财务会计BA3(华东交通大学)1205846805 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




Alana is not registered for sales tax purposes. She has recently received an invoice for goods for resale which cost $500 before sales tax, which is levied at 15%. The total value was therefore $575.‎What is the correct entry to be made in Alana’s general ledger in respect of the invoice?‎ ‎‎‎

A: Dr: Purchases $500, Dr: Sales tax $75, Cr :Payables $575
B: Dr: Purchases $575, Cr:Sales tax $75, Cr: Payables $500
C:  Dr: Purchases $500, Cr: Payables $500
D: Dr: Purchases $575, Cr: Payables $575
答案:  Dr: Purchases $575, Cr: Payables $575

 Sales (including sales tax) amounted to $27,612.50, and purchases (excluding sales tax) amounted to $18,000. What is the balance on the sales tax account, assuming all items are subject to sales tax at 17.5%?‏ ‏

A:  $962.50 debit 
B: $962.50 credit
C:  $1,682.10 debit 
D: $1,682.10 credit
答案:  $962.50 credit

A non-registered entity sold goods of $2, 000 to Smith on credit, which subject to 10% trade discount. What is the double for this transaction?‍‍‎‍

A: DR: Smith   $1800    CR: sales $1800
B:  DR: Smith $2,000CR: Sales  $2,000
C:  DR: Sales  $1800  CR: Smith  $1800
D:  DR: sales $2,000   CR: Smith $2000
答案:  DR: Smith   $1800    CR: sales $1800

A non-registered entity sold goods of $2, 000 to Smith on credit, which subject to 10% cash discount if paid within 10 days. What is the double for this transaction?‎‎‌‎

A:  DR: Smith $1800CR: sales   $1800
B:  DR: Smith  $2000   CR: sales  $2000
C:  DR: Sales $1800CR: Smith $1800
D:  DR: sales  $2000CR: Smith  $2000
答案:   DR: Smith  $2000   CR: sales  $2000

What is an error of commission?‍‍​‍

A:  An error where a transaction has not been recorded 
B:  An error where one side of a transaction has been recorded in the wrong account, and that account is of a different class to the correct account
C:  An error where one side of a transaction has been recorded in the wrong account, and that account is of the same class as the correct account
D:  An error where the numbers in the posting have been transposed
答案:   An error where one side of a transaction has been recorded in the wrong account, and that account is of the same class as the correct account

A suspense account was opened when a trial balance failed to agree. The following errors were later discovered.‌Ø A gas bill of $420 had been recorded in the gas account as $240.‌Ø A sales invoice to a customer for $50 had been credited to accounts receivalbles.‌Ø Interest received of $70 had been entered in the bank account only.‌What was the original balance on the suspense account?‌‌‍‌

A:  DR $210
B: CR $210
C:  DR $160
D:  CR $160
答案:   DR $210

Which of the following statement is true?​ ​​‏​

A:  The expense to hire an emloyee is the wages to the employee.
B:  The expense to hire an employee is the wages to the employee plus the SS paid for the employee.
C:  The deductions such as SS and tax will be kept the entity.
D: All the deductions will be remitted to the government.
答案:   The expense to hire an employee is the wages to the employee plus the SS paid for the employee.

At the ned of the month, an entity need to accrue for one week’s wages. The gross wages amount to $800, tax amounts to $200, employer’s SS is $90, employees’ SS is $60, and employees’ contributions to a pension scheme amount to $50. The ledger entries to record this accrual would be:‌‌​‌

A: DR: wages expense  $800     CR: SS payble               $150     CR: income tax payble   $200     CR: pension scheme payable  $50     CR: wages accrued              $400
B:  DR: wages expense  $890     CR: SS payble               $150     CR: income tax payble   $200     CR: pension scheme payable  $50     CR: wages accrued              $490 
C:  DR: wages expense                     $400DR: SS   expense                         $150DR: income tax    expense           $200DR: pension scheme expense     $50        CR: wages accrues                $800
D: DR: wages expense                     $490DR: SS   expense                         $150DR: income tax    expense           $200DR: pension scheme expense     $50        CR: wages accrues                $890
答案:   DR: wages expense  $890     CR: SS payble               $150     CR: income tax payble   $200     CR: pension scheme payable  $50     CR: wages accrued              $490 

 The cash book shows a bank balance of $5,675 overdrawn at 31 August 20X5. It is subsequently discovered that a standing order for $125 has been entered twice, and that a dishonoured cheque for $450 has been debited in the cash book instead of credited.‎What is the correct bank balance?‎‎‎‎

A: $5,100 overdrawn 
B: $6,000 overdrawn
C:  $6,250 overdrawn 
D:  $6,450 overdrawn
答案:   $6,450 overdrawn

 Your cash book at 31 December 20X3 shows a bank balance of $565 overdrawn. On comparing this with your bank statement at the same date, you discover the following.‌1. A cheque for $57 drawn by you on 29 December 20X3 has not yet been presented for payment.‌2. A cheque for $92 from a customer, which was paid into the bank on 24 December 20X3, has been dishonoured on 31 December 20X3.‌What is the correct bank balance to be shown in the statement of financial position at 31 December 20X3?‌‌​‌

A: $714 overdrawn
B:  $657 overdrawn
C: $473 overdrawn
D:  $53 overdrawn 
答案:   $657 overdrawn

 The following information relates to a bank reconciliation.‍1. The bank balance in the cashbook before taking the items below into account was $8,970 overdrawn.‍2. Bank charges of $550 on the bank statement have not been entered in the cashbook.‍3. The bank has credited the account in error with $425 which belongs to another customer.‍4. Cheque payments totalling $3,275 have been entered in the cashbook but have not been presented for payment.‍5. Cheques totalling $5,380 have been correctly entered on the debit side of the cashbook but have not been paid in at the bank.‍What was the balance as shown by the bank statement before taking the above items into account?‍ ‍

A:  $9,520 overdrawn
B: . $11,200 overdrawn
C: $9,520 in credit 
D:  $11,200 in credit
答案:  . $11,200 overdrawn

 A trial balance extracted from a sole trader’s records failed to agree, and a suspense account was opened for the difference.‌Which of the following errors would require an entry in the suspense account in correcting them?‌‌‏‌

A: Sales returns were mistakenly debited to the purchase returns account.
B: Cash received from the sale of a non-current asset was correctly entered in the cash book but was debited to the disposal account.
C: The balance on the rent account was omitted from the trial balance.
D:   Goods taken from inventory by the proprietor had been recorded by crediting drawings account and debiting purchases account.
答案:  Cash received from the sale of a non-current asset was correctly entered in the cash book but was debited to the disposal account.;
The balance on the rent account was omitted from the trial balance.

Listed below are some possible causes of difference between the cash book balance and the bank statement balance when preparing a bank reconciliation:‏Which of these items require an entry in the cash book‏‏‍‏

A: Cheque paid in, subsequently dishonoured
B:  Error by bank
C: Bank charges
D: Lodgements credited after date
E:  Unpresented cheques not yet presented
答案:  Cheque paid in, subsequently dishonoured;
Bank charges

The description for the entry in the sales account for a sale for a sales tax registered trader is to credit the sales account with the total of sales made, including sales tax ​​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

 Plant and machinery purchased was debited to the purchases account. This is an error of principle.‏‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

 Where a transaction is entered into the correct ledger accounts, but the wrong amount is used. This is the error of commission. ‎‎​‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

The non-registered entities are not allowed to _____(1 ) to their slaes, nor can they _____2) the sales tax on their purchase.‌‎‌
答案:  1. add sales tax
2. reclaim

The purpose of cash discount is to encourage the customer to _____( 1) for items_______(2) than they have previously agreed to.​‌​
答案:  1. pay
2. quicker/ faster

‎Sales daybook can only record the transactions _____‍‎‍
答案:  on credit

One of the causes for the difference between the company’s book and the bank book is ________‎​‎
答案:  timing difference/ unrecorded items/errors



A company has 100,000 shares of ordinary share whose par value is $1, and 50,000 10% preferred shares whose value is $4 each. The company decides to pay dividend of 10 cents per ordinary share.​ ​How much is the total dividend to be paid?​​

A: $10,000
B: $30,000
C: $20,000
D: $15,000
答案:   $30,000

A company made an issue for cash of 1,000,000 50c shares at a premium of 30c per share. Which one of the following journal entries correctly records the issue?‍‍‍ ‍‍‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍‍‍‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍‍‍‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍‍‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍

A: DR: Bank800,000 CR:Share capital 500,000 CR:Share premium 300,000
B: DR:Share capital500,000 DR:Share premium30,000 CR:Bank 800,000
C: DR: Bank1,300,000 CR: Share capital 1,000,000 CR:Share premium 300,000
D: DR:Share capital1,000,000 CR:Share premium 300,000 CR:Bank 1,300,000
答案:  DR: Bank800,000 CR:Share capital 500,000 CR:Share premium 300,000

At 31 December 20X1 the capital structure of a company was as follows:‎Ordinary shares capital‎ ‎100,000 shares of 50c each‎50,000 ‎Share premium account‎180,000 ‎During 20X2 the company made a bonus issue of 1 share for every 2 held, using the share premium account for the purpose, and later issued for cash another 60,000 shares at 80c per share. What is the company’s capital structure at 31 December 20X2?‎

A: Ordinary share capitalShare premium account$130,000 $173,000
B: Ordinary share capitalShare premium account$105,000 $173,000
C: Ordinary share capitalShare premium account$130,000 $137,000
D: Ordinary share capitalShare premium account$105,000 $137,000
答案:  Ordinary share capitalShare premium account$105,000 $173,000

Which of the following statements about company financial statements is/are correct, according to International Financial Reporting Standards?‍1. Dividends paid on ordinary shares should be included in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.‍2. Dividends paid on redeemable preference shares are treated in the same way as dividends paid on ordinary shares.‍3. The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income shows the gain on revaluation of non-current assets for the period.‍‌‍

A: 1, 2 and 3
B: only 3
C: 2 & 3
D: only 1
答案:  only 3

When a company makes a rights issue of equity shares which of the following effects will the issue have?‍‍

A: Assets are increased
B: the share capital increased
C: Retained earnings are reduced
D: Investments are increased
答案:  Assets are increased;
the share capital increased

Which of the following is component of equity part?‏‏

A: Retained earning
B: Share capital
C: Revaluation surplus
D: Accumulated depreciation
答案:  Retained earning;
Share capital;
Revaluation surplus

Capital surplus is the revenue reserve while the retained earning is the capital reserve.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

When the company need capital, it can choose to issue the shares or bonds to raise capital.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

The preferred shares that the entity has agreed to buy back from the shareholders is referred to as the _______ preferred shares.‏‏
答案:  redeemable​



A company pays rent quarterly in arrears on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The rent was increased from $90,000 per year to $120,000 per year as from 1 October 20X2.‍What rent expense and accrual should be included in the company’s financial statements for the year ended 31 January 20X3?‍ ‍‌‍

A: Rental expenseAccrual$100,000 $20,000
B: Rental expenseAccrual$100,000 $10,000
C: Rental expenseAccrual$97,500 $10,000
D: Rental expenseAccrual$97,500 $20,000
答案:  Rental expenseAccrual$100,000 $10,000

During 20X4, B, a limited liability company, paid a total of $60,000 for rent, covering the period from 1 October 20X3 to 31 March 20X5.‍What figures should appear in the company’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20X4?‍‏‍

A: SoPLOCISoFP40,000 10,000 Prepayment
B: SoPLOCISoFP40,000 15,000 Prepayment
C: SoPLOCISoFP50,000 10,000 accrual
D: SoPLOCISoFP50,000 15,000 accrual
答案:  SoPLOCISoFP40,000 10,000 Prepayment

The trainee accountant at Judd Co has forgotten to make an accrual for rent for December in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20X2. Rent is charged in arrears at the end of February, May, August and November each year. The bill payable in February is expected to be $30,000. Judd Co’s draft statement of profit or loss shows a profit of $25,000 and draft statement of financial position shows net assets of $275,000.​What is the profit or loss for the year and what is the net asset position after the accrual has been included in the financial statements?​‍​

A: Profit for the yearNet asset position$15,000 $265,000
B: Profit for the yearNet asset position$15,000 $285,000
C: Profit for the yearNet asset position$35,000 $265,000
D: Profit for the yearNet asset position$35,000 $285,000
答案:  Profit for the yearNet asset position$15,000 $265,000

WHich of the following ie related with accounting for accruals and prepaid ? ‏‏

A: Accruals
B: Matching concepts
C: Realisation
D: Materiality principle
答案:  Accruals;
Matching concepts;

The adjustment entry for prepaid expense is to DR the prepaid account and CR the expense account.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

When there is accrued expenditure, the profit will be increased.‍‍‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

The ______ concept requires that the revenue and assets should not be recognized unless it can be measured.‏‏​‏
答案:  prudence



Which of the following would a decrease in the allowance for receivables result in?‎ ‎‏‎

A: An increase in liabilities
B: A decrease in working capital
C: A decrease in net profit
D: An increase in net profit
答案:  An increase in net profit

At 1 January 20X1, there was an allowance for receivables of $3,000. During the year, $1,000 of debts were written off as irrecoverable, and $800 of debts previously written off were recovered. At 31 December 20X1, it was decided to adjust the allowance for receivables to 5% of receivables which are $20,000.​What is the total receivables expense for the year?​ ​​‍​

A: $200 debit
B: $1,800 debit
C: $2,200 debit
D: $1,800 credit
答案:  $1,800 credit

A company has received cash for a debt that was previously written off. Which of the following is the correct double entry to record the cash received?‏​‏

A: DebitCreditIrrecoverable debts expenseAccounts receivables
B: DebitCreditcash irrecoverable debts expense
C: DR: allowance for receivablesCR: accounts receivables
D: DebitCreditcashallowance for receivables
答案:  DebitCreditcash irrecoverable debts expense

Which of the following statements are correct?​

A: An aged receivables analysis shows how long invoices for each customer have been outstanding.
B: Receivables are included in the statement of financial position net of the receivables allowance.
C: A credit limit is a tool applied by the credit control department to make suppliers provide goods on time.
D: Credit limits are applied to customers who purchase goods using cash only.
答案:   An aged receivables analysis shows how long invoices for each customer have been outstanding.;
Receivables are included in the statement of financial position net of the receivables allowance.

Which of the following statement related with the estimate of bad debts and allowance for receivable is correct?‏‏‏‏

A: Estimate by using knowledge about the customers
B: Estimate by preparing a schedule of receivables based on the length of time
C: Estimate by using the bad debt rate of other company
D: Determining the bad debt casually
答案:  Estimate by using knowledge about the customers;
Estimate by preparing a schedule of receivables based on the length of time

When it becomes known that a customer is unlikely to pay, the receivable balance related with this customer must removed. This is referred to as allowance for receivable.‍‍ ‍‍‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

When the value of receivables is probably less than it appears to be, we need to create an allowance for receivable for it.‎‍‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

Only the _______ on the allowance account is transferred to the irrecoverable debts expenses account.​​‏​
答案:  movement



A company values its inventory using the first in, first out (FIFO) method. At 1 May 20X2 the company had 700 engines in inventory, valued at $190 each. During the year ended 30 April 20X3 the following transactions took place:​20X2​‍ ​1 Jun. ​Purchased 500 engines at $220 each​1 Nov.​Sold 400 engines for $160,000​‍ ​‍ ​20X3​‍ ​1 Feb.​Purchased 300 engines at $230 each​15 Apr.​Sold 250 engines for $125,000​What is the value of the company’s closing inventory of engines at 30 April 20X3?​‍​

A: $188,500
B: $195,500
C: $166,000
D: None of these figures
答案:   $188,500

In preparing its financial statements for the current year, a company’s closing inventory was understated by $300,000.‏What will be the effect of this error if it remains uncorrected?‏ ‏‏

A: The current year’s profit will be overstated and next year’s profit will be understated.
B: The current year’s profit will be understated but there will be no effect on next year’s profit.
C: The current year’s profit will be understated and next year’s profit will be overstated.
D: The current year’s profit will be overstated but there will be no effect on next year’s profit.
答案:  The current year’s profit will be understated and next year’s profit will be overstated.

The closing inventory at cost of a company at 31 January 20X3 amounted to $284,700.​The following items were included at cost in the total:​1. 400 coats, which had cost $80 each and normally sold for $150 each. Owing to a defect in manufacture, they were all sold after the reporting date at 50% of their normal price. Selling expenses amounted to 5% of the proceeds.​2. 800 skirts, which had cost $20 each. These too were found to be defective. Remedial work in February 20X3 cost $5 per skirt, and selling expenses for the batch totalled $800. They were sold for $28 each.​What should the inventory value be according to IAS 2 Inventories after considering the above items?​​

A: $281,200
B: $282,800
C: $329,200
D: None of these
答案:  $281,200

Which of the following is not included in the costs of inventory?‏ ‏​‏

A: Selling costs
B: Administration overhead
C: Production overhead
D: Direct material
答案:  Selling costs;
Administration overhead

Which of the following statements about the valuation of inventory are correct, according to IAS 2 Inventories?‌

A: Inventory items are normally to be valued at the higher of cost and net realisable value.
B: The cost of goods manufactured by an entity will include materials and labour only. Overhead costs cannot be included.
C: LIFO (last in, first out) cannot be used to value inventory.
D: Selling price less estimated profit margin may be








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