International Business Negotiation(Central University of Finance and Economics)中国大学MOOC答案100分最新完整版



1. Negotiation Style Test 1

1、 Which of the following is not the traditional concept of negotiation?

A:Difficulty of negotiation could result in conflicts
B:Negotiators would make all efforts to secure their interest
C:Concessions are difficult to make
D:Negotiations are concerned on how to combine resources and expand the size of the interests
答案: Negotiations are concerned on how to combine resources and expand the size of the interests

2、 Which of the following is not the characteristic of integrative negotiation

A:Negotiations assume that resource is fixed and negotiation how to distribute a fixed pie
B:Equally beneficial or attractive outcomes are achieved
C:It is problem-solving to find a solution to a common problem
D:Gain is not dependent on the loss of the other party
答案: Negotiations assume that resource is fixed and negotiation how to distribute a fixed pie

2. Negotiation Mode Test 2

1、 Which of the following is the characteristic of collaborative negotiation mode?

A:power-oriented with persuasive power
B:work to find a joint approach with a creative solution
C:avoid problems
D:initiative with impatience
答案: work to find a joint approach with a creative solution

2、 Which of the following is the characteristic of compromising negotiation mode?

A:push hard with distributive result
B:overcome the differences with integrative bargaining
C:each party meets the other half way
D:sacrifice own interest to satisfy the other party
答案: each party meets the other half way

3. Negotiation Process Test 3

1、 Which of the following is not included in the background of international business negotiation framework?

D:Third Parties
答案: Post-Negotiation

2、 Which of the following is not right about the atmosphere?

A:The common interest encourages cooperation
B:Perceived power is relevant to expertise and access to information
C:The expectation for long-term and short also influences the atmosphere
D:The dependence of negotiators has no effect on the atmosphere
答案: The dependence of negotiators has no effect on the atmosphere

4. Cross-border Negotiation Test 4

1、 Which is the motivation of FDI from the following statement: It involves the search for specific assets such as R&D capacity and output, design facilities, and brand names that are embedded in advanced country firms and which can usually be accessed only by the takeover of these firms or subdivisions of them?

A:Efficiency-seeking FDI
B:Strategic asset-seeking FDI
C:Natural Resource-seeking FDI
D:Market-seeking FDI
答案: Strategic asset-seeking FDI

2、 Which of the following is the diversification strategy in Ansoff Matrix?

A:New Product, New Market
B:Current Product, Current Market
C:Current Product, New Market
D:New Product, Current Product
答案: New Product, New Market

5. Multilateral Negotiation Test 5

1、 Which of the following is right for Metcalf’s Law?

A:The business network functions with no relationship with its users
B:The value of business network is not relevant with the user volume
C:The interconnections of entities have no effect on the value network
D:The value of networks is consistent with the user volume involved
答案: The value of networks is consistent with the user volume involved

2、 Which of the following is for the statement of internalization theory?

A:Information can be an important factor in motivating the growth of the economy
B:Companies will internalize operations while internal efficiency outperforms the external
C:The transmission of information is helpful to control the affect of information asymmetry
D:Corporate network encourages the synergies based on integrated development
答案: Companies will internalize operations while internal efficiency outperforms the external

6. Negotiating International Licensing Test 6

1、 Which of the following is NOT an issue that needs to be negotiated during the international licensing negotiation?

A:Confirm the assets to be licensed
C:Infringement and confidentiality
D:The CEO of the firm
答案: The CEO of the firm

2、 Which of the following is NOT a typical international licensing agreement structure?

A:Step-Up Royalty Rates
B:Step-Down Royalty Rates
C:Creditable Payments
D: Maximum Royalty Rates
答案: Maximum Royalty Rates

3、 Which of the following is NOT an advantage of international licensing?

A:Obtain extra income for technical know-how and services.
B:Pave the way for future investments in the market.
C:Political risk is minimized as the licensee is usually 100% locally owned.
D: It does not give a firm tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy.
答案: It does not give a firm tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy.

4、 International licensing is the transfer of the right of use.

答案: 正确

5、 International licensing is a foreign market entry mode for firms.

答案: 正确

8. Negotiation in Cross-cultural Context Test 8

1、 Which is NOT the characteristic of culture?

D:transmitted from generation to generation
答案: static

2、 Which of the following statements about the differences in Chinese and American negotiating styles is INCORRECT?

A:Americans appreciate a highly pro-active, uncompromising, and aggressive style, while Chinese prefer harmony and adopt a soft style to avoid direct confrontation.
B:Americans typically speak in a straight-forward fashion, which may be perceived as arrogant, rude, or bullying by their Chinese counterparts.
C:Chinese believe that business is second to relationships. Americans are often more business-oriented.








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