见面课:商务写作语气的实现 Professional Tone in Business Writing
1、Which sentence below shows an appropriate business tone?
A:This letter is to inform you that you will attend the upcoming mandatory meeting.
B:You did not assemble the parts correctly, and so the product is malfunctioning.
C:Because of recent declines in profits, no one will be getting a Christmas bonus this year.
D:We appreciate your attendance at the upcoming mandatory meeting.
答案: We appreciate your attendance at the upcoming mandatory meeting.
2、Which sentence below does NOT show a positive tone?
A:When we make our request in writing, Blanchard Corporation will provide us with the information.
B:The auditor will not be able to give us the information until he updates his records.
C:If you return the signed form within 10 days, we can help you with your account.
D:The policies are the same even though they said that they would revise them.
答案: The auditor will not be able to give us the information until he updates his records.
3、Which sentence below shows a you-attitude?
A: I would like to inform you that your input made a difference in our decision.
B:I have received your proposal within the deadline.
C:You can resubmit your application after 30 days.
D:I would like to encourage you to consider applying for the job.
答案: You can resubmit your application after 30 days.
4、Which sentence below shows a confident tone?
A:The audit was performed by a certified accountant.
B:All agenda items for the meeting were selected by the human resources department.
C:The report was written by George and was approved by the district manager.
D:The president will give the top sales representative an award at the dinner this evening.
答案: The president will give the top sales representative an award at the dinner this evening.
5、Which sentence below is an example of good business writing in standard English?
A:Ortega’s memo stated in no uncertain terms that all employees need to arrive for work on time every day.
B:Although there are many challenges in today’s market and stock values have dropped considerably since last year, but we can hope to benefit from strategic thinking and careful decision making.
C:Children benefit from getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and playing outdoor.
D:At any given point in time, well, there is a possibility that we could, like, be called upon for help.
答案: Children benefit from getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and playing outdoor.
1 点击一下顶部的萌面人标题,出现搜索框。
2 搜索您所选课程的第一章第一小节的第一道题目的部分连续字符。
A 促进智力发展
B 促进身体健康
C 促进适应能力
D 促进职业能力
则可以输入:体育对大学人才培养社会职能 并点击图示搜索框
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3 选择好您需要的答案后,点击阅读全文即可查看答案
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