomiasis

‏What’s the changes of parasites after parasitism?‍

A: Some organs degenerate or disappear
B: Inability to live a free life
C: Some organs are strengthened or regenerated
D: Parasites will adapt to their hosts
答案:  Some organs degenerate or disappear;
Parasites will adapt to their hosts

‏Parasitic damages to the host include‏

A: Mechanical damage
B: immne pathologicla damage
C: Absorb nutrition
D: Hypersensitity 
答案:  Mechanical damage;
immne pathologicla damage;
Absorb nutrition;

‍Wihich parasitic infection resulted anemia is not due to immune response‍

A: Kala Azar
B: Ancylostomiasis
C: Malaria
D: Intestinal fluke disease
答案:  Ancylostomiasis;
Intestinal fluke disease

‌The parasites that can be found in the peripheral blood include:​

A: Balantidium coli 
B: Plasmodium spp
C: Cryptosporidium parvum
D: Filaria
答案:  Plasmodium spp;

‌The mechanisms by which parasites can survive in immune hosts are:‎

A: Immune evasion
B: Immunosuppression 
C: Sterilizing immunity
D: Mutation  changes the antigenicity or immunogenicity of a parasite
答案:  Immune evasion;
Immunosuppression ;
Sterilizing immunity;
Mutation  changes the antigenicity or immunogenicity of a parasite

02 Medical Nematodes

Unit Tes 2

‎ The infection stage of hookworm is: ‍

A:  Egg 
B:  filarial larvae 
C:  rhabditiform larva 
D:  adult worm 
答案:   filarial larvae 

‎ In the process of hookworm culture, which of the following is wrong? ‏‎‏

A: Smear feces evenly to 2 / 3 of the filter strip, and insert the filter strip into the test tube so that the fecal membrane  contacts the water surface to keep it moist 
B:   Place the test tube in the environment of 20-30 °  C 
C:  Add cold boiled water along the pipe wall every day 
D:  After 3 days, hookworm larvae hatching at the bottom of the tube could be observed.
答案:   Add cold boiled water along the pipe wall every day 

‏ Appearance and body shape of adults of Ancylostirm duodenale is : ‍‏‍

A:  rectilinear 
B:  “S” shape
C:  Flat 
D: “C” shape 
答案:  “C” shape 

‏ Appearance and body shape of adults of Necator americanus is :‌

A:  rectilinear figure
B: “S” shape
C: Flat shape
D:  “C” shape 
答案:  “S” shape

‎ The teeth on the ventral side of Ancylostirm duodenale’s  mouth part  are: ‌‎‌

A: 1 pairs of hook teeth
B:  2 pairs of hook teeth
C:  2 pairs of plate teeth
D:  1 pairs of plate teeth 
答案:   2 pairs of hook teeth

‏ The incisor of the ventral edge of the oral sac of Necator americanus is: ‏‏‏

A:  1 pairs of hook teeth 
B:  2 pairs of hook teeth 
C:  2 pairs of plate teeth 
D:  1 pairs of plate teeth
答案:   1 pairs of plate teeth

​The number of eggs laid by Ascaris females per day is: ‌

A: 40 thousand 
B: 300 thousand 
C: 20 thousand
D: 100 thousand 
答案:  300 thousand 

‌ The resistance of Ascaris eggs to chemicals is strong, mainly due to: ‏‌‏

A:  The shell of an egg 
B:  Ascaroside layer
C:  Protein membrane 
D:  Fertilization membrane 
答案:   The shell of an egg 

‏ The main causes of surgical diseases caused by Ascaris lumbricoides is: ‌‏‌

A:  Larva migration in human body 
B:   Adults have the habit of drilling holes 
C:  Adult predatory nutrition 
D:  Adults secrete toxins 
答案:    Adults have the habit of drilling holes 

‍ In the life history of Ascaris lumbricoides, it needs to molt 4 times, and the place of molting is in turn as follows, which one? ​‍​

A:  Egg, host’s small intestine, alveoli, small intestine 
B: Egg, host alveoli, alveoli, small intestine 
C:  Egg, host alveoli, liver, small intestine 
D: Egg, host alveoli, small intestine, liver
答案:  Egg, host alveoli, alveoli, small intestine 

‌ Life span of Ascaris lumbricoides is‍

A:  About 1 years 








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