2016秋生理学(双语)(刘传勇)(山东大学)1001700004 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版


The First Week Introduction for Physiology and Transmembrane Transportation

Week Test

‍The physiological importance of positive feedback control is‍

A: maintenance of the homeostasis of internal enviroment
B: promote an activity to finish
C: promote the growth and development of organism
D: independent of the neural and humoral regulation
答案:  promote an activity to finish

‌As the arterial pressure vibrates at 80 – 120 mmHg, the renal blood flow does not change. If you want to prove the hypothesis that this property of the renal blood flow is dependent on the autoregulation of the blood vessels, which kind of experimen you should performe?‌

A: acute and in vitro physiological experiment.
B: acute and in vivo physiological experiment.
C: cell culture
D: histological experiment
答案:  acute and in vitro physiological experiment.

​ The mechanism of the life could be disclosed intensively and clearly through the experiments at the level of‏

A: cell and moleculer
B: tissue and organ
C: organ and system
D: whole organism
答案:  cell and moleculer

‎The capillary bed open as the metablites accumulate following the enhanced metablitic activity of local tissue. It is controlled by‌

A: neural regulation
B: distal humoral regulation
C: neural-humoral regulation
D: local humoral regulaiton
答案:  local humoral regulaiton

​Which kind of moleculars or ions could be transported across the membrane independent on the integral protein.‎

A: gas moleculars such as CO2 and O2
B: glucose
C: Na+
D: protein
答案:  gas moleculars such as CO2 and O2

‍Which kind of transmembrane transportation below could not be saturated.‏

A: primary active transport
B: receptor mediated endocytosis
C: simple diffusion
D: facilitated diffusion through carrier
E: Na+-Ca2+ exchange
答案:  simple diffusion

‌The common property of simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport is‍

A: energy derived directly from the breakdown of ATP or other high energy phasphate compounds.
B: down the concentration gradient
C: facilitated by the integral protein
D: the materials transported are small molecules or ions.
E: saturation.
答案:  the materials transported are small molecules or ions.

‌Which one is not included in the properties of facilitated diffusion via carrier?‍

A: chemical specificity
B: saturation
C: uphill against the concentration or potential gradient.
D: competitive inhibition.
答案:  uphill against the concentration or potential gradient.

‎The correct description about homeostasis include:​

A: The internal enviroment of healthy individual is in the state of homeostasis.
B: The loss of homestasis might induce illness or even death.
C: One of the importance of the clinical treatment is to restore the homeostasis of the patient.
D: Negative feedback system maintains the internal enviroment at homeostasis
答案:  The internal enviroment of healthy individual is in the state of homeostasis.;
The loss of homestasis might induce illness or even death.;
One of the importance of the clinical treatment is to restore the homeostasis of the patient.;
Negative feedback system maintains the internal enviroment at homeostasis

‌The properties of the conditioned reflex include‎

A: congenital
B: the number is infinite
C: fixed reflex
D: dependent on the enviroment the indivial lives in
答案:  the number is infinite;
dependent on the enviroment the indivial lives in

‌Which one below could act as humoral regulating factor in blood.‎

A: glucose
B: CO2
C: O2
D: thyroid hormones
答案:  glucose;
thyroid hormones

‍The properties of the humoral regulation include‎

A: dependent on the neural regulation
B: response slowly
C: acts extensively
D: acts transiently
答案:  response slowly;
acts extensively

‍The properties of the secondary active transport include​

A: transportation uphill against the concentration gradient.
B:  the transporter is ATPase
C: coupled with facilitated passive transport
D: chemical specificity
答案:  transportation uphill against the concentration gradient.;
coupled with facilitated passive transport;
chemical specificity

​The difference between active and passive transport include​

A: energe derived
B: uphill or downhill the concentration gradient
C:  dependent or independent on the integral protein
D: cotransport or not
答案:  energe derived;
uphill or downhill the concentration gradient

‌The physiological funciton of the plasm membrane include​

A: acts as barrier to separate the intracellular and extracellular fluid
B: receive the regulatory signal from extracellular fluid
C: transmembrane transportation
D: cellular movement
答案:  acts as barrier to separate the intracellular and extracellular fluid;
receive the regulatory signal from extracellular fluid;
transmembrane transportation;
cellular movement

‎The properties of the primary active transport include‍

A: via integral protein.
B: uphill against concentration or potential gradient.
C: the energy directly derived from ATP or other high energy phosphate compounds.
D: saturation.
答案:  via integral protein.;
uphill against concentration or potential gradient.;
the energy directly derived from ATP or other high energy phosphate compounds.;

‏The correct descriptions about Na+/K+ transporter include‍

A: is a kind of ATPase
B: extensively distributed at plasma, sarcoplasmic reticulum and endoplasmic reticulum.
C: With the energy derived from one molecule of ATP,. it moves 3 Na+ from intracellular fluid to extracellular, and 2 K+ from extracellular into the intracellular fluid.
D: actived by the increase concentration of K+ in the intracellular fluid or Na+ in the extracellular fluid.
答案:  is a kind of ATPase;
With the energy derived from one molecule of ATP,. it moves 3 Na+ from intracellular fluid to extracellular, and 2 K+ from extracellular into the intracellular fluid.

​Ion transportation through channel is primary active transport.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‌Ion transportation through channel is secondary active transport.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎Ion transportation via channel is facilitated transport.‌‎ ‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎In most of cells, the intracellular K+ concentration is higher than that of the extracellular fluid.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

The Second Week. The Bioelectrical Physiology on Plasma Membrane

Second Week Test

‎At NMJ, the end plate potential is‌

A: depolarized local potential.
B: aciton potential.
C: hyperpolarzied local potential.
D: part of depolarization, part of hyperpolarization.
答案:  depolarized local potential.

​At resting state, the concentration gradient of K+ across the cell membrane is constant, while there is current across membrane. This is because‌

A: the Na+ influx is identical to K+ outflux.
B: the transmembrane flux is too small to change the concentration gradient of K+.
C: the activity of Na+/K+ pump.
D: the activity of Ca2+ pump.
答案:  the activity of Na+/K+ pump.

‎If the membrane potential is fixed from resting potential to -9 mv, wich kind of membrane could be recorded‎

A: stable influx.
B: stable outfulx.
C: early transit influx and later long-lasting outfulx.
D: early transit outflux and late long-lasting influx.
答案:  early transit influx and later long-lasting outfulx.

‌The depolatization phase of AP is attributed to‍

A: Na+ influx
B: K+ outflux
C: Na+ outflux
D: K+ outflux
答案:  Na+ influx

‌The inactivation of the voltage gated sodium channel is due to‎

A: membrane depolarizatin
B:  membrane hyperpolarization
C: membrane prolonged depolarization
D: membrane repolarization
答案:  membrane prolonged depolarization

​The membrane potential is mainly influenced by extracellular concentration of‏

A: Na+
B: K+
C: Ca2+
D: Mg2+
答案:  K+

‏If the ENa+ of the neuron is +60 mV, the membrane potential is fixed at +80 mV, and the membrane is permeablbe to Na+, Na+ will‍

A: flow outside
B: flow inside
C: flow both side and inside, and the speed is same.
D: ‍not flow across the membrane.
答案:  flow outside

‌ In absolute refractory period, the excitability of the cell‍

A: low
B:  no response to stimulation
C: high
D: same with that at resting potential.
答案:   no response to stimulation

‌If the extracellular cencentration of K+ is increased, the resting potential will be‍‏

A: more negative.
B: less negative.
C: not change.
D: change or not.
答案:  less negative.

​The correnct description about the process of repolarization phase of AP is‎

A: only be attributed to the Na+ channel inactivation.
B: only be attributed to the activation of K+ channel.
C: attributed to both the Na+ inactivation and K+ channel activation.
D: only be attributed to the Cl- channel activatio.
答案:  attributed to both the Na+ inactivation and K+ channel activation.

‍Which process is dependent on the energy derived directly from the break of ATP or other phosphate compound?  ‌

A: K+ ourflux in the resting state of the membrane.
B:  Na+ influx during membrane depolarization.
C: K+ oufflux during membrane repolarization.
D: Na+ outflex and K+ influxe after membrane repolarization.
答案:  Na+ outflex and K+ influxe after membrane repolarization.

​If the activeity of Na+/K+ pump is inhibited by hypothemia, anoxia or chemicals, the bioelectrical activity of the excitable will be‎

A: the resting potential is more nagetive, the amplitude of AP will be increased.
B: the resting potential will be less negative, the amplitude of AP will be increased.
C: the resting potential is more negative, the amplitude of AP will be incresed.
D: the resting potential is less negative, the amplitude will be decreased.
答案:  the resting potential is less negative, the amplitude will be decreased.

‏If the absolute refractory period of a cell is 2 ms, how many action potentials it could fire in one senond?‎

A: 10
B: 100
C: 200
D: 500
答案:  500

​In which period does the excitable cell have the highest excitability?​

A: absolute refractory period.
B: relative refractory period
C: supranormal period.
D: subnormao period
答案:  supranormal period.

‎ The common property of the action potential and local potential is​

A:  the amplitued of the potential is proportional to the strength of stimulation.
B: the amplitued of the potential is reversely proportional to the strength of stimulation
C: summation of two or more response.
D: refractory period.
E: activation of the voltage dependent sodium channel.
答案:  activation of the voltage dependent sodium channel.

‌Which process belongs to the temporal summation?‍​

A: The response to the successive subthreshold stimulation at one site of the membrane.
B: The response to the successive suprathreshold stimulation at one site of the membrane.
C: The response to the several subthreshold stimulus simutenous applied to different site on the cell membrane.
D: The response to the several suprathreshold stimulus simutenous applied to different site on the cell membrane.
E:  Responst to a suprathreshold stimulation.
答案:  The response to the successive subthreshold stimulation at one site of the membrane.

‎Which description is right about the end plate potential?‏

A: Some of them are depolarized, some of them are hyperpolarized.
B: The amplitude of the end plate potential is proportional to the amount of Ach released.
C: is attributed to the Ca2+ influx at the end plate.
D: propagate on the end plate without the decrement of the amplitude.
E: followed by refractory period.
答案:  The amplitude of the end plate potential is proportional to the amount of Ach released.

‏ Which one has the property of local excitation.‎

A: action popential propagated on the myelinated nerve fiber.
B: action potential propagated on the unmyelinated nerve fiber.
C: spike potential 
D: end plate potential.
答案:  end plate potential.

‎ Which description is not right abouth the saltatory conduction of AP on myelinated nerve fiber?‌

A: faster than that on the unmyelinated fiber.
B: does not conserve energy compared to that on unmyelinated fiber.  
C: bidirectional conduction.  
D: propagation with the same amplitude.
答案:  does not conserve energy compared to that on unmyelinated fiber.  

‌The properties of the signal transmission at NMJ include‍

A: single direction transmission
B:  synaptic delay
C: easily affected by metabolic and chemical factors
D: saltatory conduction
答案:  single direction transmission;
 synaptic delay;
easily affected by metabolic and chemical factors

​Whether or not a stimulation could induce AP on the exciatble membrane is determined by‍

A: strength
B: duration
C: rate of the change of the stimulation.
D: the property of the stimulation.
答案:  strength;
rate of the change of the stimulation.

‏The stimulation that could induce action potential should be​

A: threshold stimulation
B: ‍suprathreshold stimulation
C: subthreshold stimulation
D: none of all.
答案:  threshold stimulation;
‍suprathreshold stimulation

‍The voltage clamp could‍

A:   fix the membrane potential at any level.
B: receord the membrane current.
C:  record the memnrane potential
D: record single channel current
答案:    fix the membrane potential at any level.;
receord the membrane current.;
 record the memnrane potential

‏The corrent description about the equilibrium potential include‌

A: the electrical force and chemical force are identical but the direction are opposite.
B: the equilibrium potential of any ion could be calculated by Nerst equation if we could measure the concentration of this ion at extracellular and intracellular side of the membrane.
C:  If the concentration of a ion in the intracellular and extracellular is identical, the equlibrium potential of this ion is 0.
D: In most excitable cells, both the EK+ and ENa+ are negative.
答案:  the electrical force and chemical force are identical but the direction are opposite.;
the equilibrium potential of any ion could be calculated by Nerst equation if we could measure the concentration of this ion at extracellular and intracellular side of the membrane.;
 If the concentration of a ion in the intracellular and extracellular is identical, the equlibrium potential of this ion is 0.

‌The voltage gated calcium channel is situated at the postsynatic membrane of NMJ (end plate).‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏Curarine is the agonist of Ach receptor at the end plate of skeletal muscle.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏Both organophosphorus pesticide and Sarin inhibit the Ache (Acetylcholinesterase)‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍At NMJ, the nicotinic Ach receptor channel is situated at the presynaptic membrane.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​The plasma mambrane of neuron at resting state is permeable only to K+.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‌The stimulation most used in physiological experiments is electrical stimulation.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎The local current and local potential is the basis for the propagation of action potential on the menbrane.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌If AP was initiated at cell body on an afferent neiron, it will propagat to the axon ending.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏The threshold potential is the critical membrane potential that just strong enough to initiate action potential.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏The propagation of action potential on the myelinated fiber is electronic conduction.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​If the nerve fiber is stimulated by direct current, the action potential will fire under the positive pole.  ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

The Seventh Week The digestive system and Body temperature

The digestive system

‎Which of the following is wrong about the gastrointestinal hormones?‌

A: 由散在于黏膜层的内分泌细胞分泌they are secreted by the endocrine cells in the mucosa layer of GI tract
B: All the gastrointestinal hormones are peptides.
C: exist only in the GI tract
D: regulate both the motility and serection of the GI tract
答案:  exist only in the GI tract

‏which is not a GI hormone?‎

B: gastrin
C: secretin
答案:  NE

‌which one is wrong regarding the basic electric rhythm of smooth muscle in digestive tract? ‌

A: the smooth muscle of alimentary tract depolarizes and repolarizes spontaneously and slowly in a cyclic fashion
B: is also called slow wave
C: It has a same frequency in diffferent locations of the GI tract
D: its amplitude is about 5-15 mV
答案:  It has a same frequency in diffferent locations of the GI tract

‌Which one can inhibit the secretion of gastric juice?‏

A: somatostatin
B: high pH value
C: hypotonic solution
D: ACh
答案:  somatostatin

‎The gastric receptive relaxation is through:‌

A: excitation of the sympathetic nerve
B: ACh that is released by vagus nerve
C: inhibitory neurotransmitter released by vagus nerve
D: excitation of the intramural plexus
答案:  inhibitory neurotransmitter released by vagus nerve

​The functions of gastrin do not include:‌

A: increses the secretion of gastric juice
B: promotes the gastric motility
C: increases the pancretic juice secretion
D: increses the secretion salivary juice
答案:  increses the secretion salivary juice

‏Which of the following descriptions about the gastric acid is wrong?‎

A: Chief cells secrete pepsinogen
B: Parietal cells secrete HCL
C: Pyloric glands secrete the mucus
D: Intrinsic factors are secreted by the chief cells
答案:  Intrinsic factors are secreted by the chief cells

‌The physiological function of gastric juice does not include:​

A: activates the pepsinogen
B: kills bacteria
C: inhibits the secretions of bile and pancreatic juice
D: promote the absorption of the ferrous ion and calcium
答案:  inhibits the secretions of bile and pancreatic juice

‎The substance that can stimulate gastric secreting is:‌

A: gastrin
B: histamine
C: ACh
D: fat and its digestive products
答案:  gastrin;

‌which can increase the digestion of protein?‏

A: pepsin
B: bile
C: small intestinal juice
D: pancreatic juice
答案:  pepsin;
small intestinal juice;
pancreatic juice

‌what are the characteristics of pancreatic juice that is stimulated by the excitation of vagus nerve?‏

A: less water and HCO3-
B: more enzymes
C: less enzymes
D: more water and HCO3-
答案:  less water and HCO3-;
more enzymes

‎Factors that could not promote gastric emptying are‏‎‏

A: vagal excitation
B: The small intestine is expanded by the chyme
C: increased secretion of gastrin
D:  Increased acidity of small bowel contents
答案:  The small intestine is expanded by the chyme;
increased secretion of gastrin;
 Increased acidity of small bowel contents

‏Which is true regarding the bile ?‍

A: bile salts are the metabolic products of Hb
B: The absorption of bile in the intestine promotes the secretion of bile.
C: bile is needed during the processes of digestion and absorption of fat
D: the absorption of water and HCO3- is the mechanism underlying the concentration of bile in the gallbladder
答案:  The absorption of bile in the intestine promotes the secretion of bile.;
bile is needed during the processes of digestion and absorption of fat;
the absorption of water and HCO3- is the mechanism underlying the concentration of bile in the gallbladder

‍What happens when acdic substance is injected into the duodenum ?​

A: increases the activities of enzymes in the small intestine
B: decreases the secretion of gastic juice
C: increases gastic motility
D: increases the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile
答案:  decreases the secretion of gastic juice;
increases the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile

‍Which is true regarding the descriptions of basic electric rhythm?‎

A: affects the threshold of action potential
B: is not necessarily accompanied by contraction of smooth muscle
C: affects the frequency of smooth muscle contraction
D: affects the intensity of smooth muscle contraction
答案:  affects the threshold of action potential;
is not necessarily accompanied by contraction of smooth muscle;
affects the frequency of smooth muscle contraction

‌Bile and Vitamin B12 are mostly absorbed in the stomach​‌​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏The main stimulating factor of gastric receptive relaxation is the food in the stomach‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎the GI tract secretes the most abundant kinds of hormones in the human body‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌ACh is the neurotransmitter released by the sympathetic postganglionic fiber endingsthat dominates digestive tract. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

week 10. Sensory Function of the Nervous System

Week 10 Test

​Accomodation of the eyes during watching the close object is mainly dependent on‍​

A: change of the shape of the lens
B: convergence of the eye balls.
C: refraction by the cornea.
D: pupillary reflex
答案:  change of the shape of the lens

‌The decrease of frequency of the spikes on the afferent fiber with the persistance of stimulaiton on the sensory receptor. It is called‍‎

A: fatigue
B: inhibition
C: block of conduction
D: adaption
E: decrement of the conduction
答案:  adaption

‍Which one is the phasic receptor?‍‏

A: tactile receptor 
B: nociceptive receptor‍
C: aortic baroreceptor
D: muscle spindle
E: cartid body
答案:  tactile receptor 

‍Which one is the result of the icnrease of the suspensory ligment tension.‍

A: the lens is more spherical
B: the lens is less spherical
C: the cornea is more spherical
D: the cornea is less spherical
E: miosis (pupil constriction)
答案:  the lens is less spherical

​Cones is mainly located at‍‎

A: optic disk‍
B: peripheral of the optic disk
C: fovea
D: peripheral of the fovea
E: eripheral of the retina
答案:  fovea

‏Which of the following is the function of the ossicles in the middle ear?‍

A: amplifying the sound wave.
B: encoding the sound signal.  
C: localization of the sound.
D: discrimination of the sound frequency.
E: sensory receptor adaption.
答案:  amplifying the sound wave.

‏If the pupil enlarge, the spherical aberration will      , the colour aberration will       ‍. ‌

A: increase,     increase
B: decrease,     decrease  
C: decrease,     increse
D: increase,   decrese
E: increase,   no change
答案:  increase,     increase

​ In emmertropia, without accommodation, the principle focus behind the lens is located at a point‍

A: on the retina
B: before the retina
C: behind the retina
D: in vitreous humor
E: in choroid
答案:  on the retina

‍Which description is correct about the cone system and rone system?‍‍

A: rone system is low sensitivity to the light, necessary for the night vision.
B: Cone system is low sensitivity to light,necessary for the day vision.
C: rone system is high sensitive to the light and necessary for day vision.
D: Cone system has high resolution to the detail, no color vision.
E: Rone system has high resolution to the detail and color vision.
答案:  Cone system is low sensitivity to light,necessary for the day vision.

‏Which description about dark adaption is right?‌

A: the decrease of light sensitivity in dark enviroment.
B: the first phase is attributed to the increase of the synthesis of photopigment in cones.
C: the second phase is attributed to the decrease of the synthesis of rhodopsin in rods.
D: finish within one minute.
E: the rhodoposin accumulated in light enviroment in rods decompose quickly in night enviroment.
答案:  the first phase is attributed to the increase of the synthesis of photopigment in cones.

‎Nearsightedness (myopia) is caused by‏

A: the anteroposterior diametet of the eyeball is too short.
B: the anteroposterior diametet of the eyeball is too long.
C: lens system is too powerful.  ‍
D: curvature of the cornea is not uniform
答案:  the anteroposterior diametet of the eyeball is too long.

‌Which description is right about farsightedness (hyperopia)​

A: the anteroposterior diametet of the eyeball is too long.
B: lens system is too weak.
C: curvature of the cornea is not uniform
D: parallel light focused in front of the retina
答案:  lens system is too weak.

​The oldsightness (presbyopia) is caused by ‍‏

A: decrease of the transparency of the lens
B: curvature of the cornea is not uniform‍
C: decrease of the transparency of the cornea
D: the lens become less elastic‍
E: blocking of the aqueous humor circulation
答案:  the lens become less elastic‍

​The photopigment is cencentrated at      of the photoreceptor cells. ‌

A: outersegment
B: innersegment
C:  cell body
D: synaptic ending
E: synaptic vesicle
答案:  outersegment

‏perforation of the tympanic membrane will induce‌

A: nerve deafness
B: conduction deafness
C: hearing loss for high-frequency sound
D: hearing loss for low-frequency sound
E: no hearing loss
答案:  conduction deafness

‎Injury at the base of the cochlea will induce‌

A: nerve deafness
B: conduction deafness
C: hearing loss for the high-frequency sound.
D: hearing loss for the low-frequency sound.
E: no hearing loss.
答案:  hearing loss for the high-frequency sound.

‌Which description about microphoic potential is correct?‏

A: a direct current potential
B:  threshold is high than neuron.
C: no latency and refractory period
D: sensitive to the anoxia and anaesthesia
E: reversely proportional to the amplitue of the sound wave.
答案:  no latency and refractory period

‎The accommodation is necessary for viewing both distant and near objects. This eyes might be‏

A: nearsightedness (myopia) 
B: farsightedness (hyperopia)
C: astigmasism
D: emmetropia‍
E: oldsightness (presbyopia)‍
答案:  farsightedness (hyperopia)

​No or minor accommodation is necessary during viewing the near object. This eye might has the problem of‌

A: nearsightedness (myopia)
B: farsightedness (hyperopia)
C: astigmatism
D: emmotropia
E: oldsightedness (presbyopia)
答案:  nearsightedness (myopia)

‍Nearsightedness (myopia) could be corrected by‎

A: concave lens‍
B: cylinder lens
C: convex lens
D: plane lens
答案:  concave lens‍

‌Disease of the whole cochlea will induce‌

A: nerve deafness
B: conduction deafness
C: hear loss for high-frequency sound
D: hear loss for low-frequency sound
E: no hear loss.
答案:  nerve deafness

‏The slow pain is conducted to the CNS through‏

A: A fiber.
B: C fiber. ‍
C:  B fiber.
D:  Aγ fiber.
E: Aδfiber.
答案:  C fiber. ‍

‎Which description is correct about visceral pain?‍

A: sharp pain.
B: fast pain.
C: poor localized.
D: could not be caused by stretch.
答案:  poor localized.

Which one is the property of the visceral pain?‎‍ ‎

A: sharp pain
B: short latency and duration.
C: poorly localized
D: no emotion and cardiovascular response.
E: ‍not sensitive to the stretch.
答案:  poorly localized

‎Referred pain is‏

A: visceral pain is referred to the adjacent healthy organ
B: visceral pain is referred to the distant healthy organ.
C: viscearl pain is referred to the adnacent parietal surface, such as parietal peritneum, pleura, pr pericardium.
D: visceral pain is referred to the surface of body that some distance away.  
E: The pain of the surface of body is referred to the distal healthy organ. ‍
答案:  visceral pain is referred to the surface of body that some distance away.  

‍The evidence that supportes the convergence and facilitation theory of referred is‍

A: When pain is referred, it is usually to a structure that developed from the same embryonic segment or dermatome as the structure in which the pain originates
B: Local surface anesthesia could nor reduce the intense of referred pain.
C: Local surface anesthesia reduce the intense of referred pain.
D: The “pain gate” in the dorsal horn cell of the spinal cord.
E: Convergent and divergent links between the neurons in afferent pathway.
答案:  When pain is referred, it is usually to a structure that developed from the same embryonic segment or dermatome as the structure in which the pain originates

‌The correct description about the properties of receptor potential include‌

A: electronic conduction
B: local potential on the sensory receptor.
C: all or none.
D: summation
E: is generator potential
答案:  electronic conduction;
local potential on the sensory receptor. ;

‌The refractive system of the eyes include​

A: cornea
B: crystalline lens
C:  vitreous humor‍
D: aqueous humor‍
E:  retina
答案:  cornea;
crystalline lens;
 vitreous humor‍;
aqueous humor‍

‍The errors of refraction of the eyes include‍‍ ‍

A: nearsightness (myopia)
B: farsightness
C: astigmatism
D: oldsightness (presbyopia)
E: cataract
答案:  nearsightness (myopia);
oldsightness (presbyopia)

‌The correct descriptions about vision field include​

A: the visual area seen by an eye at a given instant.
B: The area of the vision field is dependent on the color, white have the biggest field, and green has the smallest.
C: nasal field vision is bigger than that of temporal.
D: the difference of the vision field of different colurs is not casued by the distribution of cones in retina.
E: vision field is helpful for diagnosis of the disease in optic nerve, visual pathway and retina.
答案:  the visual area seen by an eye at a given instant. ;
The area of the vision field is dependent on the color, white have the biggest field, and green has the smallest. ;
vision field is helpful for diagnosis of the disease in optic nerve, visual pathway and retina.

‎The types of nociceptive recepors include‎

A: mechanical nociceptor
B: mechanothermal nociceptor
C: polymodal nociceptor
D: touch receptor
E: stretch nociceptor
答案:  mechanical nociceptor;
mechanothermal nociceptor;
polymodal nociceptor

Week 11 Control of Movement by Neuronal System








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