大学英语写作基础(华南农业大学)1452051174 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




‌Which of the followling statements is correct?​

A: A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.
B: A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.
C:  A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.
D: A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.
答案:  A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.;
A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.;
 A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.;
A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.


‍Which of the following statement is correct?‎‍‎

A: To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).
B: To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ).
C: To indicate the exact words of the quoted speaker/writer, we should use comma (,).
D: To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).
答案:  To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).;
To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ). ;
To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).


For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‏‎College Is Not Always the Answer ‏‎‏

A: Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B: Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Review
答案:  Analyze, examine, explain or discuss

 For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‍‌Skills, With No Credential, Are No Longer Enough‍‌‍

A:  Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B: Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Review
答案:  Evaluate

 For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful.‎​Graduates’ Pay Is Slipping, but Still Outpaces Others‎​‎

A: Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B: Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Review
答案:  Comparison and contrast

For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‍‏How to Regulate Your Child’s Use of Technology at Every Age‍‏‍

A: Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B:  Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Review
答案:  Review

For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‎​Pros and Cons of A Commuter Campus ‎​‎

A:  Evaluate
B: Comparison and contrast
C: Review
D: Consider to what extent
答案:  Comparison and contrast

For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‍‌A New American Experiment ‍‌‍

A: Evaluate
B:  Comparison and contrast
C:   Review
D: Consider to what extent
答案:    Review

For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‎‍A Valuable Idea, if We Follow the Law‎‍‎

A: Evaluate
B:  Comparison and contrast
C:   Review
D: Consider to what extent
答案:  Consider to what extent

For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‌‎The Goldilocks Apartment‌‎‌

A:  Evaluate
B:  Comparison and contrast
C: Review
D: Consider to what extent
答案:   Evaluate

For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‎‍Why Mess with a Win-Win Situation? ‎‍‎

A:  Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B:  Evaluate
C:  Comparison and contrast
D: .    Review
答案:   Analyze, examine, explain or discuss

 For the following title, figure out what measure is employed to make it powerful. ‏​Bite Your Tongue. Bide Your Time. ‏​‏

A: Analyze, examine, explain or discuss
B: Evaluate
C: Comparison and contrast
D: Comparison and contrast
答案:  Comparison and contrast

‌Use a comma to separate two verbs that belong to one subject.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏An apostrophe and ’s are used to show possession with a singular word even if the word already ends in s.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌Hyphen is used to signal a pause longer than that of a comma but not as long as that of a period.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‌Comma can be on both sides of words that interrupt the flow of thought in a sentence.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌When addressing someone directly, we can use a comma.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌Apostrophe can’t be used to show ownership or possession.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎Apostrophe is generally used to show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction. ‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌Periods and commas go inside quotation marks, even if they aren’t part of the material being quoted.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍Dash is used with two or more words that act as a single unit or to divide a word at the end of a line.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎ Comma is optional when the complete thoughts are short.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌‍‌Fill in the blank with a correct punctuation mark.‍‌Globalization has been a fact of life for decades, but how long will it continue in its current form ________‍
答案:  ?

‍Fill in the blank with a correct punctuation mark.‎‍The prevalence of non-tariff barriers to trade, such as import quotas, subsidies, and sanctions_______ has been increasing since 2005. ‎
答案:  ,

‏Fill in the blank with a correct punctuation mark.‌‏These so-called “left-behind children_____ are a dark facet of China’s shining economic development. ‌
答案:  ”

‏Fill in the blank with a correct punctuation mark.‌‏The experience of Anyi Yang, a 19_year__old University of Connecticut sophomore from Beijing, reflects some of the challenges.‌
答案:  –

‌Fill in the blank with a correct punctuation mark.​‌“They are friendly, but some I thought would be more interested in talking to me_____” Yang said.​
答案:  ,



‌Which one is not the standard for foreign language proficiency in America? ‏

A: communication
B: cultures
C: connections
D: competition
答案:  competition

​According to Dr. Herron James, the most effective way of cultivating a critical mind is to give him a comprehensive training in writing.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


‌What is denotation of a word?‎

A: Denotation is the dictionary
definition of a word.
B: It is basically the literal meaning.
C: It is the direct or
explicit meaning of a word or phrase.
D: All of them.
答案:  All of them.

​Synonyms always have the same connotations.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‎Connotation is a ______________ or idea that a word makes people think of. It is the mental, emotional and social connections our minds make with a word.‌
答案:  feeling


​From a stylistic point of view, how many different groups of words do we
have in total? What are they?‎

A: formal words
B: common words
C: colloquial words
D: slangs
答案:  formal words;
common words;
colloquial words;

‏We use formal writing when writing essays for school or cover letter to apply for jobs.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


The question “How to choose words?” largely depends on:‏

A: What kind of feeling you are expressing: positive, or negative?
B: What kind of writing style you are adopting: formal or informal?
C: How to make your writing vivid & clear?
D: All of them
答案:  All of them

​Which one is more general than others?‍

A: A good man
B: A warm-hearted man
C: A brave man
D: An honest man
答案:  A good man

‎The word “scientist” is a specific word when compared with “professional”; while it may be called a general word when compared with “chemist”.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍What are five senses?‏‍They include: the sense of sight, hearing, ________, smell, and touch.‏
答案:  taste


‌  __________ form the basis of English vocabulary.‌  ‌

A: Formal words 
B: Common words 
C: Colloquial words
D: Slang words
答案:  Common words 

​__________ are very informal words used especially by particular groups of people. ‍

A: Formal words 
B: Common words
C: Colloquial words
D: Slang words 
答案:  Slang words 

​______ are learned words, or literary words, or big words.‌

A: Formal words
B: Common words 
C: Colloquial words
D: Slang words 
答案:  Formal words

​______ are usually used in casual and informal conversation.‌

A: Formal words 
B:  Common words
C:  Colloquial words
D: Slang words 
答案:   Colloquial words

All three of these following expressions refer to exactly the same people, but they will invoke different associations in the reader’s mind:‎1.     There are over 2,000 vagrants in the city.‎2.     There are over 2,000 people with no fixed address in the city.‎3.     There are over 2,000 homeless in the city.‎Which of the following item shows the correct feelings?‎

A: negative, neutral, positive
B: negative, positive, neutral
C: positive, neutral, negative
D: neutral, negative, positive
答案:  negative, neutral, positive

​Choose those that are connotations of the word “dog”. ‌

A: friendly
B: domestic animal
C: barking
D: faithful
E: wicked
F: a pet
G: a quadruped
答案:  friendly;

​Choose those that are connotations of the word “ocean”.‎

A: a large body of salt water that covers approximately 70% of the earth’s surface
B: appears different shades of blue
C: often with waves and currents
D: contains various types of plant and marine animal life
E: peace
F: tranquility
G: expansiveness
H: the unknown
I: the power of nature
答案:  peace;
the unknown;
the power of nature

‍“NBA player” is more general than “Kobe Bryant”.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Stroll” is more specific than “walk”.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍“Cry” is more general than “sob”. ‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Furious” is a specific word when compared with the word “angry”. ‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍Plain, direct writing is the most effective way to express your ideas.‍

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Assertive” vs. “Pushy”: Being Assertive usually has positive connotations (being confident, decisive, letting your views be known) whereas Pushy has a negative connotation (being excessively assertive to the point of aggression or annoyance).‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Group” vs. “Mob”: A Mob has a negative connotation of an unruly group, often with a violent purpose, whereas Group is neutral, and just means a number of people or things which are together.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌“Disabled” vs. “Retarded”: Retarded is the accepted way to refer to someone with a handicap, Disabled, on the other hand, is considered offensive with very negative connotations and should not be used.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‍“Curious” vs. “Nosy”: Nosy has a positive connotation, implying that the person is eager to know and learn. Curious, on the other hand, implies a negative way of being overly curious or prying into other people’s business.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‌“Scent” vs. “Stench”: Both words mean “smell,” but Scent is often used to describe good smells (flowers, baked goods, etc.) while Stench connotes a negative smell.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏“Economical” vs. “Stingy”: Both words describe something or someone who is frugal with money; however, economical (being smart with money) has a positive connotation and stingy has a negative one (often used to describe someone who is greedy or selfish with their money).​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍“Fired” vs. “Laid off”: Both words are used to describe losing one’s job. Laid off has a negative connotation (the person did something wrong) whereas Fired suggests a reason where the person losing their job was not at fault.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏“Protest” vs. “Riot”: Protest has a more peaceful connotation, referring to something lawful whereas Riot is often used to connote a violent gathering of people who may be breaking the law.​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‎“Youthful” vs. “Childish”: Both describe the state of being similar to a child, but Youthful has a positive connotation (vibrant, lively, energetic) and Childish has a negative connotation (immature, juvenile, having the emotional maturity of a child)​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‍Lady Yang, being _____(fat/plump), became the apple in the eyes of Emperor Xuanzong. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)​
答案:  plump

‏This dress is _________ (expensive/overpriced). You see, its material is low-end and crumples easily. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‎
答案:  overpriced

‎After brainstorming, she first came up with ________ (innovative/crazy) ideas that really worked for the project. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‎
答案:  innovative

‍If you become too ______ (focused/obsessed) in the games playing, you may fail in the final exam. (Choose the appropriate one from the given words, and fill in the blank.)‎
答案:  obsessed

​He was     (flipping/checking through)a magazine in the living room. (Choose the informal word from the given ones, and fill in the blank.)‌
答案:  flipping

‍With Google search engine, are people getting______(foolish/dumb)? (Choose the informal word from the given ones, and fill in the blank.)‏
答案:  dumb



‍According to function, sentences can be divided into ______________.‎

A: declarative sentences 
B: interrogative sentences
C: imperative sentences
D: exclamatory sentences
答案:  declarative sentences ;
interrogative sentences;
imperative sentences;
exclamatory sentences

‍From a rhetorical point of view, sentences are divided into _____________.‌

A: loose sentences
B: periodic sentences
C: balanced sentences
D: complex sentences
答案:  loose sentences;
periodic sentences;
balanced sentences

‏According to function, sentences can be divided into simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentences.‌

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误


‌Which sentence is not correct about misplaced modifier?‍

A: Misplaced modifiers are words that, because of awkward placement, do not describe what the writer intended them to describe.
B: A misplaced modifier can make a sentence confusing or unintentionally funny.‍
C: To avoid misplaced modifier,  we can place words as close as possible to what they describe.
D: A misplaced modifier is a word or phrase, often a participle or participial phrase, that doesn’t actually modify the word it’s intended to modify.
答案:  A misplaced modifier is a word or phrase, often a participle or participial phrase, that doesn’t actually modify the word it’s intended to modify.

‌Faulty pronoun reference refers to a pronoun that doesn’t refer clearly and unambiguously to its antecedent.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


‏‌According to structure, which kind of sentence does the following sentence belong to?‏‌ I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station.‏‏‌‏

A: Simple
B:  Compound 
C:  Complex
D: Compound-complex
答案:  Simple

‍‏According to structure, which kind of sentence does the following sentence belong to?‍‏Mary and Samantha left on the bus before I arrived, so I did not see them at the bus station








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