Health Assessment(Shandong University) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Introduction and Health History Taking Unit 1 Test

1、 Which of the following is the symptom but not sign of the patient?

答案: Palpitation

2、 When the nurse is interviewing the health history and doing physical examination in the ward, the correct standing position is standing at the

答案: right side of the patient

3、 The health history interview should be cut off if the patient

答案: suffers from a chest pain attack

4、 The best way for the nurse to communicate with the patient is

答案: facing the patient and maintain eye contact

5、 The main part of patients’ medical history is

答案: history of present illness

6、 The depth of deep palpation usually is

答案: above 2cm

7、 The best way to encourage the patient to talk about his/her condition is

答案: to nod while he/she is speaking to show approval or understanding

8、 The best way to acquire accurate medical history during an interview is

答案: by listening attentively

9、 A male patient who is 56 years old is admitted to the hospital with diarrhea. The most appropriate question for the nurse to start with is

答案: What brings you here today?

10、 Which of the following palpation techniques helps to detect abdominal resistance?

答案: Light palpation

11、 Which of the following is commonly used for detecting abdominal tender points?

答案: Deep press palpation

12、 The sound of percussion of a parenchymal organ covered by tissue with gas should be

答案: dullness

13、 Which kind of percussion note occurs on the patient with emphysema?

答案: Hyperresonance

14、 A 36-year-old man comes to the ward with the complaint of upper abdominal distention and discomfort. The two symptoms can be relieved after excessive vomiting. The vomitus is fermented and sour-smelling, containing food eaten many hours ago. Which is the most likely diagnosis?

答案: Pyloric obstruction

15、 In order to detect deep-seated abdominal masses and gastrointestinal lesions, which of the palpation method should be used?

答案: Deep slipping palpation

16、 The patients’ history of present illness includes

答案: onset and duration of chief symptom or signs;
causes of illness and inducements/precipitating factors;
features of chief symptom;
associated symptoms and significant negative symptoms;
previous studies and treatment

17、 Which of the following belongs to precipitating factors?

答案: Climate changing;

18、 Under normal conditions, tympany can be heard on examination of

答案: abdomen;
stomach bubble

19、 Under normal conditions, flatness can be heard on examination of

答案: heart;

20、 Which of the following is true regarding indirect percussion?

答案: Strike lightly to identify the relative cardiac dullness.;
The motion of percussion should be oriented by the movement of the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joint, and not the elbow or shoulder joint.

Unit 2 General Assessment Unit 2 Test

1、 Which of the following group of lymph nodes is NOT located in head and neck areas?

答案: Inguinal lymph nodes

2、 What kind of facies usually poses in patients with lobar pneumonia?

答案: Acute facies

3、 What gait could be seen in patients with rickets?

答案: Waddling gait

4、 Cyanosis is due to the change of hemoglobin which is

答案: increase of reductive hemoglobin

5、 Which of the following statements does NOT conform to metastatic lymphadenopathy?

答案: Tenderness

6、 Please refer to the descriptions of a patient below and choose the name of the gait that best fits his conditions:The patient is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, when he walks, his gait is characterized by excessive adduction of lower limbs, his legs are crossed when moving.

答案: Scissors gait

7、 This is a patient with Parkinson disease. When the patient begins to walk, his gait is characterized by small steps at slightly fast rate, stooped posture and difficulty in stopping after starting to walk. How would you describe this kind of gait?

答案: Festinating gait

8、 A patient visits you with a tired looking,pallor and pale lips and tongue,the patient tells you that he feels exhausted after fast walking or climbing the stairs. What kind of appearance will you describe him?

答案: Anemic facies

9、 Today entering the ward a patient with meningitis, when you are communicating with him,he seems indifferent and slow in understanding your questions.How would you describe his appearance?

答案: Typhoid facies(Masked facies)

10、 A boy with facial edema,with pale tongue and identation on the lingual margin.What kind of facies will you describe him?

答案: Nephrotic facies

11、 Why does rickets could cause development problems among children?

答案: Calcium absorption problem

12、 This morning in the out-patient center comes a patient with mild ascites. His face is gloomy with brown pigmentation, with one spider angioma by the cheek. What kind of facies will you use to describe him?

答案: Hepatic facies

13、 Which of the following option is NOT included in the general examination?

答案: Sight test

14、 Systematic enlargement of lymph nodes can be seen in those diseases EXCEPT

答案: tonsil inflammation

15、 Which of the following could be the appropriate sites to help estimate the state of nutrition?

答案: Flexual area of forearm or the inferior one-third of the dorsal upper arm;
Dorsum of hands or the interior upper arm;
Upper abdomen;
Dorsum of hands or the superior one-third of the dorsal upper arm;
Calf muscle

16、 Cretinism mainly occurred before maturation and often caused by

答案: hypothyroidism;
abnormal secretion of certain hormones

17、 Passive position is seen in patients with

答案: extreme weakness and unconsciousness;
unconscious patients

18、 A 42-year-old woman comes into your office with dim eyes, worried expression, darkish complexion,purplish-red cheeks and slightly cyanosis lips. What kind of facies can we adopt to describe her appearance?

答案: Chronic facies;
Mitral facies

19、 A 33-year-old lady with a complaint of cough,chest distress and shortness of breath for 3 months is diagnosed with massive pleural effusion of the right chest. Which position will this patient most likely to choose when lying?

答案: Compulsive position;
Lateral position on the right

20、 Which of the following descriptions about sthenic type habitus is INCORRECT?

答案: Drooping shoulder;
Epigastric angle less than ninety

Unit 3 Head & Neck Assessment Unit 3 Test

1、 In patients with trachoma, which part of the eye is mainly involved?

答案: Conjunctiva

2、 When a patient is poisoned by organophosphorus, what will happen with his eyes?

答案: To reduce in diameter of pupils

3、 In the inspection of oral cavity, the palatine tonsils protrude beyond the palatopharyngeal arch but do not reach the midline. Which of the following degree of tonsillar enlargement should the symptoms above be classified to?

答案: II

4、 In which of the following conditions can bilateral ptosis be detected?

答案: Myasthenia gravis

5、 What is the border between the anterior and posterior triangle of the neck?

答案: The sternocleidomastoid

6、 Which of the following diseases could jugular vein distension suggest?

答案: Constrictive pericarditis

7、 About the descriptions of carotid pulsation and jugular pulsation, which one is NOT correct?

答案: Carotid pulsation is more dispersed.

8、 About the assessment of thyroid, which one of the following descriptions is correct?

答案: Normal thyroid is not visible.

9、 What is NOT correct about the palpation of the thyroid?

答案: It needs two examiners’ cooperation to palpate the thyroid.

10、 When we are trying to determine the enlargement of the thyroid, Degree II and Degree III are different in

答案: the enlargement that exceeds sternocleidomastoid or not

11、 The swelling of parotid gland could happen when patients have those following diseases EXCEPT

答案: oral infection

12、 Bleeding of the gum could be caused by the following conditions EXCEPT

答案: deficiency of riboflavin

13、 Herpes on lips could be a sign of

答案: viral infection

14、 A 70-year-old female presented with clustered semitransparent vesicles on the vermilion border of the lip with an initial itching and tingling sensation. Vesiculation progressed to crusting about one week ago, the patient later recovered without any scar. Which of the following is most likely to be the cause of the changes above?

答案: Infection of herpes simplex virus

15、 A 2-year-old boy presents with frontal bossing, a flat square vertex and increased sweating. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

答案: Rickets

16、 A 67-year-old man presents with sudden dyspnea over the past 2 hours, the following considerations should be noted in the first place in his physical examination EXCEPT

答案: skinfold thickness

17、 Fissured tongue (wrinkled tougue) is characterized by deep grooves in the tongue and could be caused by

答案: lack of riboflavin intake;
down syndrome

18、 In which of the following conditions can pupillary dilation be seen?

答案: Drug reaction of atropine;
Brain injury;
Absolute glaucoma;
Surgical accidental injury

19、 Which of the following descriptions about Koplik spot are correct?

答案: White spots;
On the buccal mucosa lateral to the second molar teeth;
Happens in the early stage of measles

20、 Which of the following are TRUE regarding the examination of the jugular vein?

答案: Jugular vein distention could be seen in right heart failure.;
Jugular vein distention can be seen in pericardia effusions.;
Jugular vein distention means venous pressure is elevated.

Unit 4 Chest wall, Thorax, Breast, and Lungs Assessment Unit 4 Test

1、 Which of the following is an important landmark to count ribs and intercostal spaces on the front chest?

答案: Sternal angle

2、 In the standing position with upper limbs falling naturally, which of the following spaces does inferior angle of scapula reach?

答案: 7th intercostal space

3、 Which of the following is the Three Depression Sign?

答案: Suprasternal, supraclavicular, and intercostal fossae depression

4、 Under which of the following conditions can increased tactile fremitus be seen in patients?

答案: Consolidation of lung tissue caused by alveolar inflammation

5、 Under which of the following conditions is dullness NOT likely to be detected in patients?

答案: Pneumothorax

6、 Which of the following is the percussion sound of normal lung field?

答案: Resonance

7、 Decreased chest breathing and increased abdominal breathing could be seen in

答案: pleurisy

8、 Which of the following is the correct procedure of auscultation of lungs?

答案: Auscultate from the top to the bottom and compare the left side with the right side but avoid heart area.

9、 In which of the following locations do coarse crackles mainly occur?

答案: Main bronchus

10、 In which of the following locations can pleural rubs be heard clearly?

答案: Lower anterior thoracic wall

11、 A 20-year-old male felt a sudden pain in the right chest during exercise and has dyspnea for 2 hours. Which of the following should be examined more intensively?

答案: Heart and lungs

12、 A 26-year-old young man has progressive dyspnea after a trauma. Physical examination reveals lateral displacement of the trachea, unilateral chest enlargement, broadened intercostal spaces, and tympany to percussion. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

答案: Pneumothorax

13、 A 32-year-old female has fever, chill, productive cough, and chest pain for 3 days after being caught in the rain. Physical examination reveals decreased breathing motions of lower left lung, increased tactile fremitus. There is flatness to percussion and coarse crackles to auscultation. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

答案: Consolidation

14、 A 10-year-old boy presents with dyspnea, cyanosis and prolonged expiratory phase after breathing in cold air. Wheezes are detected to auscultation throughout her lung fields. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

答案: Bronchial asthma

15、 A 27-year-old male presents with a low-grade fever and nonproductive cough after catching a cold 3 days ago. He also has pain in the left chest which can be worsened during deep breath. X-Ray reveals blunting of the left costophrenic angle. Which kind of sounds can be heard to auscultation?

答案: Pleural rubs

16、 A kind of repeated breathing pattern, which starts from several regular breaths, is followed by a pause and starts again. Which of the following breathing is it?

答案: Biots breathing

17、 Under which of the following conditions can ascending of the inferior boundary of lung be detected in patients?

答案: Atelectasis;
Lung fibrosis;
Atrophy of lung tissue;
Increased intra-abdominal pressure

18、 Decrease or disappearance of respiratory movement could be seen in

答案: emphysema;
pleural effusion;

19、 Thoracic local eminence could be seen in

答案: enlarged heart;
aortic aneurysm;
rib fracture

20、 A 65-year-old female has a 15-year history of chronic productive cough and a 10-year history of dyspnea, and her condition worsened 2 days ago. She is diagnosed with COPD in the acute exacerbation stage. Which of the following can be detected on physical examination?

答案: Barrel chest;
Decreased breathing sounds;
Sporadic crackles and rhonchi

Unit 5 Heart and Vascular Assessment Unit 5 Test

1、 The physical examination for Mr. Lin, a 58-year-old man, reveals the lateral and inferior displacement of the apical impulse. It suggests

答案: left ventricular enlargement

2、 A 36-year-old woman, who has a history of rheumatic arthritis, is admitted for palpitation, shortness of breath and unable to assume the supine position for 2 weeks. Physical examination reveals: faint S1 in apical area; holosystolic murmurs of grade 3 with radiation to the axilla; moderate crescendo diastolic rumbling murmurs with thrills. The diagnosis is

答案: mitral stenosis combined with mitral regurgitation

3、 The most clinically significant sign of aortic stenosis is

答案: ejection murmurs in aortic valve area with faint or absent S2

4、 To distinguish hepatogenic ascites from cardiogenic ascites, the most reliable sign is

答案: jugular venous distention

5、 Which of the following can occur in pericardial effusion?

答案: Paradoxical pulse

6、 Which of the following can occur in hypertensive heart disease?

答案: Pulsus alternans

7、 Austin Flint murmurs occur in

答案: moderate or severe aortic regurgitation

8、 Systolic murmurs in aortic valve area can occur in

答案: stenosis of the ascending aorta

9、 Organic systolic murmurs in apex can be heard in patients with

答案: mitral valve prolapse syndrome

10、 Which of the following murmurs will be more audible when the patient takes deep breath?

答案: Murmurs of pulmonary valve stenosis or pulmonary valve regurgitation

11、 Which of the following murmurs will be more audible with the patient leaning forward?

答案: Sighing murmurs of aortic regurgitation

12、 Besides mitral stenosis, in which of the following can abnormally louder S1 be detected?

答案: Anemia

13、 The second aortic auscultation area is located

答案: next to the left sternal edge in the third intercostal space

14、 In heart percussion, the cardiac dullness border extends bilaterally, and the left heart border extends laterally and inferiorly. It suggests

答案: left and right ventricular enlargement

15、 Murmurs of patients with patent ductus arteriosus are usually

答案: continuous murmurs

16、 A 45-year-old woman comes to the clinic complaining of shortness of breath and palpitation on exertion for 3 years. Physical examination reveals that cardiac dullness border enlarges laterally and inferiorly, and cardiac dullness border is boot-shaped. The cause for her symptoms is most likely to be

答案: aortic regurgitation

17、 A 59-year-old woman has a history of hypertension for more than 10 years. She complains of palpitation, shortness of breath and marked limitation of physical activity for 10 days. Which of the following signs is most likely to be found in her physical examination?

答案: The apical impulse shifts to the left and downward.

18、 Typical systolic murmurs of aortic stenosis are

答案: organic murmurs

19、 The increased intensity of A2 can NOT occur in

答案: aortic stenosis;
pulmonary valve stenosis;
pericardial effusion

20、 Louder S1 in heart auscultation can NOT occur in

答案: mitral regurgitation;
myocardial infarction;
atrial fibrillation

21、 The right percussion orders of cardiac dull resonance border are

答案: from bottom to up;
from left to right;
from outside to innerside

22、 Which of the following valve diseases can produce diastolic murmurs?

答案: Aortic insufficiency;
Mitral stenosis





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