


Unit One “We’ve Been Hit! ” Test 1

1、 She used to __ with her parents, but now she is used to ____ with her classmates at school.

A:live; living
B: live; live
C:living; living
D:living; live
答案: live; living

2、 Have you ____ after supper?

A:use to have a walk
B:been used to having a walk
C: been use to have a walk
D:been used for having a walk
答案: been used to having a walk

3、 Stone can ____ bridges.

A:used to build
B:be used to build
C:be used to building
D:used for building
答案: be used to build

4、 Tom __ get up early in the morning, so he stayed in bed until 9 am.

A:didn’t need to
B: did need to
C:needn’t have to
D:needn’t have done to
答案: didn’t need to

5、 Lily got up early, but she __ so, because she had no work to do that morning.

A:didn’t have to do
B:need have done
C:needn’t have done
D:did have to do
答案: needn’t have done

6、 For some, the choices were as basic as which staircase to use. Others faced the ultimate moral ____ : Save yourself, or save another.
答案: dilemma

7、 On the 53rd floor, he came across a ___ man whose legs just wouldn’t move anymore.
答案: heavyset

8、 For some, it was a matter of ____ —not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building.
答案: geography

9、 While as many as 25,000 would find their __ to safety, 5,000 would not.
答案: way

10、 Adam used to enjoy watching as storms ______ the windows of his office.
答案: lashed

Unit Two The Virtues of Growing Older Unit Two Test

1、 Americans are not afraid of becoming old.

答案: 错误

2、 Many people are trying to delay the effects of aging with the passion for physical exercises, dieting and cosmetics.

答案: 正确

3、 The author holds that when we are young, we usually try behaving differently from their usual selves by associating with different people.

答案: 正确

4、 Usually, the young are more confident and know what would happen and what would they do in the future.

答案: 错误

5、 In the last paragraph, the author learns that the younger is not necessarily better.

答案: 正确




