英语阅读4(淮阴师范学院)1450833189 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




Part one: There are five sentences in this section. Read and decide whether they are fact or opinion. (10 points, two for each)‎1.China is a developing country.‎​‎

A: fact
B: opinion
C: none
D: none
答案:  fact

America must preserve democracy at all costs.‏‏‏‏

A: fact    
B: opinion
C: none
D: none
答案:  opinion

The meetings should be held on Tuesdays, not Wednesdays.‏‎‏

A: fact 
B: opinion
C: none
D: none
答案:  opinion

‌These meetings are held Wednesdays.​‌​

A: fact  
B: opinion
C: none
D: none
答案:  fact  

​These meetings are often a waste of time.‍​‍

A: fact 
B: opinion
C: none
D: none
答案:  opinion

‌Part Two: Here’s a paragraph that has both fact and opinion. See if you can correctly identify which ideas are debatable and which are not. Read and decide whether they are fact or opinion. ‏‌ ‏New York and other U.S. cities have begun using vehicles powered by natural gas[1]. This is a good idea[2], because vehicles that use natural gas do not pollute the air[3]. Pollution is the biggest problem facing cities right now[4]. Furthermore, natural gas is more cost-effective than regular gas[5]. All cities should use only vehicles powered by natural gas[6].‏‌‏‌1.Facts are _________‏‌A. 1   B. 2   C.3   D. 4  E.5   F. 6‏‌‏

A: 134
B: 236
C: 125
D: 145
答案:  125

‏2.Opinion are _________‏‏‏A. 1   B. 2   C.3   D. 4  E.5   F. 6‏‏‏

A: 145
B: 246
C: 236
D: 356
答案:  246


‌II Here’s a paragraph that has both facts and opinions. Read and decide whether they are facts or opinions. (10 points, five for each)‌New York and other U.S. cities have begun using vehicles powered by natural gas[1]. This is a good idea[2], because vehicles that use natural gas do not pollute the air[3]. Pollution is the biggest problem facing cities right now[4]. Furthermore, natural gas is more cost-effective than regular gas [5]. All cities should use only vehicles powered by natural gas [6].‌‌1. Facts are _________‌‌‌

A: [ 1]
B: [2] 
C: [3] 
D: [4] 
E: [5] 
F: [6] 
答案:  [ 1];
[3] ;

‍2 Opinions are _________‏‍‏

A: [1] 
B: [2] 
C: [3] 
D: [4] 
E: [5] 
F: [6] 
答案:  [2] ;
[4] ;

I There are five sentences in this section. Read and decide whether they are facts or opinions. (10 points, two for each)‌1.China is a developing country.‌‍‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

America must preserve democracy at all costs.‌‌‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

The meetings should be held on Tuesdays, not Wednesdays.‎‏‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

These meetings are held Wednesdays.‌‏‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

These meetings are often a waste of time.​‌​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误



I Identify the topics from A, B, and C ‍1. A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.‍‍‏‍

A: Satisfaction of human needs
B: Relations between animals and humans
C: Animal rights
D: none
答案:  Animal rights

2.people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture.‎‎

A: Studying overseas
B: University study
C: Living in a different culture
D: none
答案:  Studying overseas

3.‘Telecommuting’ refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office using computer technology. Telecommuting is growing in many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming decades.‏‏‏

A: Officing online
B: Telecommuting
C: Computer technology
D: none
答案:  Telecommuting

4. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes.​​​​‌​

A: The advantages of computers
B: Computers in office
C: Computer dependency
D: none
答案:  Computer dependency

 5. Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned.‌‌‌‌‍‌

A: Animal cruelty
B: Blood sports
C: Uncivilized activity
D: D. none
答案:  Blood sports

II Read the following passage, and choose the best answer‏ ‏The Caravaggio Mystery‏ ‏Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610), usually known simply as “Caravaggio,” had a dramatic life, of which parts remain mysterious to scholars even today. Why, then, would it be a surprise that mysteries also surround his work? For example, The Taking of Christ, one of his paintings that had been considered lost since the eighteenth century, was rediscovered in 1990. It had hung, seemingly unrecognized, in the dining room of the Society of the Jesuits in Dublin, Ireland, for more than fifty years. The discovery that the painting was, indeed, a Caravaggio, led many to wonder how such a treasure could be hidden—seemingly in plain sight.‏ ‏The first clue historians have about The Taking of Christ is in the 1603 accounts of an Italian nobleman, Ciriaco Mattei, who paid 125 “scudi” for “a painting with its frame of Christ taken in the garden.” At the time, Caravaggio’s style, with its striking use of light and dark, was admired and often imitated by both students and fellow artists. However, trends in the art world come and go, and two centuries later, Caravaggio’s work had fallen out of favor with collectors. In fact, it wouldn’t be until the 1950s that a Caravaggio “renaissance” occurred, and interest in the artist was renewed.‏ ‏In the meantime, The Taking of Christ had traveled far and wide. Ironically, it was the Mattei family itself that originally misidentified the work, though several centuries after the original purchase. In 1802, the family sold it as a Honthorst to a Scottish collector. This collector kept it in his home until his death in 1921. By 1921, The Taking of Christ—now firmly attributed to Gerard van Honthorst—was auctioned off in Edinburgh for eight guineas. This would have probably been a fair price if the work had been a van Honthorst; for a true Caravaggio, though, it was the bargain of the century. An Irish doctor bought the painting and donated it to the Dublin Jesuit Society the following decade.‏ ‏From the 1930s onward, The Taking of Christ hung in the offices of the Dublin Jesuits. However, the Jesuits, who had a number of old paintings in their possession, decided to bring in a conservator to discuss restoring them in the early 1990s. Sergio Benedetti, the Senior Conservator at the National Gallery of Ireland, went to the building to examine the paintings and oversee their restoration. Decades of dirt, including smoke from the fireplace above which it hung, had to be removed from the painting before Benedetti began to suspect that the painting was not a copy of the original, but the original itself.‏ ‏Two graduate students from the University of Rome, Francesca Cappelletti and Laura Testa, were primarily responsible for verifying that Caravaggio did, in fact, create this version of the painting. Over years of research, they found the 1603 Mattei accounts. The verification of the painting, though, went far beyond this circumstantial evidence. Certifying that a painting came from a certain artist’s hand is not easy, though forensic science that wouldn’t have been available in the 1920s helped to attribute the work to Caravaggio definitively. The canvas underwent a number of treatments. It was X-rayed and scanned with an infrared light. The cracks on the surface of the painting (known in the industry as “craquelure”) were studied. Furthermore, The Taking of Christ underwent much analysis by art historians, who studied the form and color in the painting to determine its authenticity. For example, Caravaggio never used sketches to set up the composition of his paintings. Instead, he made marks with the end of his brush as he painted—marks that can still be visible today.‏ ‏Of course, the verification of the painting required entire teams of people, in addition to the three mentioned above, and took years. By 1993, the announcement was finally made that the long-lost Caravaggio had been found. Rather than sell the painting, which is most likely worth millions of dollars, the Jesuits decided to make it available to the nation of Ireland for viewing. Thus, the painting is on “indefinite loan” to the National Gallery of Ireland. Nevertheless, the painting continues its








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