国际贸易实务(双语)(南京财经大学)1207181804 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版


Chapter 1 Course Introduction

Quiz 1

‍Which is the international convention that regulates the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of international sales contract?‌

A: UCP600
B: Contract Law of PRC
答案:  CISG

​Compared with domestic trade, what are the risks that are  special for international trade?‌

A: Different language
B: Different culture
C: Different currency
D: Long distance
E: Different legal system
F: Political risk
答案:  Different language;
Different culture;
Different currency;
Long distance;
Different legal system;
Political risk

​International rules, such as UCP, have the same binding effect as laws.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏Domestic laws could be ignored when we conducting business internationally.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‍There is no difference between domestic trade and international trade.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‌Import is just an inverse process of export, and no special attention should be paid.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏INCOTERMS 2010  regulates the practice of payment by letter of credit.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

Chapter Eight Documentation

Test for Documentation

‍A(n) (        ) is a general description of the goods and also the first document a seller has to prepare.‍

A: export license
B: packing list
C: commercial invoice
D: pro forma invoice
答案:  commercial invoice

​The drawer of a draft drawn under L/C is the (        ).‏

A: issuing bank
B: negotiatiing bank
C: beneficiary
D: applicant
答案:  beneficiary

‏If the B/L is required to mark “Freight Collect”, the trade term adopted might be (        ). ‌

答案:  FOB

‏There are four principles about document conformity for international trade documentation under the letter of credit. Which set of the two principles are concerned by banks? (  )‌

A: Credit-contract conformity and document-goods conformity
B: Document-document conformity and document-credit conformity
C: Document-goods conformity and document-credit conformity
D: Credit-contract conformity and document-credit conformity
答案:  Document-document conformity and document-credit conformity

‌Deadline for presentation under the letter of credit is not later than (  ) calendar days after the date of shipment and not later than the expiry date of the credit.‎

A: 21
B: 11
C: 31
D: 25
答案:  21

‌Which one of the following statements about complying presentation is correct? (  )​

A: When an issuing bank determines that a presentation does not comply, it may, with the agreement from the negotiating bank, approach the applicant for a waiver of the discrepancies.
B: When an issuing bank determines that a presentation is complying, it may in its sole judgement, decide whether or not to honour.
C: Banks may refuse to honour or negotiate discrepant documents.
D: Notice of refusal must be given to presenter no later than close of the tenth banking day following the day of presentation.
答案:  Banks may refuse to honour or negotiate discrepant documents.

‏Which one of the following statements about important dates for presentation and examination is correct? (  )​

A: A credit must state an expiry date for presentation.
B: Documents of presentation under the letter of credit cannot be dated prior to issuance date of credit, also they cannot be dated later than the expiry date for presentation.
C: Deadline for presentation under L/C is not later than 25 calendar days after the date of shipment and not later than the expiry date of the credit.
D: The banks have maximum 10 banking days following the day of presentation to determine if a presentation is complying.
答案:  A credit must state an expiry date for presentation.

‏How many parties are involved in a draft for the payment against a letter of credit? (  )‎

A: Two. They are drawer and drawee.
B: Three. They are drawer, drawee and payee.
C: Three. They are issuer, presenter and payee.
D: Four. They are drawer, drawee, payer and payee.
答案:  Three. They are drawer, drawee and payee.

‌Which one of the following description is a demonstrative order of a draft? (  )‏

A:  “Pay to ABC Company only”
B: “Pay to the order of Bank of China”
C: “Pay to bear”
D: “Pay to holder”
答案:  “Pay to the order of Bank of China”

‌A draft is drawn on the (1). He is also known as the (2). Usually the (1) and the (2) could be the issuing bank. Find the names of the two parties from the following combinations. (  )‍

A: 1=drawer and 2=payer
B: 1=drawee and 2=payee
C: 1=drawer and 2=payee
D: 1=drawee and 2=payer
答案:  1=drawee and 2=payer

‎Which one of the following statements about commercial invoices are correct? (  )‌

A: Description of goods, services or performance does not have to correspond with the description in the credit.
B: The issuer of a commercial invoice should be the beneficiary of the draft.
C: The commercial invoice must be signed by the issuer.
D: Currency of the commercial invoice should be the same as the credit.
答案:  Currency of the commercial invoice should be the same as the credit.

​Which one of the statements about the issuing date of the commercial invoice is NOT correct? (  )​

A: The date can be earlier than the issuing date of the letter of credit. 
B: The date can be later than the expiry date of the credit.
C: The date is earlier than the date of shipment.
D: The date can be same date as the date of shipment. 
答案:  The date can be later than the expiry date of the credit.

‎The purposes of providing a packing list along with a commercial invoice are (  ).‏

A: It works as the buyer’s reference regarding packing and quality of the goods and it is used for pre-shipment inspection at the destination.
B: It works as the buyer’s reference regarding packing and quantity of the goods and it is used for custom clearance and inspection at the destination.
C: It provides information about the value of the goods. Therefore, it is used by the buyer to calculate import costs and by the importing country’s custom to determine tariff.
D: It is required by insurance company to calculate insured amount and used by the seller as a payment order.
答案:  It works as the buyer’s reference regarding packing and quantity of the goods and it is used for custom clearance and inspection at the destination.

‎Which one of the statements about packing list is NOT correct? (  )‎

A: The packing list is supplementary to the commercial invoice.
B: The packing list and the invoice are usually issued at the same time.
C: The name of the packing list does not need to be the same name of the list as required in the letter of credit.
D: A packing list cannot serve as a weight list or a measurement list. If the latter two lists are needed, they should be issued as two separate documents along with the packing list.
答案:  A packing list cannot serve as a weight list or a measurement list. If the latter two lists are needed, they should be issued as two separate documents along with the packing list.

‌The issuing date of a bill of lading is (  ).‏

A: The date when the loading operation for a specify shipment begins.
B: The date when the loading operation for a specific shipment finishes.
C: The date when the ship leaves the port of loading.
D: The date when the goods are delivered to the carrier’s warehouse at the port of loading and are accepted by the carrier.
答案:  The date when the loading operation for a specific shipment finishes.

​Which one of the statements about bill of lading is NOT correct? (  )‏

A: Bill of lading only needs to indicate the port of loading as stated in the credit, but not the port of discharge.
B: If bill of lading is issued in more than one original, all originals are required for presentation.
C: Bill of lading may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same bill of lading.
D: A bank will only accept a clean on-board bill of lading for presentation.
答案:  Bill of lading only needs to indicate the port of loading as stated in the credit, but not the port of discharge.

‎Banks won’t accept (  ) submitted by the seller as an insurance document for presentation.‎

A: Cover note
B:  Insurance policy
C: Insurance certificate
D: Open policy
答案:  Cover note

‍Insurance coverage expressed in the letter of credit as percentage of goods/invoice value is deemed to be minimum coverage required. It should be at least (  ) of the CIF or CIP value of the goods.​

A: 90%
B: 100%
C: 110%
D: 120%
答案:  110%

‎Which one of the following statements about cargo insurance document is NOT correct? (  )‌

A: The credit should state type of insurance required and additional risks to be covered.
B: If the credit uses imprecise terms such as “usual risks” or “cust








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