F1AccountantinBusiness(中国石油大学(华东))1450191196 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‎Which of the following activities create vulnerability to fraud?‎‎(i) Calculating payslips‎‎(ii) Preparing delivery notes‎‎(iii) segregation of duties‎‎(iv) paying supplier invoices‎‎‎‎‎

A: (iii) only
B: (i) and (iii) only
C: (i) , (ii) and (iii)
D: (i),  (ii) and  (iv)
答案:  (i),  (ii) and  (iv)

‍X plc has a  bad debt policy whereby aged  receivables who are obviously not going to pay,  are written off. The financial accountant does not enforce this policy.‍‍This might be fraudulent insofar as it creates which of the following effects?‍‍‍‍‍

A: It removes funds from the business
B: It results  in the understatement of profits and  net assets
C: It results  in the overstatement of profits and  net assets
D: It results  in the intentional overstatement of profits and net assets 
答案:  It results  in the intentional overstatement of profits and net assets 

​Which of the following is NOT an external factor which might increase the risk profile of a business?‌​‌

A: Increased competition
B: Technological developments
C: Changing customer needs
D: Changed operating environment
答案:  Changed operating environment

‍Which of the following would  most clearly present a business risk of fraud?‍‍‍‍‍

A: Secretive behaviour
B: low  staff morale
C: Staff not taking their full  holiday entitlements
D: Complex organisational structures
答案:  Complex organisational structures

‏All  of the following, with one exception, are potential impacts of intentional overstatement of the financial positon on a business .  Which  is the exception?‎‏‎‏‎

A: Fall in returns to shareholders
B: Increase  in  profits
C: Increase in assets
D: Too much distribution to shareholders
答案:  Fall in returns to shareholders

‏Which of the following is not an appropriate internal control to prevent fraud?‌‏‌‏‌

A: Physical security
B: Requiring signatures to confirm  receipt of goods or services 
C: Using numbers rather than words
D: Authorisation policies
答案:  Using numbers rather than words

‍Jack used cash from theft to gamble at a casino and received a cheque for his winnings. Then he banked the cheque as proceeds from gambling. Which of the following phases of money laundering is being undertaken by Jack?‌‍‌

A: laundering
B:  placement
C: integration
D: layering
答案:  integration

‏Which TWO of the following stakeholders will  NOT be most directly affected  if a  business overstates its financial  position?‎‏(i) Staff‎‏(ii) Customers‎‏(iii) Investors‎‏(iv) Suppliers‎‏‎‏‎

A: (i) and  (ii)
B: (ii) and  (iii)
C: (iii) and (iv)
D: (ii) and  (iv)
答案:  (i) and  (ii)

‌Separating the cheque signing function from the authorisation of payments is an example of what sort of fraud  prevention  measure?‍‌‍

A: Segregation of duties
B: Appropriate documentation
C: Limitation control
D: Check control 
答案:  Segregation of duties

‏Which of the following has the responsibilities of acting on signs of dishonesty by senior executive mangement and reporting any suspicious matters to the board?‍‏‍

A: Operational managers
B: External audit staff
C: Personnel staff
D: Non-executive directors
答案:  Non-executive directors



‏                   is the liability of a person to discharge duties.‏‏‏‏ ‏‏‏‏‏

A: Power 
B: Responsibility
C: Accountability
D: Authority
答案:  Responsibility

‍Which of the following writers is NOT a  member of the school of leadership theory to which the others belong?​‍​‍​

A: Blake and Mouton
B: John Adair
C: Warren Bennis
D: Heifetz
答案:  Blake and Mouton

‏If a manager obtained adequate performance through balancing the necessity to get out work with team morale. Which type of managerial style did he have?‌‏‌‏‌

A: Impoverished
B: Task management
C: Country club
D: Dampened  pendulum
答案:  Dampened  pendulum

‌According to  Fiedler,  which of the following are true of psychologically close managers?​‌1 They judge their staff on the basis of performance​‌2 They are primarily task-oriented​‌3 They prefer informal contacts to regular formal staff meeting​‌4 They are closer to their staff​‌​‌​

A: 1  and 2
B: 2  and 3
C: 1,  2  and  3
D: 3 and  4
答案:  3 and  4

‌Which of the following is NOT one of the management processes defined by Drucker? ‍‌‍

A: Setting objectives
B: Motivating employees
C: Commanding subordinates
D: Developing people
答案:  Commanding subordinates

‎Who argued that management should be based on ‘well-recognised, clearly defined and fixed principles, instead of depending on more or less hazy ideas’?‌‎‌‎‌

A: F W Taylor
B: Henri Fayol
C: Elton Mayo
D: Mintzberg
答案:  F W Taylor

‍Which of the following leadership styles gives the least discretion or decision-making power to subordinates?‍‍‍

A: Autocratic
B: Consultative
C: Democratic
D: Persuasive
答案:  Autocratic

‎Of Mintzberg’s managerial  roles,  which  is being exercised by a manager who makes contacts outside the vertical chain of command?‍‎‍

A: Leader
B: Monitor
C: Liaison
D: Disseminator
答案:  Liaison

‍Which of the following is NOT used to describe the lowest level of management at the interface between managerial and non-managerial staff?‍‍‍‍‍

A: supervisor
B: disseminator
C: front-line manager
D: gatekeeper
答案:  disseminator

‌ Which  of the following is NOT a component of the context in Adair‘ action-centred leadership?‍‌ ‍‌‍

A: Task needs
B: Organisation needs
C: Individual needs
D: Group needs
答案:  Organisation needs



‍Sound  business arguments can  be made for having an equal opportunities policy.  Which of the following reasons apply?​‍1 To show common decency and fairness in  line with  business ethics​‍2 To widen the  recruitment pool​‍3 To attract and  retain the best people for the job​‍4 To improve the organisation’s image as a good employer​‍​‍​

A: 1,  2  and  3
B: 2  and 3
C: 1  and 3
D: 1, 2,  3 and 4
答案:  1, 2,  3 and 4

​Which of the following is NOT an indirect discrimination?​​​

A: Advertising a vacancy in a primarily male environment
B: Asking in selection enterviews about plans to have a family
C: Preventing staff working part time
D: Setting sexual orientation in an employment advertisement
答案:  Setting sexual orientation in an employment advertisement

‍ Which of the following statements is/are true?​‍1 Taking active steps to encourage people from disadvantaged groups to apply for jobs and training is classed as positive action.​‍2 Diversity in the workplace  means implementing an equal opportunities policy.​‍​

A: They are both true.
B: 1  is true and 2  is false. 
C: 1  is false and 2  is true.
D: They are both false.
答案:  1  is true and 2  is false. 

‏Which  of the following is a  potential  employee benefit of a corporate diversity policy?‏‏‏

A: Compliance with equal opportunities legislation
B: Respect for individuals
C: Better understanding of target market segments
D: Attraction and retention of talent
答案:  Respect for individuals

‌Which of the following statements about disability discrimination  law is NOT true?‏‌‏

A: The requirements only effect employers of more than  20 employees
B: Employers must adjust working arrangements or the physical features of premises to remove any disadvantage to disabled  people
C: For an  individual to be defined as a disabled  person,  the physical or mental  impairment must have an adverse effect of more than  12  months’ duration
D: Public bodies have additional duties to protect and  promote equality for disabled people
答案:  Employers must adjust working arrangements or the physical features of premises to remove any disadvantage to disabled  people

​Which of the following may NOT be used as positivie action initiatives?‍​ ‍​‍

A: appointing Equal Opportunities Managers
B: awareness training for managers
C: giving preference to people from minority groups
D: fast-tracking school leavers
答案:  giving preference to people from minority groups

‎The concept of……………………………………… is based on the belief that the dimensions of individual difference on which organisations currently focus are crude and  performance-irrelevant,  and that an organisation should  reflect the  range of differences within  its customer and  labour markets.‎‎Which words correctly complete this sentence?‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

A: Equal opportunity
B:  Cultural divergence
C: Managing diversity
D:  Cultural divergence
答案:  Managing diversity



‌Which of the following is most clearly a sign of an  effective group?‏

A: Low commitment to targets
B: Competition within the group
C: Constructive criticism feedback
D: High labour turnover
答案:  Constructive criticism feedback

‎                ‍is the total pattern of characteristic ways of thinking, feelings and behaving that constitute the individual’s distinctive method of ralating to the environment.‎

A: Personality
B: Perception
C: Attitude
D: Intelligence
答案:  Personality

‎Which of the following is NOT a limitation of teamworking? ‏

A: Focus on social relationship
B: Personality clashes
C: Group think
D: Fear of letting down the team
答案:  Fear of letting down the team

‍If a team  is bogged down  in argument,  and discussion is turning hostile, which of the following types of contribution would the team  leader seek to discourage?​

A: Bringing-in
B: Blocking
C: Summarising
D: Testing understanding
答案:  Blocking

‍ Grant is a  member of a  project team.  His colleagues in the team  rely on  him to read  and check complex project documentation.  Grant has a  keen eye for detail and often  identifies minor details in documents that others miss but may be of significance.  Despite the diligent approach,  Grant always meets his deadlines.  However,  some of Grant’s colleagues feel frustrated when  he refuses to  involve others.  He can hold  up progress as he will  not agree to the team signing off project documents until  all of his concerns are fully discussed.‏‍According to  Belbin’s team  roles theory,  Grant is an example of which of the following?‏

A: Implementer
B: Completer-finisher
C:  Monitor-evaluator
D: Shaper
答案:  Completer-finisher

‍ In  Belbin’s model of team  roles,  which of the following is most important for a well-functioning team?‌

A: A mix and  balance of team  roles
B: Nine members,  so that all  roles are filled
C: A focus on functional/task roles, not process roles
D: As few members as possible
答案:  A mix and  balance of team  roles

​Which of the following would NOT be an effective technique for encouraging healthy team solidarity? ​

A: Encouraging competition with other groups
B: Discouraging competition within the group
C: Encouraging members to express disagreements
D: Building a team mythology
答案:  Building a team mythology

‍An organisation has set up a team  in which any member of the team can  perform the full  range of its tasks. The manager is able to share out tasks between  members according to who  is available to do a given job when  it is required. What sort of team organisation does this describe?‌

A: Multi-disciplinary team
B:  Multi-skilled team
C: Self-managed team
D: Virtual team
答案:   Multi-skilled team



‏Which of the following is NOT a category in  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory?‌‏‌

A: Physiological needs
B: Social needs
C: Cultural needs
D: Safety needs
答案:  Cultural needs

‎Keepham  (Hungary) Co offers its employees:‏‎(i) Job security‏‎(ii) Good salaries and  bonuses‏‎(iii) Interpersonal relations‏‎(iv) Training programmes‏‎According to  Herzberg’s two-factor theory,  which of the above are hygiene factors?‏‎‏

A: (ii)  only
B: (i) and (ii)
C: (i), (ii) and (iii)
D: (i), (ii),  (iii) and (iv)
答案:  (i), (ii) and (iii)

‍Willy Dewitt-Ornott works in Sales. There is always a sales competition at the year end and the winner is likely to be  made team  leader. Willy’s not sure whether he could be able to win since the competition is so fierce. Besides, he would not like working much longer hours and taking more responsibility.‏‍If an expectancy equation were used to assess Willy’s motivation to work hard  at the end  of the year, based on the  information given,  which of the following results would you expect to see?‏

A: Valence would be high, expectancy high,  motivation  high
B: Valence would be high,  expectancy low, motivation  low
C: Valence would be low,  expectancy high,  motivation  low
D: Valence would  be low,  ex








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