答案:正确 It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; it’s awhole way 点我阅读全文
10 Many people quite often talk about their mothers love for them. 答案:正确 11 Or maybe youfeel your parents are the ones 点我阅读全文
填写答案 答案:it will allow you to go along the right path 4 待做 What would you do ifyou couldn’twatch TV () a week? 答案:for 点我阅读全文
简答题i know i could do so much more if somebody would just have faith in me翻译是 填写答案 答案:我知道如果有人对我有信心,我可以做得更多。 19 简答题Find y 点我阅读全文