英语阅读(4)(郭松)英语1806(天津商业大学)1450776222 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‌Why hasn’t Jack Goodwin got a job yet?‌

A: He doesn’t have a very good degree.
B: He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.
C: It isn’t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.
D: He prefers to stay at home and help his family.
答案:  It isn’t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.

‌How does he spend a typical day?​

A: Doing a temporary job.
B: Watching television.
C: Queuing up in the university careers service.
D: Preparing for the next job interview.
答案:  Watching television.

‌How do most of his friends spend the day?‌

A: They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.
B: They do outdoor activities such as sailing.
C: They are forced to work by their parents.
D: They do part-tie jobs such as working in a bar.
答案:  They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.

‌How are Jack’s parents helping him?‍

A: By looking for jobs for him.
B: By paying for a trio to South America.
C: By gradually making him more financially aware.
D: By threatening to throw him out of the house.
答案:  By gradually making him more financially aware.

‏What do Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?‌

A: They all did bar work before going to university.
B: They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.
C: They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.
D: They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.
答案:  They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.

​In the passage If you ask me, the writer claimed that real life is not like what people normally praise it. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏She declined the offer to do an MA at the London School of Economics due to a bad financial condition.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎After she got the first salary in The Salisbury, she bought herself a bunch of flowers.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍Tony invested in the writer by giving her a 20,000-pound loan, asking a ten percent annual interest for the collateral of the money. ‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏Using her own story, the writers elaborated that the optimal returns in the business world is given by investing in people. ‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏In the US, a “_______ (2 words)” approach normally shows the positive aspects of the job hunter.  ‌
答案:  hard sell

‍More than a quarter of British resume writers are guilty of overdoing their resume. That is, they tell ______ (1 word).‎
答案:  lies

‏On mainland Europe, the standard format form CV can find clear and easy-to-understand, but it has not yet been ________ (2 words). ​
答案:  enthusiastically adopted

According to the writer, the “_____ (1 word, in capital letters)” philosophy is the most useful guideline.​
答案:  KISS

The following resume is written in a ________ (1 word) order.  ‍2008         Summer job in tourist information office, Bournemouth‍2007         Summer job as lifesaver patrolling busy beach in Bournemouth‍2006-2008    Occasional weekend bar work in Duke of Monmouth pub, Southampton‍2005-2006    Volunteer in India on a clean water project‍‍‍
答案:  chronological



​What is the main writing purpose of the passage Danger! Books may change your life?‍

A: To show the reader how to read fictions.
B: To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.
C: To claim that books provide the meaning of life.
D: To recommend some non-fiction books to read.
答案:  To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.

‏ Why are we like Alice in wonderland when we read a book?‍

A: Because, like Alice, we often have accident.
B: Because reading makes us feel young again.
C: Because reading opens the door to new experiences.
D: Because books lead us into a dream world.
答案:  Because reading opens the door to new experiences.

‌According to the author, what is the advantage of reading over real life?‌

A: There is more variety in books than in real life.
B: We can experience variety in books than in real life.
C: The people we meet in a book are more interesting than real people.
D: It’s harder to make sense of teal life than a book.
答案:  We can experience variety in books than in real life.

‎Which one is not the struggle that Miller, the author of They are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?‍

A: He had no money to buy books.
B: The books he wanted were always out at the library.
C: The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.
D: He was too young to borrow the “immoral” books.
答案:  The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.

​ “A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition.”(Para. 4) What is the figure of speech used in this sentence?           ​

A: Simile.       
B: Metaphor.
C: Personification.
D: Analogy.
答案:  Analogy.

‎According to Miller, what should you do when you find a book you want to read?‎

A: Pick it up and start reading.
B: Ask a friend for advice about the book.
C: Think about whether you really need to read it.
D: Only read it if it is original.
答案:  Think about whether you really need to read it.

‏Why does Miller especially admire about Blaise Cendrars?‍

A: He had a very adventurous life.
B: He was a great writer.
C: He knew what to do with his time.
D: He read as well as wrote a lot.
答案:  He read as well as wrote a lot.

‍The author’s tone in the passage is _____.  ​‍​

A: ironic        
B: unreasonable           
C: contradictory 
D: inexplicable              
答案:  ironic        

‏What kinds of books helps Thomas Merton find out the true meaning of life?​

A: William Blake’s poetic works.
B: Various plays by ancient Greek thinkers and writers.
C: Religious writings.
D: Novels ranging from the classics to the most recent.
答案:  William Blake’s poetic works.;
Various plays by ancient Greek thinkers and writers.;
Religious writings.

‍What are the reading’s benefits that the author reemphasizes in the end of his writing?‎

A: To visit another world.
B: To meet different people.
C: To live other lives.
D: To reflect on ourselves.
答案:  To visit another world.;
To meet different people.;
To live other lives.;
To reflect on ourselves.

‌The novel Thing fall apart, setting in Nigeria at the end of the 19th century, is a postcolonial novel and a portrayal of culture clash.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​The clash occurs when African traditions meet the forces for change in the form of Christianity, as differences in their values and beliefs create misunderstandings and conflicts.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确








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