英语电影赏析(金陵科技学院)1451617215 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‍Which is NOT true about Betty Warren?‎

A: She is an influential and conservative girl before meeting Miss Watson.
B: Her happy marriage proves the success of women’s education in the 1950s.
C: She is critical of Miss Watson on several occasions.
D: Her self-awareness is gradually awakened.
答案:  Her happy marriage proves the success of women’s education in the 1950s.

​What is Miss Watson’s aim in choosing a painting outside the syllabus?‍

A: To invite comments from textbooks.
B: To accept critics’ ideas.
C: To encourage independent thinking.
D: To show the grotesqueness of the painting.
答案:  To encourage independent thinking.

‍Miss Watson did’t come to Wellesley to fit in. She came to ____________.‌

A: flex her muscles
B: show off
C: make a fortune
D: make a difference
答案:  make a difference

​What is the cultural background of women schooling in the 1950s in the US? All are true except ___________.‏

A: To awaken students’ self-consciousness and guide them in seeking their true selves.
B: American society in the 1950s was geared toward the family. Marriage and children were part of the national agenda.
C: The dominant ideologies of the middle class for women are to become good wives and mothers.
D: The related curriculum is to make them more attractive in the marriage market.
答案:  To awaken students’ self-consciousness and guide them in seeking their true selves.

‏Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Watson?​

A: She is an unorthodox and foward thinker.
B: She has liberal views and feminist values.
C: She is an extraordinary and aggresive woman.
D: She has obtained her PhD in UCLA.
答案:  She has obtained her PhD in UCLA.

​According to Whitehead, what are the functions of a university?‌

A: Preserving the connection between knowledge and the zest of life.
B: Welding together imagination and experience.
C: Imparting information.
D: All of the above.
答案:  All of the above.

‎Which statement about Joan Brandwyn is true?‍

A: She gives up going to Yale Law because Yale did not accept female students.
B: She gives up going to Yale Law because her boyfriend objects.
C: She gives up going to Yale Law out of her free will.
D: She gives up going to Yale Law after discussions with her parents.
答案:  She gives up going to Yale Law out of her free will.

​What does Miss Watson want to tell her students in the lecture on Van Gogh?‎

A: To paint like impressionists.
B: To paint whatever they see and feel.
C: To conform to the tradition.
D: To be their true selves.
答案:  To be their true selves.

​Why is Miss Watson emotionally overwhelmed when she sees her students’ versions of Sunflowers?‌

A: Her unique way of teaching bears fruit.
B: Their versions of Sunflowers are vivid and lifelike.
C: Their versions of Sunflowers are beautifully painted.
D: She does not want to leave Wellesley.‍
答案:  Her unique way of teaching bears fruit.

‎From the movie and the teaching videos, we may learn that the value of higher education lies in _______.‍‎1) pursuing knowledge and truth 2) broadening vision 3) developing critical thinking‍‎4) awakening spirits and self-consciousness 5) personal fulfillment‍‎‍

A: 1) 2) 3) 4)
B: 1) 2) 3) 5)
C: 1) 3) 4) 5)
D: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
答案:  1) 2) 3) 4) 5)



‏Which statement about fashion is NOT true?‍

A: Fashion is a way of showing one’s personality and individuality.
B: Fashion is not only about beautiful clothes, costumes and accessories.
C: Fashion is defined by fashion designers.
D: People can know about new fashion trends from websites.
答案:  Fashion is defined by fashion designers.

‎Why does Miranda look hard at Andrea’s shoes?​

A: Because the shoes come from a top fashion brand.
B: Because it’s a pair of shoes Nigel offers Andrea.
C: Because Andrea wears a pair of unconventional high heels.
D: Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.
答案:  Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.

‎Why does Andrea choose to leave Runway?‌

A: Andrea chooses to leave Runway because there is a better offer.
B: Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.
C: Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she has had enough of Miranda.
D: Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she wants to win her boyfriend back.
答案:  Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.

‍Which statement is the most appropriate?​

A: Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she quit her job.
B: Andrea goes to Nigel to quit her job.
C: Andrea goes to Nigel to slander Miranda.
D: Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.
答案:  Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.

​Which statement is TRUE?‌

A: Anne Hathaway is lauded as the “best actress of her generation”.
B: A trident is a spear for hunting and also a military weapon.
C: Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.
D: When analyzing a film character, detailed information can be ignored.
答案:  Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.

​Having no interest in the fashion industry, why does Andrea still want to work for Miranda?‌

A: Because it’s a job millions of girls kill for.
B: Because she wants to become a dr








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