Auditing and assurance(浙江财经大学)中国大学MOOC答案100分最新完整版



Part 1 The auditing profession Chapter 1, Chapter 3 & Chapter 4 课后练习

1、 Which of the following can be used as a criteria for evaluating information being audited?

A:International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
B:Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
C:Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
D:all of the above
答案: all of the above

2、 When auditing accounting data, auditors focus on

A:determining whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period.
B:determining if fraud has occurred.
C:determining if taxable income has been calculated correctly.
D: analyzing the financial information to be sure that it complies with government requirements.
答案: determining whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period.

3、 __ risk reflects the possibility that the information upon which the business decision was made was inaccurate.

A:Client acceptance
答案: Information

4、 A correct relationship among the auditor, the client, and the external users is

A:management of a public company hires the independent auditor.
B:the audit committee of a private company hires the independent auditor.
C:the client provides capital to the external users.
D:the external users can rely upon the auditor’s report to reduce information risk.
答案: the external users can rely upon the auditor’s report to reduce information risk.

5、 Three common types of attestation services are

A:audits of historical financial statements, reviews of historical financial statements, and audits of internal control over financial reporting.
B:audits of historical financial information, verifications of historical financial information, and attestations regarding internal controls.
C: reviews of historical financial information, verifications of future financial information, and attestations regarding internal controls.
D:audits of historical financial information, reviews of controls related to investments, and verifications of historical financial information.
答案: audits of historical financial statements, reviews of historical financial statements, and audits of internal control over financial reporting.

6、 A high, but not absolute, level of assurance is called

A:probable assurance.
B:reasonable assurance.
C:limited assurance.
D:incomplete assurance.
答案: reasonable assurance.

7、 An examination of part of an organization’s procedures and methods for the purpose of evaluating efficiency and effectiveness is what type of audit?

A:operational audit
B:compliance audit
C:financial statement audit
D:production audit
答案: operational audit

8、 Which of the following audits can be regarded as generally being a compliance audit?

A:IRS agents’ examinations of taxpayer returns
B:GAO auditor’s evaluation of the computer operations of governmental units
C:an internal auditor’s review of a company’s payroll authorization procedures
D:a CPA firm’s audit of a public company
答案: IRS agents’ examinations of taxpayer returns

9、 In a financial statement audit, the auditor

A:gathers evidence to determine whether the statements contain material errors or other misstatements.
B: must have a thorough understanding of the entity and its environment.
C:determines whether the financial statements are stated in accordance with specified criteria.
D:all of the above.
答案: all of the above.

10、 Internal auditors

A:must be independent of the entity that employs them.
B: generally report to the accounting department.
C:are employed by all types of organizations.
D:must be CPAs.
答案: are employed by all types of organizations.

Part 1 The auditing profession Chapter 2 课后练习

1、 Which staff level in a CPA firm performs most of the detailed audit work?

B:staff assistant
C:senior auditor
D:senior manager
答案: staff assistant

2、 The organization that is responsible for providing oversight for auditors of public companies is called the

A:Auditing Standards Board.
B:American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
C:Public Oversight Board.
D:Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
答案: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

3、 The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

A:performs inspections of the quality controls of firms that audit public companies.
B:establishes auditing standards that must be followed by CPAs on all audits.
C:oversees auditors of private companies.
D:performs all of the above functions.
答案: performs inspections of the quality controls of firms that audit public companies.

4、 Who is responsible for establishing auditing standards for privately held companies?

A:Securities and Exchange Commission
B:Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
C:Auditing Standards Board
D:National Association of Accounting
答案: Auditing Standards Board

5、 __ are referred to as U.S. generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)

A:AICPA auditing standards
B:SEC auditing standards
C:PCAOB auditing standards
D:Sarbanes-Oxley standards
答案: AICPA auditing standards

6、 Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities of an auditor under the principles underlying an audit?

A:possess appropriate competence and capabilities
B:comply with ethical requirements
C:plan work and supervise assistants
D:maintain professional skepticism and exercise professional judgment
答案: plan work and supervise assistants

7、 The AICPA principles and the auditing standards should be viewed by practitioners as

A:ideals to work towards, but which are not achievable.
B:maximum standards that denote excellent work.
C:minimum standards of performance that must be achieved on each audit engagement.
D:benchmarks to be used on all audits, reviews, and compilations.
答案: minimum standards of performance that must be achieved on each audit engagement.

8、 Which of the following statements about Generally Accepted Audit Standards are true?I. They serve as broad guidelines to auditors for conducting an audit engagement.II. They are sufficiently specific to provide any meaningful guide to practitioners.III. They represent a framework upon which the AICPA can provide interpretations.

A:I and II
B:I and III
C:II and III
D:I, II and III
答案: I and III

9、 Quality control for a CPA firm

A:includes the organizational structure of the firm and the procedures it establishes.
B:is tailored to each specific audit engagement.
C:is a guarantee that auditing standards are followed.
D:is required only for firms auditing SEC companies.
答案: includes the organizational structure of the firm and the procedures it establishes.

10、 Which of the following is not an essential component of quality control?

A:policies and procedures to ensure that firm personnel are actively engaged in marketing strategies
B:policies and procedures to ensure that the work performed by firm personnel meet applicable professional standards
C:policies to ensure that personnel maintain their independence in fact and in appearance
D:policies that ensure that monitoring activities are effectively applied
答案: policies and procedures to ensure that firm personnel are actively engaged in marketing strategies

Part 2 The audit process Chapter 5 课后练习

1、 The objective of an audit of the financial statements is an expression of an opinion on

A:the fairness of the financial statements in all material respects.
B:the accuracy of the financial statements.
C:the accuracy of the annual report.
D:the accuracy of the balance sheet and income statement.
答案: the fairness of the financial statements in all material respects.

2、 The responsibility for adopting sound accounting policies and maintaining adequate internal control rests with the

A:board of directors.
B:company management.
C:financial statement auditor.
D:company’s internal audit department.
答案: company management.

3、 The auditor has no responsibility to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that misstatements that are not __ are detected.








Auditing and assurance(浙江财经大学)中国大学MOOC答案100分最新完整版第1张

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