英语阅读与写作(四)(江西农业大学)1463054162 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‏Which of the following is an example of critical thinking? ​‏​

A: You tell a friend the contents of this MOOC.
B: Bill obeys the orders of the officer during the military training (军训).
C: Lisa tosses a coin to decide whether she should choose to work in Beijing or Shanghai.
D: Mary shops online according to the ratings.
答案:  Mary shops online according to the ratings.

‏What is the main point of view of this passage?‌‏‌‏Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?‌‏In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.‌‏It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…‌‏‌

A: Women should not be obsessed with their weight and body shape.
B: It’s the social expectations for women and their bodies that make them obsessed with their weight and body shape
C: Women are really unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves.
D: Now many people feel that the problem of women paying too much attention to their body shape is disappearing.
答案:  It’s the social expectations for women and their bodies that make them obsessed with their weight and body shape

‍What conflicting idea does the author consider?  ‎‍‎‍‎‍Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?‎‍In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.‎‍It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…‎‍‎‍‎

A: Women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.”
B: Sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body.
C: The expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident.
D: None.
答案:  Women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.”

​What reasons or evidence does the author use to support the main point of view in the passage?‏​‏​‏​Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?‏​In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.‏​It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…‏​ ‏​‏

A: Some examples of daily reminders of the expectations.
B: Some quotations from magazines and talk shows.
C:  The latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin.
D: Names of the women who went on a diet after reading a fashion magazine.
答案:  Some examples of daily reminders of the expectations.;
 The latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin.

Read the following passage and tell if it is a piece of critical writing. ‌‌‎Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?‌‎In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.‌‎It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…‌‎‌‎‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


‏Which of the following types of writing are critical essays? ‍‏‍

A: A movie review
B: A news report
C: An editorial
D: A summary of a book
答案:  A movie review;
An editorial

One characteristic of critical essays is: A critical essay must present a clear point of view.‌‍‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

One characteristic of critical essays is: They must use real-life examples.‎‍‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎One characteristic of critical essays is: Their purpose of writing is to criticize or challenge a commonly-accepted opinion. ‍‎‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏One characteristic of critical essays is: The essay should justify the author’s opinion with reasons and evidence.‏‏‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌One characteristic of critical essays is: They weigh up conflicting ideas.​‌​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


‍I feel I have messed up my chances of becoming a great singer. “Mess up” is a phrasal verb. So a more formal version of the sentence could be “I feel I have spoiled my chances of becoming a great singer.”‍‍‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌I am so psyched about my vacation! “Psyched” is too colloquial for formal writing. “I am so excited about my vacation!” can be more suitable.‍‌‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌It goes without saying that you will be paid for the extra hours you work. “It goes without saying” is a cliché, because a lot of people, especially Chinese students, use it in their writing.​‌​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确



‏ This is an argument: Genetic engineering really worries me. I don’t think it should be allowed. ‏‏‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​ This is an argument: Genetic engineering should be curtailed because there hasn’t been sufficient research into what happens when new varieties are created without natural predators to hold them in check.  ‎​‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎This is an argument: Biscuits can be bad for your teeth. We often eat mid-morning when the effects of breakfast have worn off. Biscuit companies, like other food manufacturers, require their employees to wear hats to hold back their hair for health and safety reasons. ​‎​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误


‌What are the basic functions of the introduction section of a critical essay?‏‌‏

A: To introduce the topic.
B: To state the thesis statement.
C: To support the thesis with details.
D: To tell how important the topic is.
答案:  To introduce the topic.;
To state the thesis statement.


‍What is the sentence that tells the author’s point of view in an essay called?     ‏

A: thesis
B: thesis statement
C:  introduction
D: conclusion
答案:  thesis statement

​Where does the thesis statement of an essay normally appear? ‎

A: In the introduction section.
B: In the body section.
C: In the conclusion section.
答案:  In the introduction section.

‌What are the three essential parts of a critical essay?   ​

A: introduction
B: body
C: conclusion
D: paragraph
答案:  introduction;

‏Which of the following statements are true according to this lesson?‏

A: As a writer, I should use an extended argument to support its thesis statement.
B: In order to persuade my reader, I should avoid mentioning any ideas that go against my own.
C: Considering conflicting ideas and refuting them can make my essay more convincing.
D: Repeating the thesis statement in the conclusion is the only way to wind up my essay.
答案:  As a writer, I should use an extended argument to support its thesis statement.;
Considering conflicting ideas and refuting them can make my essay more convincing.

​The three essential elements of an argument are the thesis, premises and the logic between the thesis and premises.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍This is not an argument: Nanotechnology encompasses a wide range of materials that, because of their small size, exhibit novel chemical or biological properties. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏This is an argument: In my view, the American people deserve answers, not guesses. I have proposed that we obtain these answers in a responsible and bipartisan manner. –Conyers  ‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​This is an argument: We brought various kinds of fishes ashore and turned them loose in the meadow, but in all cases they were a disappointment—no legs came. It was strange; we could not understand it. Within a week they had all wandered back to the water, and seemed better satisfied there. We took this as evidence that fish as a rule do not care for the land. –Eve’s Diary, p. 78‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


‌In the conclusion of an essay the author should always repeat the thesis statement.‌‌‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​One function of the essay conclusion is to reemphasize the main thesis of the essay. ‎​‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

​An essay conclusion serves the same function as those of an essay introduction.​​​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏The conclusion section of an essay is the only place that the author’s main point of view should be presented. ‍‏‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误



The chickens in the following caricature are making an argument.

英语阅读与写作(四)(江西农业大学)1463054162 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版第1张

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误


‎Student A in the following caricature is making an argument.

英语阅读与写作(四)(江西农业大学)1463054162 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版第2张

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


‏Consider the following essay structure. Which do you think can be the most convincing argument? ‌‏‌

A: Opinions of both sides of an issue are discussed first. Then the author says he supports one side.
B: The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with some examples.
C: The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with three reasons.
D: The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with a hierarchy of reasons and evidence.
答案:  The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with a hierarchy of reasons and evidence.


‏Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the be verbs with an action verb. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) ‍‏I was alive after two brutal battles. ‍‏I ___________ two brutal battles.‍
答案:  survived

​Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the be verbs with an action verb. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) ‎​This article is a report on the devastating accident. ‎​This article ___________ on the devastating accident.‎​‎
答案:  reports

‏Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the be verbs with an action verb. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) ​‏James is the inventor of this ingenious machine. ​‏James ___________ this ingenious machine.​‏​
答案:  invented

‎(填空题)  Please change the following sentence into active voice. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写)​‎This novel was bought by Michael as a gift. ​‎Michael __________ this novel as a gift.​‎​
答案:  bought

‏(填空题)  Please change the following sentence into active voice. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写)‏‏The whole town was ruined by the flood. ‏‏The flood _________ the whole town.‏‏‏
答案:  ruined

‎Please change the following sentence into active voice. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写)‍‎ ‍‎New polices were released by the government last week.‍‎The government __________ new policies last week.‍‎‍
答案:  released









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