


Chapter 1 Fiction Test for Chapter 1 Fiction

1、 In a traditional structure of a plot, what occurs when events and complications begin to resolve?

A: conflict
B:rising action
D:falling action
答案: falling action

2、 What has lead to Gabriel’s final epiphany in “The Dead”?

A:Lily’s refusal of a tip: Gabriel’s failure as a gentleman
B: Miss Ivors’ use of the abusive term “West Briton”: Gabriel’s failure as a gentleman
C:Gretta’s withdrawal into the past and her revelation about her old lover
D:Gabriel’s failure at his after-dinner speech
答案: Gretta’s withdrawal into the past and her revelation about her old lover

3、 The title “Tickets,Please” suggests __.

A:social order
B:class hierarchy
C:women’s inferiority
答案: women’s inferiority

4、 What is an open character?

A:Type character
B:Minor character
C:Static character
D:Active character
答案: Active character

5、 What do the monstrous chickens preserved in the glass bottle by the father symbolize?

A:My father’s American dream
B:My father’s deformed and insane spirit
C:My father’s personal inadequacy
D:The domination of eccentricity
答案: My father’s deformed and insane spirit

6、 What kind of irony is used in the following sentence? The guest opens his mouth to compliment the chef, but before he can speak, he burps long and loudly .

A:Verbal irony
B:Situational irony
C:dramatic irony
D:Lyrical irony
答案: Situational irony

7、 What is theme in literature?

A:The underlying message of a work.
B:What critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in his/her work.
C:It holds belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers and is usually universal in nature.
D:A piece of literary writing can have only one theme.
答案: The underlying message of a work.;
What critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in his/her work.;
It holds belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers and is usually universal in nature.

8、 Which of the following can be regarded as a theme statement?

A:The theme of “The Egg” might be “Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”.
B:Disillusionment and psychological paralysis in “The Dead”.
C:Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers’ Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”
D: The protagonist Gabriel suffered a psychological breakdown in the end of the story.
答案: The theme of “The Egg” might be “Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”. ;
Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers’ Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”

9、 What are the father’s personal experiences associated with eggs in Sherwood Anderson’s “The Eggs”?

A:nurturing eggs in the farm
B:serving eggs in the restaurant
C: entertaining the guests with eggs at the restaurant
D:destroying the eggs then he failed in the Columbus trickery
答案: nurturing eggs in the farm ;
serving eggs in the restaurant ;
entertaining the guests with eggs at the restaurant

10、 What are the general prose characteristics of Hemingway’s “In Another Country”?

A: precise and compact
B:full of verbs but short of adjectives and adverbs
C:minimal use of subordinate clauses
D: use plain and straightforward style
答案: precise and compact ;
full of verbs but short of adjectives and adverbs;
minimal use of subordinate clauses;
use plain and straightforward style

11、 Which of the following is true about the “External Narrator”?

A:can be a character in the story
B: a disembodied “voice” the writer creates to tell the story from outside
C:tells the story in the third person
D: characters and events is filtered through the narrator’s consciousness alone
答案: can be a character in the story;
a disembodied “voice” the writer creates to tell the story from outside;
tells the story in the third person

12、 What are the two kinds of narrative structure in general?

A:Linear/Chronological order.
B: Non-Linear/ Achronological
C:First-Person Narrative
D: Third-Person Narrative
答案: Linear/Chronological order. ;
Non-Linear/ Achronological

13、 Which of the following statements about characters is true?

A:A flat character is two-dimensional and incapable of surprising the reader.
B:Conventionally, characters in fiction can be classifies as major and minor.
C: major characters are often round characters
D:antagonists are minor characters, so they are often flat characters.
答案: A flat character is two-dimensional and incapable of surprising the reader.;
Conventionally, characters in fiction can be classifies as major and minor.;
major characters are often round characters

14、 Which of the following can be regarded as “stock characters”?

A:the femme fatale
B: the mad scientist
C:geeky boy with glasses
D:an aggressive Asian
答案: the femme fatale ;
the mad scientist;
geeky boy with glasses

15、 What are important symbolic images used by James Joyce to present the theme of the story?

B:dusk and nighttime
D: snow
答案: windows ;
dusk and nighttime;

16、 What’s true about Gabriel in “The Dead”?

A: He loves his country and is proud of its culture.
B: His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.
C:He finds no genuine joy or pleasure in life.
D:He is obsessed with the past
答案: His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.;
He is obsessed with the past

17、 Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical.

答案: 错误

18、 Style is concerned not with “what to say” but “how to say it”.

答案: 正确

19、 In direct characterization, the narrator or character describes what another character looks like without comment.

答案: 错误

20、 The novel is prose rather than verse though novels can well include very “poetic” elements.

答案: 正确

21、 Sometimes antagonists are a round characterization.

答案: 正确

22、 “This diligent student seldom reads more than an hour per month.” is an example of situational irony.

答案: 错误

23、 ____ gives clues suggesting the events that will occur later.
答案: Foreshadowing

24、 In the realm of fiction, is the most important type due to its greater openness and flexibility.
答案: novel

25、 An _ often provides explanatory information that helps readers to understand the situation in the story.
答案: exposition

26、 __is a sudden, intuitive perception of the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
答案: Epiphany




