


01 Nine to Five 朝九晚五 Unit 1 test

1、 Why hasn’t Jack Goodwin got a job yet?

A:He doesn’t have a very good degree.
B:He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.
C:It isn’t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.
D:He prefers to stay at home and help his family.
答案: It isn’t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.

2、 How does he spend a typical day?

A:Doing a temporary job.
B:Watching television.
C:Queuing up in the university careers service.
D:Preparing for the next job interview.
答案: Watching television.

3、 How do most of his friends spend the day?

A:They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.
B:They do outdoor activities such as sailing.
C:They are forced to work by their parents.
D:They do part-tie jobs such as working in a bar.
答案: They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.

4、 How are Jack’s parents helping him?

A:By looking for jobs for him.
B:By paying for a trio to South America.
C:By gradually making him more financially aware.
D:By threatening to throw him out of the house.
答案: By gradually making him more financially aware.

5、 What do Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?

A:They all did bar work before going to university.
B:They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.
C:They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.
D:They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.
答案: They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.

6、 It is said that Mr Philips is running for a position in the local government in the elections. 选词填空:fraught recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding sympathize galvanized thriving aimless
答案: upcoming

7、 What can we do to all the accomplishments our company has had in the past five years?选词填空: revert hassle investors deduct gamble highlight redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving
答案: highlight

8、 Professor Smith said that Sharon was with indecision over where to go to college.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: fraught

9、 Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or towards international issues.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: apathy

10、 The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she her experience during the campaign.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: recounted

11、 Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) I’m willing to take.选词填空: revert hassle deduct gamble highlight redirect sympathize repay economics
答案: gamble

12、 My mother was a very woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister and me.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: demanding

13、 If you lend me money today, I promise that I can you after I get paid on Friday.选词填空: revert hassle deduct gamble highlight redirect sympathize repay economics
答案: repay

14、 The purpose of the canal was to the river and provide water to more farmland.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: redirect

15、 Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the into my new position.选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: transition

16、 Twenty years ago, it was a fact that this was a wealthy, community.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: thriving

17、 Please remember that we need to taxes from your paycheck.选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: deduct

18、 The virus disabled the software which, hence, needed to to an earlier version.选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: revert

19、 Many lost a lot of money when the stock market fell sharply and unexpectedly last month.选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: investors

20、 My employer offers a(n) benefits package that is difficult to give up.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: comprehensive

21、 To everyone’s surprise, the aid appeal has the country’s business community.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: galvanized

22、 After several hours of searching they were getting low on fuel.选词填空:fraught hassle recounted comprehensive upcoming apathy demanding redirect sympathize galvanized repay thriving aimless
答案: aimless

23、 After thinking through the of the censoring process, however, he reluctantly gave up, and referred her to another publisher.选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: hassle

24、 Those who have the same illness with each other.选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: sympathize

25、 is the study of the way in which money, industry, and trade are organized in a society.注意大小写选词填空: revert hassle transition investors deduct gamble highlight sympathize repay economics
答案: Economics

26、 Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb. 以下题目填介词All right, it’s time to pack our things and move to the new office upstairs.
答案: up

27、 The counselor suggested that Felipe talk his problems with his brother.
答案: through

28、 Some Europeans sympathize the Americans over the issue.
答案: with

29、 I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn a free trip to the Caribbean.
答案: down

30、 Jordan bought three cases of bottled water fear that the storm would cause serious damage to water supply pipeline.
答案: for

31、 all means, please try your best to finish all your assignments ahead of schedule.注意大小写
答案: By

32、 Stephen looked in horror as the fire consumed his apartment building.
答案: on

33、 After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself a big piece of chocolate cake.
答案: to

34、 We’re all the same boat; so let’s try to be nice and open-minded to one another.
答案: in

35、 Obviously, his question came of the blue and caught me by surprise.
答案: out

02 A Good Read Unit 2 test

1、 What is the main writing purpose of the passage Danger! Books may change your life?

A:To show the reader how to read fictions.
B:To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.
C:To claim that books provide the meaning of life.
D:To recommend some non-fiction books to read.
答案: To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.

2、 Why are we like Alice in wonderland when we read a book?

A:Because, like Alice, we often have accident.
B:Because reading makes us feel young again.
C:Because reading opens the door to new experiences.
D:Because books lead us into a dream world.
答案: Because reading opens the door to new experiences.

3、 According to the author, what is the advantage of reading over real life?

A:There is more variety in books than in real life.
B:We can experience variety in books than in real life.
C:The people we meet in a book are more interesting than real people.
D:It’s harder to make sense of teal life than a book.
答案: We can experience variety in books than in real life.

4、 Which one is not the struggle that Miller, the author of They are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?

A:He had no money to buy books.
B:The books he wanted were always out at the library.
C:The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.
D:He was too young to borrow the “immoral” books.
答案: The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.

5、 “A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition.”(Para. 4) What is the figure of speech used in this sentence?

答案: Analogy.

6、 Part II: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words below. Excuse me, Mr Host, but can we the formalities and get right down to business?选词填空: interact dialect exclude influential cite foster realm obstacle drown forego stature
答案: forego

7、 The actress spoke in such a heavy northern that I could barely understand her, but the movie in general was a moving story.选词填空: interact dialect exclude influential cite foster realm obstacle drown forego stature
答案: dialect

8、 The author points out that although much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remain largely in the of assumption.选词填空: interact dialect exclude influential cite foster realm obstacle drown forego stature
答案: realm

9、 We are bombarded by so much unfiltered trash content that sometimes we in mediocre information.选词填空: neglect interact dialect exclude cite foster realm obstacle idle drown forego stature































