


Unit 7 Business Reports & Proposals 第七章 商务报告与计划书 第七单元测验

1、 Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are

A:informational reports.
B:analytical reports.
C:cost-benefit analysis reports.
D:justification reports.
答案: informational reports.

2、 Which of the following is most likely to be written as an informative report?

A:A recommendation from the Information Technology Department that your company install a wireless network
B:A feasibility study addressing tuition reimbursement to all employees
C:A comparison of five handheld communication devices that your company might purchase
D:A summary of information presented at a recent conference for technical writers.
答案: A summary of information presented at a recent conference for technical writers.

3、 Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?

A:A report summarizing the details of a recent seminar you attended
B:A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit
C:A report outlining the new company procedure for reporting workplace injuries
D:A report showing state budget allocations for education
答案: A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit

4、 When you organize a report indirectly, in which order should you present your ideas?

A:Description of the problem, conclusions, facts, and recommendations
B:Conclusion, recommendations, description of the problem, and facts
C:Description of the problem, facts, conclusions, and recommendations
D:The indirect pattern does not follow a set order of ideas.
答案: Description of the problem, facts, conclusions, and recommendations

5、 You are writing a short, informal report that will stay inside your organization. Which format would be most appropriate?

A:Letter format
B:Memo or e-mail format
C:Manuscript format
D:Full-block format
答案: Memo or e-mail format

6、 Typical sources for factual information in an informal report include

A:company records, observation, and electronic resources.
B:observation, personal opinion, and print sources.
C:printed materials, the writer’s educated guesses, and electronic resources.
D:personal experience, personal observation, and personal opinion.
答案: company records, observation, and electronic resources.

7、 Your current assignment is to condense a 200-page government policy report on oil drilling in Alaska into a shorter report for Sierra Club members to read. What kind of report would you most likely write?

A:Information report
B:Summary report
C:Justification/recommendation report
D:Progress report
答案: Summary report

8、 Your company currently processes its payroll internally but is considering the use of an external accounting firm. You are in charge of determining whether your company should proceed with this plan. What kind of report would you most likely write?

A:Feasibility report
B:Progress report
C:Information report
D:Summary report
答案: Feasibility report

9、 You have organized the findings section of your information report by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how. This pattern is called

B:journalism style.
答案: journalism style.

10、 In what order should you organize your ideas when you believe your audience will be agreeable to the suggestions in your justification/recommendation report?

A:Announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation, identify the problem or need, and provide necessary action.
B:Provide necessary action, identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, and explain the recommendation.
C:Identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation, and provide necessary action.
D:Identify the problem or need, provide necessary action, announce the recommendation, and explain the recommendation.
答案: Identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation, and provide necessary action.

11、 Which of the following is not needed in a feasibility report?

A:The background and problem necessitating the proposal
B:Problems that may result from implementation
C:Costs of implementing the proposal
D:Persuasive techniques
答案: Persuasive techniques

12、 Thomas is in charge of taking formal minutes during an Institute of Internal Auditors chapter meeting. Which of the following is the best advice?

A:Record only new business because old business will appear in previous minutes.
B:Avoid using the exact wording of motions because that would be too time consuming.
C:Record voting results and actions taken.
D:Omit his name and signature as the person recording the minutes because he is acting on behalf of the organization.
答案: Record voting results and actions taken.

13、 Which of the following represents the best use of language in report writing?

A:Most people agree…
B:Some people agree…
C:Seventy-five percent of people agree…
D:All answer choices reflect appropriate language choice.
答案: Seventy-five percent of people agree…

14、 Headings that show the outline of a report are called

A:talking headings.
B:topic headings.
C:functional headings.
D:descriptive headings
答案: functional headings.

15、 Which of the following statements about documenting data is not accurate?

A:Documenting data can strengthen your argument.
B:Documenting data protects you from charges of plagiarism.
C:Documenting data is not necessary if you put the information in your own words.
D:Documenting data helps the reader pursue the topic further.
答案: Documenting data is not necessary if you put the information in your own words.

16、 Which of the following statements would need to be documented in a report?

A:Tornadoes caused extensive loss of property and lives in Missouri.
B:You can get an idea of how dangerous a tornado is by its rating.
C:Damaging winds, common in strong tornadoes, caused problems for the residents of Missouri.
D:The Fujita-Pearson tornado scale rates tornadoes with wind speeds of 261 to 318 miles per hour as F5 storms.
答案: The Fujita-Pearson tornado scale rates tornadoes with wind speeds of 261 to 318 miles per hour as F5 storms.

17、 What is the purpose of a letter or memo of transmittal?

A:To present an overview of the report
B:To provide a list of sources used within the report
C:To introduce the writer of the report
D:To designate the parts of the report
答案: To present an overview of the report

18、 What information is included in the appendix of a formal report?

B:Sources mentioned in the report
C:Recommendations based on the report findings
D:Author’s credentials
答案: Questionnaires

19、 Which of the following statements is accurate?

A:Business proposals are persuasive documents used to obtain approval for the proposed projects.
B:Business proposals are always solicited.
C:Business proposals are informative documents used to share problems, identify emerging issues, and categorize available resources for resolution.
D:Business proposals are developed for external audiences only.
答案: Business proposals are persuasive documents used to obtain approval for the proposed projects.

20、 Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A:Executive summary is the most important section of the business plan and is written for manager or executive.
B:To show you are knowledgeable in the field, you should prepare executive using as many jargons or technical terms as possible so as to impress your boss.
C:Executive summary highlights the proposal or business plan and is written for manager executives, so it should be less technically oriented.
D:The length of executive summary is suggested to be no more than one-tenth of the business plans or not more than a couple of pages for lengthy business plans.
答案: To show you are knowledgeable in the field, you should prepare executive using as many jargons or technical terms as possible so as to impress your boss.

21、 The most common type of report in the workplace is the formal report.

答案: 错误
分析:The most common type of report in the workplace is the informal report. These reports tend to be short (usually eight or fewer pages); use memo, e-mail, or letter format; and are personal in tone.

22、 Based on their function, business reports typically fall into one of two categories: instructional or persuasive.

答案: 错误
分析:The two broad categories of business reports are informative reports and analytical reports.

23、 Use the indirect strategy for all analytic reports.

答案: 错误
分析:Although you may organize analytic reports indirectly, you may also organize them directly, especially when readers are supportive of or familiar with the topic. Many busy executives prefer this pattern because it gives them the results of the report immediately.

24、 If you are preparing a report in manuscript format for an outside organization, print the report on your company letterhead.































