大学英语(二) 超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG





大学英语(二) 超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG第1张


1 待做填空题We should not () the past



填空题His works mirrored such positive () cheerfulness and kindness



Many people have good memories of that old Mcdonald


Pmany people say that Mcdonald’s can certainly afford to pay that amount.


He raised the radio close to hisear.


Some people might be wondering, however, if Disney lost the battle but won the war, as it seemseveryone is living in Disney’s America these days


Americans rush out to see Disney films, and then replay them-on videotapes


The world of Disney is becoming anything but small


Theres a kind of protection at work here, said Henry Giroux, a professor at Penn State University


think seriously about sth是认真考虑某事物


omething wrong with sth/sb是某人有问题


be crazy about是为…疯狂




In my opinion . reading novels is asrelaxing as listening to music


The place is anything but safe


to your heart’s content是心满意足


第四章是guests both from home and abroad


be interested in是对…感兴趣


It is necessary for you to do sth.是你有必要做某事。


简答题When talking about symbols of American culture?



简答题To local historians,


待做out of fashion是

in fashion是

Would you feel kind of shy showingyour friends pictures of yourself fromseveral years ago?


Suddppeared in magazines and newspapers, and on TV shows, She was immediately popular.

It’s sometimes difficult to see the difference between a fad and a trend

I’m going to sell the house, together with the furniture


He appears to be friendly, but youstill have to be careful


It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; it’s awhole way of living


Negative attitudes toward fat people begin in childhood


In reality, however, some people are naturally fat


Many people take part in exercises to lose weightand change their body shapes




in reality是在现实中

refuse to do sth是拒绝做某事




my best friend是我最好的朋友

be out of fashion是过时


be connected with是与…联系




待做Along with her great success, however, Natalie Cole has lived in a () of drugs, crime, and failemarrages

dream () doing sth

had better () sth.

made quite a ()

look for是

short () clear.

填空题colorful () rich life

What dreams do you have in your life?


I quickly went to a bank, where the money was invested for me

How the situation will eventuallywork out, only time can tell


experiment with是实验




have faith in ones own judgment


be comfortable with


n order to是为了


简答题My first real long-term job, though,



简答题It is important for us to learn alesson from the failure翻译是


简答题i know i could do so much more if somebody would just have faith in me翻译是



简答题Find your true self and


待做What would you do ifyou couldn’twatch TV () a week?

There was much pain in his legsand he thought () must bewrong with them

One of the many great aspects of my friend’s character is () he really loves going out for a nicedinner.

I can go without () today

have faith () sb

the( )career woman

My mother gave me the bad news on Monday morning


Maybe the Great TV Turn-off has changed me.


It is not what you say but what you do that impresses people most.


I valued my life plenty, so I didn’t touch the TV when I came home from school that day.


That was the best fifty dollars I’ve spent in a very long time


I have been busy recently, particularly this week

I can handle it我可以处理它




as soon as possible


Please turn off the TV


leam to do sth.学会做某事。




Try to think of some other instructive activities besideswatching TV  待做remember () sth

The speaker()for a moment, and then began to answer the question

Do remember to take () you the key to the front door before you start out.


at once是

make decisions是

catering business是.

take apart是

The older youget, the more deeplyou begin to realize your parents’love


Many people quite often talk about their mothers love for them.


Or maybe youfeel your parents are the ones who needprotection as they get older! It’s true thata parent’s job is never done.


Like most parents, Dad has always tried to protect his children.


The children cried with delight atthe sight of the sea

he driving directions he gave us is to take as few left turns as possible

Dad had lost any purpose in life


I guess there are still some things we both have to learn together.


The purpose of his recent trip to Hangzhou was to attend a meeting


is…satisfied with是……满意




How much是多少钱

Interest in是利息


Say something about your father  待做If I had stayed in business, I () be a really wealthy man today.

Try to () every opportunity to practice English

Now, I do not for a moment () to speak poorly of business; my whole point is that it was just notfor me

primary goalof your () is

bend ()

side from是

i‘ve been meaning () call you

plan to () sth

used to do()

be attached ()

Dreams really can come true!


in order to tell you what I believe, I must briefly bring up something from my personal history


He did not for a moment want to help you solve the problem


Over the course of the school year, Rose became popular and easily made friends wherever shewent.


There are only two secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success.

Don’t keep silent during the meeting. I want to hear your opinion





not to be interrupted


have sth to yourself


What is vour dream?  待做The medicine needs to be taken () a daily basis

To her surprise. she found () the letter came undated

If a computer message came addressed to”Dad”, for (), I’d feel forgotten and neglected.

She and I would never () openly exchanged such words of affection

Most of the problems () on the major online services

Don’t give anyone online your real last (), phone number, or your home address

inside address是

Computers have made modern lifemuch easier.

My husband and I were together for six years, and with him I watched his young children becomeyoung teenagers.


over the years


I wouldn’t recommend reading in this light; it may affect your eyes


decide on是决定


catch up on是赶上


with the increase of sth



adjust oneself to a new surrounding


millions of是百万


take sth away是带走某物


What is the main purpose of going online?  待做Even the most powerful computer () the world cant be a genius because it has no character.

So it is clear then, that to () a genius is to push the limits, in your mind, and beyond

It took the experts several months to decide on the()for the new airport

Their lives hold many of the secrets to () great ideas and putting them into practice

Jeff Bezos is a () example of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are among the () respected people in the United States.

Have you heard of the saying: A bird in the hand is () two in the bush(树丛)

encourage () to do sth

playing ()


having seen翻译是()

() hurt

Hangzhou is () for the West Lake

What is genius? Many tests have beercreated to answer this question.

He can speak Spanish as well as English


Travel is a good source of inspiration.


according to翻译是根据


demand for翻译是需求

efforts were made是努力


What qualities do you think are necessaryand important for someone to become agenius?  待做填空题Advanced technology can certainly make () more comfortable and convenient.



填空题Likewise, we don,’t () a refrigerator that knows when it’s out of milk.

填空题And now the appliance manufacturers () to give us MORE features

填空题He is a manager in a () company that manufactures car parts



填空题it has been months since () tasted such delicious food

填空题We got lost. What’s worse. it startedto ()



填空题We have so many () appliances around us today.

填空题In the garage, her car warmed up easily, thanks () its electronic ignition

填空题But the engine () out suddenly

填空题I was glad to () from such a terrible dream

填空题urge () to do sth

填空题keep ()

填空题turn () do be


填空题declared ()

填空题follow the () exactly

填空题pass ()

填空题would like () to do sth

填空题forget to () sth

填空题on () go 0 待做填空题Suppose you will graduate in a () months time and will soonstart a life totally different.

填空题Under the team leader’s() we did very well in the match

填空题Though you () qualify for many positions

填空题But how do you know when you’ve () the right boss?

填空题We did it together; it was a(n )() effort

填空题be equal ()

Another big challenge is the interview-it is critical


Why do you want this job?


I left for Shanghai the same day ashe did for Bel]ing


Her teaching experience qualifiesher for the job

In Professor Weinstein’s class, for example


are based on是基于


make a profit是赚钱




on doing sth是做某事


be composed of由以下部分组成


plan to do sth是计划做某事




the obiective is to do sth是目的是做某事


direct current是直流电








