商务英语视听说(2)(武汉学院)1450325296 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‌You’d better finish your self-introduction within _________.‌

A: 1 to 2 minutes 
B: 3 to 5 minutes
C: 5 to 7 minutes   
D: 7 to 10 minutes
答案:  3 to 5 minutes

‏What are the basic elements in a resume? ‎

A: one’s personal information, educational background, job intention, relevant skills and qualifications, relevant experiences, achievements and rewards and so on
B: one’s personal information, educational background, relevant skills and qualifications
C: one’s name, age, gender, telephone
D: one’s relevant skills and qualifications, relevant experiences, relevant achievements and rewards and so on
答案:  one’s personal information, educational background, job intention, relevant skills and qualifications, relevant experiences, achievements and rewards and so on

‏Which of the following should NOT be highlighted in your self-introduction? ‍

A: your personal achievements 
B: your abilities
C: your hobbies
D: your relevant experiences
答案:  your hobbies

‍In the mode of “STAR”, the letter “S” stands for ________.‎

A: Situation 
B: Success
C: Study
D: Standard
答案:  Situation 

​ When you are asked “why do you apply for this post?” in the job interview, the interviewer is actually asking about ________.​

A: your anti-stress ability
B: your self-awareness
C: your team spirit
D: your career planning
答案:  your career planning

‎Which of the following should you do in the job interview?‏

A: We should wear heavy make-up to make ourselves even more attractive.
B: We should know about the company or post applied as much as possible.
C: We should go together with our parents or our friends to help ourselves calm down.
D: We should try to be friendly enough to ask the interviewer some personal questions.
答案:  We should know about the company or post applied as much as possible.

‌How to describe our relevant skills, qualifications, experiences, achievements and rewards in the resume? ‎

A: Try to use as many words as possible
B: Try to describe them in detail
C: Try to use some specific statistics to support
D: Try to use some empty words to support
答案:  Try to use some specific statistics to support

‍In the mode of “STAR”, the letter “A” stands for ________.‎

A: Actions
B: Achievements 
C: Abilities
D: Activities
答案:  Actions

‎Which of the following is NOT a frequently-asked question in the job interview?‍

A: Why do you apply for this post?
B: How does your boss evaluate you?
C: Would you please talk about your strengths and weaknesses?
D: What are your hobbies?
答案:  What are your hobbies?

‏When making a resume, you can put your job intention _________.​

A: at the beginning of a resume
B: in the middle of a resume
C: at the end of a resume
D: anywhere in the resume
答案:  in the middle of a resume

‏We can apply for different positions with the same resume.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏In your self-introduction you should introduce your own achievements instead of your team achievements. ​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍During the job interview, we can ask the interviewer directly our future salary or promotion since we are really interested in it. ​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏As for the length of a resume, the longer the better. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‍Don’t speak with too much facial expression and too many gestures in the job interview.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确



If the ownership of the companies is not open to the public, we call them _______. ‍

A: A. closely held companies   
B: B. publicly held companies 
C: C. private company        
D: D. multinational companies
答案:  A. closely held companies   

‌Which of the following statements is not the advantage of working for a state-owned company? ‎

A:   A. has an edge in terms of stability, management, and career prospects
B:   B. is much easier to get a job
C:   C. is more decent, and would have a better career
D:   D. competition is so fierce that it’s difficult to stand out
答案:    B. is much easier to get a job

‌Which of the following competencies are not included in the “4Cs” of core competencies? ‏

A: A. critical thinking competence
B: B. creative competence
C: C. cultural competence
D: D. communicative competence
答案:  D. communicative competence

​ The functions of personnel department may exclude _______.‏

A: A. looks after the welfare of the employees
B: B. hires new employees
C: C. trains new staff
D: D. looks for new customers
答案:  D. looks for new customers

​Which of the following statement is not correct for a CEO of a publicly held company?‎

A: A. is in charge of the entire management organization within a company
B: B. is the highest-ranking executive in a company
C: C. is responsible for the board of directors
D: D. is the authority of the company
答案:  D. is the authority of the company

‏Which of the following statement is not correct for a publicly held company? ‏

A: A. The shareholders’ meeting is the authority of the company.
B: B. It may set up a board of directors, which shall be composed of 5-19 persons.
C: C. It may set up a board of supervisors, which shall be composed of at least 3 persons.
D: D. A CEO leads the board of directors.
答案:  D. A CEO leads the board of directors.

‌Which of the following statement is not correct for a company structure? ‏

A: A. A company structure chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company management.
B: B. The third level of a company structure chart is the top management for the organization.
C: C. The second level is the middle managers for the organization and they are all roughly equal in power.
D: D. The departments are vertical under their department head, but horizontal with other divisions in the company.
答案:  B. The third level of a company structure chart is the top management for the organization.

‍Some companies are ‘not-for-profit’ which provide much required services to those in need, and derive from the following organizations except  _______.‎

A: A. charities
B: B. health-care, or social service
C: C. Fortune 500
D: D. educational, or environmental sector
答案:  C. Fortune 500

‌The following statements are usually related to language competence except _______.‌

A: A.   speaks and writes clearly and effectively
B: B.   listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately
C: C.   asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication
D: D.   makes better decisions and judgments in complex situations
答案:  D.   makes better decisions and judgments in complex situations

​The followings are responsibilities of a sale manager except _______.‏

A: A. researches sales statistics
B: B. is responsible for the board of directors
C: C. oversees all marketing, advertising and promotional activities
D: D. evaluates customer research, market conditions, competitor data
答案:  B. is responsible for the board of directors

‍ The classification of company is based on the different types of ownership of the company, and also the aims and objectives of the owners. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍ Most of the influential top revenue enterprises belong to the type of closely held company. ​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

​Within a business, an organizational structure allows people to know exactly who is in charge of whom and what any given person’s responsibilities are. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎A job title can either describe the level of the position, or the responsibilities of the position.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

5. A company structure chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company managem








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