


01 Greek Culture (希腊文化) —- Troy《特洛伊:木马屠城》 Quiz 1

1、 Metaphorically, “_ ” has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or place.

A:A. a Trojan Horse
B:B. Helen of Troy
C:C. an Achilles’ Heel
D:D. a Golden Apple
答案: A. a Trojan Horse

2、 In Greek mythology, the king of the gods is_ , who lives with the other gods on top of Mt. Olympus in Greece.

A:A. Apollo
B: B. Zeus
C:C. Hera
D:D. Poseidon
答案: B. Zeus

3、 (1) In Greek mythology, _ was a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy inthe Trojan War.

A:A. Paris
B:B. Hector
C:C. Achilles
D:D. Odysseus
答案: B. Hector

4、 _is a weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall.

A:A. An Achilles’ Heel
B: B. The Trojan Horse
C:C. Helen of Troy
D:D. A Golden Apple
答案: A. An Achilles’ Heel

5、 (1) Homer is the name of the Greek poet who wrote the epic poems_ andOdyssey.

A:A. Trojan War
B:B. Greek Myths
C:C. Achilles
D:D. Iliad
答案: D. Iliad

6、 When Achilles was born, his mother tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx. However, his knee was left vulnerable.

答案: 错误

7、 Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple in front of the goddesses, with an inscription that read: “to the most beautiful”. Three goddesses claimed the apple: Hera, Athena and Nike.

答案: 错误

8、 Linear B may have only been used by a guild of professional scribes who worked at different palaces. When the palaces were destroyed, the script disappeared.

答案: 正确

9、 In the Archaic Period, artists made larger free-standing sculptures in stiff poses, with the dreamlike “archaic smile”.

答案: 正确

10、 Athens created the world’s first known democracy, but women were not citizens in Athens, while in Sparta they were.

答案: 正确

02 The Medieval Culture (中世纪文化) —- Kingdom of Heaven 《天国王朝》 Quiz 2

1、 Jerusalem plays an important role in three major religions except_, as well as in a number of smaller religious groups.

A:A. Christianity
B:B. Judaism
C:C. Islam
D:D. Buddhism
答案: D. Buddhism

2、 _is a prophet, the “messenger of God” for_.

A:A. Abraham, Muslims
B:B. Abraham, Christians
C:C. Jesus, Jews
D: D. Jesus, Christians
答案: A. Abraham, Muslims

3、 _was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans and their leader Titus.P73

A:A. The First Temple
B:B. The Second Temple
C:C. The Western Wall
D:D. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
答案: B. The Second Temple

4、 The three religions all take Foundation Stone located in _as their halidom, and it has become the chief culprit of religious conflict in Jerusalem.

A:A. Al-Aqsa Mosque
B:B. the Dome of the Rock
C:C. the Western Wall
D:D. the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
答案: B. the Dome of the Rock

5、 Jerusalem is believed to be named after the_god Shalem.

A:A. Egyptian
B:B. Israeli
C:C. Persian
D:D. Canaanite
答案: D. Canaanite

6、 Jerusalem is regarded as the first holiest city in Islam.

答案: 错误




