


Chapter 1: Course Introduction 1.1 Quiz

1、 In van Gogh’s The Night Cafe, he tried to express the terrible sinful passions of humanity by rendering reds and greens in the painting. This suggests ___.

A:The content is the basis of subject.
B:The content is expressed by subject.
C:The subject is the most basis of the three components of visual arts.
D:The content is expressed by form.
答案: The content is expressed by form.

2、 Kandinsky’s Movement 1 tells us when we are appreciating an abstract artwork, a better )understanding of ___ can reinforce a better understanding of the content.

B: form
答案: form

3、 The subject of an artwork is what is depicted in this work, it can be ____.

A:a person
B:an object
C:a theme
D:an idea.
答案: a person;
an object;
a theme ;
an idea.

4、 Which of the following statement is true according to this part?

A:The content is why it‘s depicted in this way, refers to the artist’s intention, communication or the meaning behind the work.
B:The content of an artwork is the emotional or intellectual message developed by the artist and interpreted by the viewer.
C:The content of an artwork can be a statement, an expression or mood.
D:The viewer decodes the artist’s message by observing the subject and form.
答案: The content is why it‘s depicted in this way, refers to the artist’s intention, communication or the meaning behind the work.;
The content of an artwork is the emotional or intellectual message developed by the artist and interpreted by the viewer. ;
The content of an artwork can be a statement, an expression or mood. ;
The viewer decodes the artist’s message by observing the subject and form.

5、 The ceramics work Anne’s Jacket is presented in a very representative way, because it looks so much like a leather jacket that you can even feel the texture of the leather.

答案: 正确
分析:From the script , we know it is a true statement.

6、 Form is the basis of both subject and content.

答案: 正确
分析:From the script, we know that the form of an artwork means the visual organization of this artwork, and it impacts the content of an artwork. So, it can be regarded as the basis of both subject and content.

7、 Sometimes the viewer’s interpretation to an artwork does not exactly coincide with the artist’s intention, because the viewers’ interpretations are always confined by their diversified feelings and experiences, and this may affect the communication between artist and viewer.

答案: 正确
分析:Script: Ideally the viewer’s interpretation coincides with the artist’s intention. But this is often not the case, as our interpretations are confined by our diversified feelings and experiences and they greatly affect the communication between artist and viewer. But doing a little bit research about the artist will be helpful for a fuller interpretation.

8、 The basic components of an artwork have always been , form and .
答案: subject content
分析:From the script, we know that subject, form and content are the basic components of an artwork.

9、 By form, we refer to the following seven elements, line, , form, value, , colorand space.
答案: shape texture
分析:Form is the visual organization of the artwork — how the artist has used elements of art, which in most cases include line, shape, form, value, texture, color and space.

10、 The differences in content were created by the differences in___, not the _.
答案: from subject
分析:The differences in content were created by the differences in form, not the subject. The decisions you make regarding form, for example the type of line, shape and form; the selection of value and color; the arrangement of space; the texture created and so on, shape the work’s impact and meaning, i.e. the content.

Chapter 1: Course Introduction 1.2 Quiz

1、 All of the following except ______ are visual elements of art.

答案: theme
分析:D theme主题,不是艺术的视觉要素。

2、 Horizongtal lines suggest ______.

A:turmoil and anxiety
B:comfort and ease
C:height and strength
D:distance and calm
答案: distance and calm
分析:不同线条有不同的情感和功能。AHorizontal lines(水平线) suggest distance and calm. Vertical lines(垂直线条) suggest height and strength. Curved lines(曲线) suggest comfort and ease. Jagged lines(锯齿状的线条) suggest turmoil(混乱) and anxiety(焦虑).

3、 Chiaroscuro refers to the ______.

A:the use of lightness or darkness in an artwork
B:the feelings imparted by lines
C:the emotional impacts elicited by shapes
D:different shading techniques
答案: the use of lightness or darkness in an artwork
分析:Chiaroscuro is an Italian word that is created to refer to the use of light and dark in a piece of art.

4、 The higher the value is, the ______ it appears.

答案: whiter
分析:Value (明暗) is the lightness and darkness of a color. The lightest value is white and the darkest value is black.The higher the value, the lighter it appears.Purer是用来描述saturation的概念,不用来描述value。

5、 The words bumpy,smooth,rough,woven,jagged are used to describe ______.

A:the shapes of objects
B:the texure of a surface
C:the value change
D:the application of color
答案: the texure of a surface

6、 Lines can be used to______.

A:suggest movement
B:give the feeling of different textures
C:depict objects
D:construct structure
答案: suggest movement;
give the feeling of different textures;
depict objects;
construct structure


7、 Organic shapes are often ______.

C:found in nature
答案: irregular;
found in nature

分析:本题考察形状概念的识别。Organic shapes are often natural and irregular.(organic 有机的,生物的。有机形状常常是来自于自然的,不规则的)

8、 Which of the following are three-dimensional forms?

答案: spheres;

分析:rectangle 长方形,是二维图形,故应排除。

9、 Which of the following techniques can we use to create the illusion of space on a two-dimensional surface?

A:The variation of size.
B:The clarity of objects.
D:Color and value.
答案: The variation of size.;
The clarity of objects.;
Color and value.

分析:ABC所描述的技巧均能在二维平面构建空间感,具体如下:A. Variation of size. 大小的变化。The people that are closer appear larger and those that’re farther appear smaller.B. Clarity of objects. 物体的明晰度。The objects that are closer appear clearer, and the people in the background seem vaguer and less clear. C. Overlapping遮挡。The people that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of people that are behind them.D. Color and value(色彩和明暗)——people that are further away are cooler in color temperature and lighter in value.

10、 Colors can be used to ______.

A:set a specific mood
B:depict objects
C:symbolize something
D:create shapes
答案: set a specific mood;
depict objects;
symbolize something;
create shapes



The shapes in the picture are______?

答案: abstract;




