系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第1章 绪论 Introduction测验

1、 Which is not correct for descripting standard anatomical position?

答案: Hands and toes are forward

2、 Which plane divides the body into left and right (sinister and dexter) portions?

答案: sagittal plane

3、 The sagittal and coronal sutures meet at the:

答案: bregma

4、 As shown in following picture, what does B indicate?系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

答案: sagittal plane

5、 What is the anatomical name for the sole of the foot?

答案: the plantar surface

6、 Which surface of the hand is shown by point 3 in the following picture?系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张

答案: the dorsal surface

7、 Two areas located on the same side of the body (left or right) are said to be

答案: ipsilateral

8、 Two areas located on opposite sides of the body are said to be

答案: contralateral

9、 What is a normal human body temperature?

答案: 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F)?

第2章 骨学总论 关节学总论 Bone & articular 测验

1、 Which bone does belong to the long bone?

答案: humerus

2、 Which bone does belong to the short bone?

答案: cuboid bone

3、 Which bone does belong to the flat bone?

答案: costal bone

4、 Which bone does belong to the irregular bone?

答案: vertebrae

5、 The bone which have the diaphysis and epiphysis is

答案: long bone

6、 The structure which plays the hematopoietic function is

答案: red marrow?

7、 Which is the accessory structure of synovial joint?

答案: articular labrum, ligament, synovial fold

8、 Pulling the jaw back is an example of

答案: retrusion

9、 Pushing the jaw forwards is an example of

答案: protrusion

10、 Flexing the foot at the ankle is called

答案: dorsiflexion

11、 Extending the foot at the ankle is called

答案: plantarflexion

12、 Lifting the shoulders towards the ears is an example of


答案: elevation

13、 What is the anatomical name for pushing down the shoulders?

答案: depression

14、 How many bones does a normal adult have?

答案: 206

15、 Which of the following is one of the most commonly fractured bones of the body?

答案: the clavicle

16、 How many major types of synovial joint are there?

答案: 6

17、 The metatarsophalangeal joints are which type of synovial joints?

答案: condyloid joints

18、 The knee joint is a compound of two synovial joint types; what are they?

答案: a condyloid and a saddle joint

19、 Due to it’s very loose joint capsule, the most mobile joint of the human body is the

答案: glenohumeral joint

20、 Which type of synovial joint is the sternoclavicular joint?

答案: saddle joint

21、 The fibrous joint between the tibia and the fibula (the distal tibiofibular joint), which allows slight movement, is an example of _____

答案: syndesmosis

22、 The pubic symphysis is a type of _____

答案: cartilaginous joint

23、 A band of fibrous connective tissue connecting one bone to another is called ______

答案: ligament

24、 Label number 1 in the diagram indicates which part of the bone?系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

答案: metaphysis

25、 Which bone does belong to the long bone?

答案: femur

26、 The structure that functions as hematopoietic is ______

答案: red marrow

27、 Intramembranous ossification differs from endochondral ossification in the?_

答案: Microenvironment in which ossification occurs

28、 The structure that functions as regeneration and repair is ______

答案: periosteum

29、 The sternoclavicular joint

答案: has two separate joint cavities

30、 What do we mean by an “articulation”?

答案: an area where bones contact each other

第3章 躯干骨及其连接 Trunk bone & joints 测验

1、 Concerning the intervertebral disc, the right description is

答案: is composed of anulus fibrous and nucleus pulposus

2、 A 68-year-old man is admitted to the hospital due to severe back pain. Radiologic examination reveals severe osteoporosis of the vertebral column, with compression fractures to vertebrae L4 and L5. Which of the following parts of the vertebrae are most likely to be fractured in this patient?

答案: Vertebral bodies

3、 Concerning the cervical vertebrae, the right description is

答案: the articular facets are relatively horizontal

4、 Sacrum

答案: have four pairs of posterior sacral foramina

5、 Sternum

答案: the sternal angle lies opposite the lower border of T4 posteriorly

6、 Concerning the ribs, the right description is

答案: the posterior end of rib enlarged to form the costal head

7、 Inferior angle of scapula marks the level of

答案: the 7th rib

8、 Which ligaments associate with the lamina of vertebral arch adjacently?

答案: ligamenta flava

9、 Sternoclavicular joint

答案: is the only joint between the upper limb and the trunk

10、 Which joint has the articular disc?

答案: sternoclavicular joint

11、 A 39-year-old man presents with severe neck pain after a whiplash injury, sustained when his car was struck from the behind. Radiologic studies reveal trauma to the ligament lying on the front surface of the cervical vertebral bodies. Which ligament is most likely disrupted?

答案: Anterior longitudinal ligament

12、 40-year-old woman survived a car crash in which her neck was hyperextended when her vehicle was struck from behind. At the emergency department, a plain radiograph of her cervical spine revealed a fracture of the odontoid process (dens). Which of the following was also most likely injured?

答案: Anterior arch of the atlas

13、 A 29-year-old female elite athlete was lifting heavy weights during an intense training session. The athlete felt severe pain radiate suddenly to the posterior aspect of her right thigh and leg. The patient was taken to the hospital where an MRI was performed, and the result picture has been shown below. Which nerve was most probably affected?系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第4张

答案: L5

14、 A heavily built, middle-aged man running down a flight of stone steps misjudged the position of one of the steps and fell suddenly onto his buttocks. Following the fall, he complained of severe bruising of the area of the cleft between the buttocks and persistent pain in this area. The following statements concerning the patient are correct except which?

答案: The anterior surface of the coccyx can not be felt clinically

15、 During an automobile accident, a person sustains a “broken neck” and after a small bony fragment is driven into his spinal cord. Form which of the following bones was this fragment most likely derived?

答案: Axis

16、 A resident physician demonstrating the correct technique for inserting a subclavian central venous line. He has a medical student palpate the clavicle, then the chest wall below it. The first bony structure that can be palpated below the inferior margin of the medical portion of the clavicle is the

答案: second rib

17、 A surgeon is first on the scene after a serious automobile accident. He finds a passenger bleeding profusely from the neck and correctly surmises that bleeding is from the carotid artery. To control the bleeding, the surgeon can compress the carotid artery against the anterior tubercle of which the following vertebrae?

答案: sixth cervical

18、 A resident physician is performing a pelvic examination on a young woman. The fingers of one of her hands are in the patient’s vagina, planting the cervix. The other hand is pressing on the abdomen. With the palm of this hand,the physician feels a bony structure in the lower midline. This structure is most likely the

答案: Pubis

第4章 四肢骨及其连接 Upper limb 测验

1、 During a football game,a player sustain a powerful blow to the lateral side of weight-bearing leg. He experiences excruciating knee pain and is unable to talk. The three structures most likely to be injured are the

答案: anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments and the medial meniscus?

2、 Where is the “sulcus for radial nerve” located?

答案: humerus

3、 In which direction, the dislocation of the shoulder joint most likely to occur?

答案: anterior inferior

4、 A 72-year-old woman trips over the edge of the carpet and falls forward onto the floor. A common reflex reaction to tripping and falling forward is to extend ones hands to ease the impact of striking the floor. She presents to the ER holding her left arm with her right hand. There is an obvious posterior displacement of the left distal wrist and hand that looks like a dinner fork. Which bone(s) is/are likely involved in a classic Colles fracture?

答案: Always the radius and sometimes the ulna

5、 Scapula

答案: ?The coracoid process is a projection of the Lateral scapular notch

6、 About the clavicle

答案: A common fracture of the clavicle is at the intersection of the middle and outer 1/3

7、 Which of the following belongs to the structure of the ulna?

答案: radial notch

8、 Which of the following statements about the ulna is false?

答案: The upper end of the ulna is small and the lower end is thick

9、 Which of the following is not the anatomical landmark of the scapula

答案: glenoid cavity

10、 Which of the following does not belong to the free upper limb bone

答案: the clavicle

11、 Which of the following does not belong to the ulna structure?

答案: ulna notch

12、 Which of the following does not belong to the proximal carpal column?

答案: hamate bone

13、 Which of the following does not belong to the radial structure?

答案: radial notch

14、 What structures can be involved in the repair of damage bone?

答案: periosteum

15、 The type of femoral fracture most likely to result in avascular necrosis of the femoral head in adults is ….

答案: Cervical

16、 An elderly woman with ostepoprosis is taken the emergency department following a fall. One of her legs appears shortened and is externally rotated. A fracture of which part of the femur is suggested by these finding?

答案: Neck

17、 Which of the following structures is located at the upper end of the femur?

答案: greater trochanter

18、 Which of the following ligaments limits the posterior movement of the tibia

答案: posterior cruciate ligament

19、 Where is the place that femur breaks the most often?

答案: neck of femur

20、 Which of the following does not belong to the free lower limb?

答案: the hip bone

21、 Which of the following is true of the femur?

答案: It’s the longest bone in the human body

22、 Which of the following does not belong to the tibial surface marker?

答案: lateral malleolus

23、 Which of the following is true about the ischium?

答案: The lowest position of the ischial tuberosity is palpable on the body surface

24、 Which of the following is a palpable sign of femur on the body surface?

答案: greater trochanter

25、 Which of the following is true about the pubic bone?

答案: The pectin pubis terminates forward at the pubic tubercle

26、 Which of the following is true of the obturator foramen?

答案: The obturator foramen is enclosed by the pubis and ischium

27、 Which of the following is true about the acetabulum?

答案: The semicircular articular surface of the fossa is lunate surface

28、 Which of the following statements about the pelvis is true?

答案: With the boundary as the boundary, it can be divided into the greater pelvis and the lesser pelvis

29、 Which of the following is true about tarsal bone?

答案: The front end of the calcaneus is connected to the die bone

30、 What is the bone that makes up the knee joint?

答案: Femur, tibia, patella

31、 Which of the following is a carpal bone?

答案: triquetral bone;
pisiform bone;
scaphoid bone;
capitate bone

32、 The elbow joints include

答案: humeroulnar joint;
humeroradial joint;
proximal radioulnar joint

33、 About the menisci,which is right?

答案: The medial meniscus is large and has a “C” shape;
The lateral meniscus is smaller and has an “O” shape;
Easy to be injured;
It’s part of the knee joint

第5章 颅骨及其连接 Skull & joints 测试

1、 Temporomandibular joint

答案: has the articular disc

2、 In a basketball game, a player’s face was hit accidentally by another player in ball passing process, transparent fluid flowed out of nose. In this situation, what’s the damaged part causing such fluid flow?

答案: Ethmoid bone

3、 Which is the weakest part of skull?

答案: Pterion

4、 Which bone is the only one that’s not connected to another?

答案: the hyoid

5、 The smallest bone in the human body is the

答案: stapes

6、 Infection of?__ is most likely to lead to headache, diplopia and fever.

答案: cavernous sinus

7、 There are?__ in the root of greater wing in sphenoid bone from anterior to posterior.

答案: foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum

8、 How many pairs of bones are there in facial skull?

答案: 6 pairs

9、 The medial wall of ethmoid labyrinth has

答案: superior nasal concha and middle nasal concha

10、 Except mandible and hyoid bone, skull bones are connected by

答案: suture and cartilage

11、 Components of sphenoid bone don’t include

答案: squamous part

12、 Hypophysial fossa is located in

答案: soma of sphenoid bone

13、 Vomer constitutes of the?__ nasal septum.

答案: posterior inferior part

14、 Coronal suture is a kind of?_

答案: fibrous joint

15、 The connection between frontal bone and posterior parietal bone is

答案: coronal suture

16、 The connection between bilateral parietal bones is

答案: sagittal suture

17、 The connetion between bilateral parietal bones and occipital bone is

答案: lambdoid suture

18、 The mental foramen is indicated by number系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第5张

答案: 13

19、 What does number 2 indicate in the following picture??系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第6张

答案: the nasal bone

20、 What does number 9 indicate in the following picture?系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第7张

答案: sphenoid bone

第6章 消化系统-消化道 Alimentary canal 测试

1、 The palatine tonsil lies

答案: between palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch

2、 Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube lies in

答案: nasopharynx

3、 The piriform recess lies in

答案: laryngopharynx

4、 The major duodenal papilla lies in

答案: descending part of duodenum

5、 The limitation of pyloric antrum and pyloric canal is

答案: intermedia sulcus

6、 The duodenum does not include

答案: transverse part

7、 The beginning of jejunum is

答案: duodenojejunal flexure

8、 The dentate line is formed by

答案: anal valves

9、 Which structure does divide the peritoneal cavity into supracolic and infracolic compartment?

答案: transverse mesocolon

10、 A 68-year-old woman is diagnosed with a posteriorabdominal wall tumor that has invaded the superiormesenteric plexus. Which structure will most likely be affected?

答案: Ascending colon

11、 A 27-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency department with markedly elevated temperature and abdominal pain. Physical examination initially indicates paraumbilical pain, but the site of origin of pain soon shifts to the right lower quadrant. A CT scan is shown in following picture. Which of the following structures is affected?系统解剖学(全英文)(浙江大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第8张

答案: Appendix

12、 Among below choices, which is false about isthmus of fauces?

答案: Hard palate participates in composition of isthmus of fauces.

13、 Which of the following is the largest internal organ?

答案: liver

14、 How long is a typical adult human oesophagus?

答案: approx. 25 cm (10 inches)?

15、 Teeth

答案: The pulp is contained in the cavity

16、 Pharynx

答案: Include nasopharynx,oropharynx and laryngopharynx

17、 The third constriction of the esophagus was ( ) from the incisor

答案: 40cm

18、 The first constriction of the esophagus was ( ) from the incisor

答案: 15cm

19、 The second constriction of the esophagus was ( ) from the incisor

答案: 25cm

20、 Which of the following does not belong to the lower digestive tract

答案: duodenum

21、 Jejunum

答案: only solitary lymphatic follicles

22、 Ileum

答案: thiner in diameter and wallis thinner

23、 ( ) is used to determine the origin of the jejunum during surgery

答案: suspensory ligament of the duodenum

24、 Stomach

答案: The angular notch is the boundary between the body of the stomach and the pylorus

25、 The surface projection of the root of the appendix is

答案: The junction of the umbilicus and the right anterior superior iliac spine at the middle and outer 1/3

26、 The duodenum is divided into

答案: superior part;
descending part;
horizontal part;
ascending part

27、 Special structures of the colon include

答案: colic bands;
haustra of colon;
epiploicae appendices

28、 The stomach is divided into

答案: fund of stomach;
body of stomach;
pyloric part;
cardiac part

29、 Stomach ulcer is more common in the lesser curvature and antrum

答案: 正确

30、 Duodenal ulcers are mostly in the posterior wall of the first part of duodenum

答案: 正确

第7章 消化系统-消化腺 Digestive gland 测试

1、 Which gland is not a major gland?

答案: gallbladder

2、 The true (physiological) left lobe of the liver is separated from the caudate lobe by the

答案: gallbladder?

3、 The cystic duct joins which of the following duct to form the common bile duct?

答案: common hepatic duct

4、 Under nonpathological conditions the following structures can usually be palpated, EXCEPT

答案: spleen

5、 A 4-year-old male child is admitted to the hospital with severe vomiting. Radiologic examination and history taking reveals that the boy suffers from an annular pancreas. Which of the following structures is most typically obstructed by this condition?

答案: Second part of the duodenum

6、 Which part of the small intestine do the bile and pancreatic ducts enter?

答案: the duodenum

7、 The parotid duct opens into

答案: Cheek mucosa near second molar of upper jaw

8、 The opening of hepatopancreatic ampulla lied in

答案: major duodenal papilla

9、 which of following is NOT salivary glands?

答案: pancreas;

10、 Hepatoduodenal ligament contains

答案: hepatic portal vein

11、 The largest organ in the human body is the

答案: skin

12、 Gallbladder

答案: Located below the right lobe of the liver in the gall bladder fossa

13、 Pancreas

答案: At the level of the first or second lumbar spine, transverse to the posterior abdominal wall

14、 Through the ampulla of Vater, the common bile duct and pancreatic duct open to ( )

答案: the descending part of the duodenum

15、 Which of the following is not considered part of the digestive system?

答案: spleen

16、 pyloric stenosis will interfere most directly with the passage of materials from the( )

答案: stomach into the duodenum

17、 Pancreas

答案: The pancreas is divided into four parts: head, neck, body and tail

18、 The ducts of the submandibular gland open at

答案: sublingual caruncle

19、 What are the following structures that do not belong in the hepatic hilum?

答案: common bile duct

20、 Common bile duct

答案: It is composed of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct

21、 Which of the following statements concerning the stomach is false

答案: consists of the fundus and body of the stomach only

22、 What are the following salivary glands?

答案: ?parotid gland ;
submandibular gland;
sublingual gland

23、 Which of the following is a digestive gland?

答案: liver;

24、 What are the following structures in the porta hepatic?

答案: proper hepatic artery ;
hepatic portal vein;
hepatic duct

25、 Which of the following ligaments lies on the diaphragmatic surface of the liver?

答案: falciform ligament;
coronary ligament

26、 Which of the following ligaments lies on the diaphragmatic surface of the liver?

答案: Ligamentum teres hepatis;
ligamentum venosum

27、 The gallbladder stores and secretes bile

答案: 错误





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