职场情景英语(楚雄师范学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Item One Getting the job(求职) Item 1: 单元测验

1、 下面是李勇先生写的求职信及个人简历,请根据信的内容,将其简历补充完整,每个空格不得超过2个单词. 73 Xinchang Road, Beijing June 7, 2016Dear sir, I am writing to introduce myself, with the hope of getting the job you advertised in Daily News. When I was a child, I was fond of English and always got good grades. In 1994, after six years of hard work in Beijing No.4 Middle School, I entered People’s University. I studied English there for four years. Luckily, I got my first job when I graduated. I taught English in Beijing No. 4 Middle School from 1998 to 2001. Then I got the chance to receive further education in University of Hawaii in the US. That was a precious experience of my life. I learnt a lot during those two years, especially the differences between eastern and western cultures. I came back to People’s University in 2003. I worked as an assistant(助手) for 2 years and then as a professor. I won lots of awards. I was an “Excellent Student” of People’s University in 1997, and an “Outstanding Teacher” of Beijing No. 4 middle school in 2000. Thank you for reading my letter, and I will appreciate it very much if you can reply soon. Yours sincerely, Li YongResume (个人简历) Name: Li Yong(1)_______: 73 Xinchang Road, BeijingTelephone: (010) 7178 5210Date of Birth: May 8, 1975Nationality: Chinese

D:Date of Birth
答案: Address

2、 (2)________: 1988-1994 Beijing No. 4 Middle School 1994-1998 People’s University, Beijing Major: English 2001-2003 University of Hawaii

A:Work History
答案: Education

3、 Working Experience:1998-2001 (3) ________ Beijing No. 4 Middle School

A:English teacher
B:Math teacher
答案: English teacher

4、 2003-2005 (4) ________ People’s University2005- present Professor People’s University

A:English teacher
B:Math teacher
答案: Assistant

5、 Awards:1997 (5)”_____”, People’s University2000 “Outstanding Teacher”, Beijing No. 4 Middle School

A:Outstanding Teacher
B:Outstanding Student
C:Excellent Student
D:Excellent Teacher
答案: Excellent Student

6、 1. Job interview is very important for a person to get a good job.

答案: 正确

7、 2. It is OK to get into a company without knowing about its culture and products.

答案: 错误

8、 3. Being late at an interview can have some negative influence on the interviewee.

答案: 正确

9、 4. You should dress something different from your day-to-day attire when attending an interview.

答案: 正确

10、 5. It is not necessary for the interviewee to prepare any question to ask the interviewer.

答案: 错误

11、 Translate the following into Chinese.interview
答案: 面试

12、 Translate the following into Chinese.resume
答案: 个人简历

13、 Translate the following into Chinese. schedule
答案: 日程,计划

14、 Translate the following into Chinese. anticipate
答案: 预期,预料到

15、 Translate the following into Chinese. apply for
答案: 申请

Item Two Office work(办公室工作) Item 2:单元测验

1、 Read and choose the best answer.Mr. Black’s office was only 5 kilometers away from his house, so he could go home to have lunch every day. But when he got home at noon, he had to drive another place to park his car, then walked back home. Because he found many cars outside his house and there was no room for his own car. This made him very angry.One day, he put up a board in the garden facing the roadNO PARKINGBut nobody noticed it. People seemed to obey only a police notice with white letters on a blue board.POLICE NOTICENO PARKINGMrs. Black asked his husband to steal a police notice but he was afraid to do so. Then she asked him to make one just like a police notice. Mr. Black said he was not the police and couldn’t use the word “police”. Several days later, Mr. Black made a blue board with white letters.POLITE NOTICENO PARKING“Oh!” Mrs. Black said, “ You told me you weren’t going to use the word ‘police’, but why do you use it now”“Really” he asked with a smile. “Look again!”“Oh, Dear!” she started to laugh, “ You are really clever!”1. How far is it from Mr. Black’s house to his office?

A:5 miles
B:5 hours’ drive
C:5,000 meters
D:Less than 5 kilometers
答案: 5,000 meters

2、 2. Mr. Black was angry because ______.

A:he lost the way when he drove back home one day
B:his car was broken on his way home one day
C:he had to walk home from his office
D:he found no room to park his car outside his house
答案: he found no room to park his car outside his house

3、 3. How many notice boards did Mr. Black make according to the passage?

答案: Two

4、 4. In the end, Mr. Black made a notice board and it _____.

D:was different in color from a police notice.

5、 5. What would most probably happen after he put up the blue board?

A:Fewer people would park their cars outside his house because of the blue board.
B:More people would have to park their cars outside his house because of the blue board.
C:He would be punished because he stole the blue board.
D:He couldn’t park his car outside his house any more because there was no room for his car.
答案: Fewer people would park their cars outside his house because of the blue board.

6、 1. If you want to become an executive, dress like an executive.

答案: 正确

7、 2. It is suggested that a business woman should wear as little jewelry as possible.

答案: 正确

8、 3. Some competitors may blackmail those employees who have kept company documents secretly, forcing them to reveal them.

答案: 错误

9、 4. It does not matter if you talk with outsiders in public about company routine.

答案: 错误

10、 5. Used documents, such as carbon copies should be destroyed as soon as possible.

答案: 正确

11、 Translate the following into Chinese. in charge of
答案: 负责

12、 Translate the following into Chinese. offer service to
答案: 提供服务

13、 Translate the following into Chinese. code of ethics
答案: 职业道德

14、 Translate the following into Chinese. privacy and secrecy
答案: 隐私

15、 Translate the following into Chinese. think twice
答案: 三思

Item Three Business trips (商务旅行) Item 3:单元测验

1、 Read and choose the best answer.As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it necessary to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many families, some tips are certainly in order.If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much happier and probably enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good meal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion(消化). You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service and almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate(提前做准备)your travel needs as a businesswoman; this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take a folding(折叠)case inside your suitcase; it will come in extremely handy(极其方便)for dirty clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate.Obviously, experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip! 1.Who is the author’s intended audience?

A:Working women who have no time for cooking.
B:Husbands and children of working women.
C:Working women who must travel on their own.
D:Hotel personnel who must attend to working women.
答案: Working women who must travel on their own.





