第一讲 绪论 Chapter1 Introduction 课后测1
1、 该课程教学中采用了以下哪种( )方法 Which of the following methods have been used in the teaching of the present course( )
A:研讨式 Research & Discussion approach
B:统计式 Statistics style
C:传统式 Traditional style
D:实践法 Practice method
答案: 研讨式 Research & Discussion approach
2、 以下哪项可作为开展产业生态学研究的重要依据( )Which of the following can be used as an important reason for study of industrial ecology( )
A:现有环境问题的自然成因大多归因于强烈人类活动 The natural causes of existing environmental problems are mostly attributed to strong human activities
B:现有环境问题的人为成因大多来自强烈人类活动,特别是产业活动对地表的干扰 The man-made causes of existing environmental problems mostly come from strong human activities, especially the interference of industrial activities on the earth surface
C:现有环境问题的形成是自然现象 The formation of existing environmental problems is a natural phenomenon
D:现在环境问题与人类消费活动无关 Existing environmental problems is unrelated to human consumption
答案: 现有环境问题的人为成因大多来自强烈人类活动,特别是产业活动对地表的干扰 The man-made causes of existing environmental problems mostly come from strong human activities, especially the interference of industrial activities on the earth surface
3、 产业在人类与环境间的关系中具有哪种( )角色 What role does industry play in the relationship between human beings and the environment( )
A:产业是人类社会经济系统的核心 Industry is the core of human socio-economic system
B:产业是物质能量发生作用关系的核心 Industry is the core of the relationship between material and Energy
C:产业是人类社会经济与资源环境复合系统的核心 Industry is the core of the hybrid system of human society & economy and natural resources & environment
D:产业是资源环境复合系统的核心 Industry is the core of compound system of natural resources and environment
答案: 产业是人类社会经济与资源环境复合系统的核心 Industry is the core of the hybrid system of human society & economy and natural resources & environment
4、 产业系统最主要功能是( )The main function of the industrial system is( )
A:促进物质、能量、价值在产业系统中的循环流动 Promote the circulation of substance, energy and value in the industrial system
B:将自然资源转换为满足人类特定需要的服务或产品 Converting natural resources into services or products that meet specific human needs
C:对自然地表环境系统产生重要影响 Affecting the natural surface environment system
D:影响物质、能源在地表的空间分布 Affecting the spatial distribution of matter and energy on the earth’s surface
答案: 将自然资源转换为满足人类特定需要的服务或产品 Converting natural resources into services or products that meet specific human needs
5、 本课程关心的环境问题类型不包括哪项( )Which types of environmental issues are out of interest to this course( )
A:资源短缺 Resource shortage
B:某环境污染物超标 Some environmental pollutants exceed the standard
C:生态环境恶化 Ecological environment deterioration
D:人口过剩 Over-population
答案: 人口过剩 Over-population
6、 引起全球变暖主要人类活动是( )The main human activities that cause global warming is()
A:人类生产与消费活动 Human production and consumption activities
B:人类意识活动 Human consciousness activity
C:人类体育活动 Human sports activities
D:人类种植活动 Human planting activities
答案: 人类生产与消费活动 Human production and consumption activities
7、 某地区环境重金属污染物超标通常与哪项( )无关 Which item is usually unrelated to the excess of heavy metal pollutants in an area( )
A:金属冶炼与再生 Metal smelting and regeneration
B:金属加工与制造 Metal processing and manufacture
C:金属产品使用 Use of metal products
D:金属物质自然地表迁移 Natural migration of metal substance on the earth surface
答案: 金属物质自然地表迁移 Natural migration of metal substance on the earth surface
8、 中国现行国民经济行业划分标准是( )The current industrial classification standard for national economic activities of China is( )
A:GB/T 4754-2002
B:GB/T 4754-2011
C:GB/T 4754-2017
D:GB/T 4754-2020
答案: GB/T 4754-2017
9、 “产业”可概括描述为哪项( )经济活动 Which item is suit to describe industry activities( )
A:资源开采与生产 Resource exploitation and production
B:生产物质产品或提供社会服务 Production of material goods or provision of social services
C:教育、卫生、物流、交通等服务 Education, health, logistics, transportation, etc
D:废旧物资回收 Waste material recovery
答案: 生产物质产品或提供社会服务 Production of material goods or provision of social services
10、 产业与改善环境质量间的关系可描述为以下哪项( )Which item is suit to describe the relationship between industry and improving of environmental quality( )
A:产业系统运行与环境质量无关 The operation of industrial system has nothing to do with environmental quality
B:产业系统运行与资源状态无关 The operation of industrial system is independent of the state of resources
C:优化产业系统可改善人类与环境间关系 Optimizing Industrial system can improve the relationship between Human and Environment
D:产业系统运行与人类消费模式无关 The operation of industrial system has nothing to do with human consumption pattern
答案: 优化产业系统可改善人类与环境间关系 Optimizing Industrial system can improve the relationship between Human and Environment
11、 产业活动是导致当今环境问题的重要因素( )Industrial activity is an important factor causing current environmental problems( )
答案: 正确
12、 产业系统可看作人类社会经济与资源环境系统的核心( )Industrial system can be regarded as the core of human society & economy and natural resource & environment system( )
答案: 正确
13、 产业系统是向人类提供产品或服务的部门( )An industrial system is a department that provides products or services to human beings( )
答案: 正确
14、 中国现行的国民经济行业划分标准是GB/T 4754-2011( )The current industrial classification standard for national economic activities ofChinais GB/T 4754-2011( )
答案: 错误
15、 交通运输、邮电等不属于产业系统( )Transportation, Post and Telecommunications do not belong to the Industrial system( )
答案: 错误
16、 只有物质资源转换活动才属于产业活动( )Only material resource conversion activities belong to industrial activities( )
答案: 错误
17、 能源开采、生产、供应活动也属于产业活动( )Energy extraction and production, Supply activities also belong to industrial activities( )
答案: 正确
18、 废物回收与再生活动不属于产业活动( )Waste recovery and recycling activities do not belong to industrial activities( )
答案: 错误
19、 资源环境状况不受产业活动的影响( )Resources and environment conditions are not affected by industrial activities( )
答案: 错误
20、 各国的国民经济行业划分标准是完全一致的( )The national industrial classification standards are all the same for different countries( )
答案: 错误
21、 各时期国民经济行业划分标准完全一致( )The national industrial classification standards in different periods usually remains exactly the same( )
答案: 错误
22、 中国国民经济行业标准GB/T 4754-2011与GB/T 4754-2017行业构成完全一致( )The current national industrial classification standard of China GB/T 4754-2017 is completely the same as the old one GB/T 4754-2011( )
答案: 错误
第二讲 产业生态学在可持续发展中的作用 Chapter2 The Role of IE in Sustainable Development 课后测after-class test 2
1、 为保护环境质量,人类活动强度应满足( ) In order to protect the environment quality, the intensity of human activity should meet a condition that( )
A:人类环境影响应低于环境承载能力 Human environmental impact should be lower than environmental carrying capacity
B:人类环境影响应大致等于环境承载能力 Human environmental impact should be approximately equal to environmental carrying capacity
C:人类环境影响应大于环境承载能力 Human environmental impact should be greater than environmental carrying capacity
D:人类环境影响与环境质量无关 Human environmental impact has nothing to do with environmental quality
答案: 人类环境影响应低于环境承载能力 Human environmental impact should be lower than environmental carrying capacity
2、 环境污染物排放与经济增长间的关系可描述为( )The relationship between the environmental emission and economic growth can be described as( )
A:人类环境负荷总是随经济发展先升后降 Human environmental impacts always rises first and then decreases with the economic development
B:人类资源消耗随经济发展先升后降,而环境污染物排放却先降后升 Human resource consumption usually rises first and then decreases with the economic development, however the emission of environmental pollutants decreases first and then increases
C:人类资源消耗量随经济增长先升后降 Human resources consumption increases first and then decreases with economic growth
D:若干种环境污染物排放随经济增长呈现出先升后降的倒U型Several kinds of environmental emissions increase first and then decrease with economic growth as inverse U Curves
答案: 若干种环境污染物排放随经济增长呈现出先升后降的倒U型Several kinds of environmental emissions increase first and then decrease with economic growth as inverse U Curves
3、 人类总环境负荷与下列哪个因素有关( )The total human environmental impact is related to ( )
A:产业分布 Industrial distribution
B:人口规模 Population size
C:社会关系 Social relations
D:资源储量 Resource reserves
答案: 人口规模 Population size
4、 IPAT方程中的A可以表示成哪项个方式( )The parameter A in the IPAT equation can be expressed as( )
B:CO2排放量 CO2 emissions