互联网+大学英语(南方医科大学)1206299844 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版


0 热身



A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确


A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌这门课程的名称是:__________ ​
答案:  互联网+大学英语

1 听力



A: What is the main idea of the passage?
B: What can we learn from this passage?
C: Which of the following is true?
D: What is the passage mainly about?
答案:  Which of the following is true?


A: Where is the woman going?
B: What is the main idea of the passage?
C: What’s the man’s house number?
D: How many hours does Tom sleep a day?
答案:  What is the main idea of the passage?


A: Which of the following is true?
B: What is the professor’ s opinion of …?
C: What is the professor’ s attitude about/toward…?
D: How does the author think of…?
答案:  Which of the following is true?


A: It can be inferred from the conversation that ..
B: The report implies, but does not directly state that .
C: What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
D: When does the woman plan to arrive?
答案:  When does the woman plan to arrive?


A: What does the woman mean by saying “It is hot inside the room”?
B: What does the little girl mean by saying “I am so hungry”?
C: What does the woman mean by saying “It is my birthday today”?
D: How many hours does Tom sleep a day?
答案:  How many hours does Tom sleep a day?


A: Where is the woman going?
B: What can be inferred about the student when he/she says this (reply)?
C: What can be inferred about the author’s attitude towards …?
D: What does the speakers want to tell us?
答案:  Where is the woman going?

‍听力中出现“because, since, now that, on account of, due to, on the ground of, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus, hence”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。‍
答案:  因果

‎听力中出现“similarly, in the same way, likewise, whereas, in contrast to, rather than”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。‌
答案:  比较##%_YZPRLFH_%##对比

​听力中出现“but, however, nevertheless, whereas, although, despite, in spite of, still”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。‎
答案:  转折##%_YZPRLFH_%##让步

‎听力中出现“for example, for instance, specially, such as, as follows”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。  ‍
答案:  举例##%_YZPRLFH_%##例证

2 口语



A: It is made of ..
B: It is featured by
C: It has many advantages, such as,
D: Something surprising happened…
答案:  Something surprising happened…


A: May I collect your opinions on?
B: The first/best reason is
C: In my opinion, there are three ways of looking at it. Firstly, … Secondly, … Thirdly,
D: Of all the advantages,
答案:  May I collect your opinions on?


A: It seems to me that.
B: This is only my opinion but.
C: Last year during the Spring Festival, I
D: Those reasons explain why
答案:  Last year during the Spring Festival, I


A: Something surprising happened
B: The first thing you should do/need to do is
C: Currently, there is a phenomenon/increasing trend that
D: … has been prevalent in our society in recent years.
答案:  The first thing you should do/need to do is


A: From my perspective, I … Do you agree with me?
B: I’d like to hear your opinion about
C: May I collect your opinions on
D: They have lived through a lot of different things
答案:  They have lived through a lot of different things


A: Our study has verified that this method is
B: That’s interesting. Let me see. Well, I suppose that
C: I can’t find words to express how much I like it
D: I felt so delighted/depressed.
答案:  Our study has verified that this method is


A: I’m afraid I can’t accept your argument
B: I’m not at all convinced by your explanation.
C: I strongly hold the viewpoint that
D: Last year during the Spring Festival, I
答案:  Last year during the Spring Festival, I


A: In my opinion, there are three reasons. Firstly, … Secondly, …. Thirdly,
B: I’d like to hear your opinion about
C: One of the best explanations to this issue is
D: Explanations to this phenomenon are twofold. For one thing, … For another thing,
答案:  I’d like to hear your opinion about


A: The biggest difference between … and… is that
B: There are quite a few differences between …and
C: Something surprising happened
D: The main advantage of … is that…While the disadvantage is that
答案:  Something surprising happened


A: Our study has verified that this method is
B: We intend to do justice to the question of
C: Let me cite a few instances to illustrate my point
D: This is only my opinion but.
答案:  This is only my opinion but.

3 阅读 预测测验

‎When you read the headline “Think Before You Jog” from the Internet, what do you predict to read in the article? Choose a content that best describes your prediction. ‏‎‏

A: The pleasures of jogging.
B: Statistics about the number of joggers.
C: The dangers of jogging.
D: The popularity of jogging in the U.S.A.
答案:  The dangers of jogging.

​When you read the headline “Injury Cash for Beaten Wives Soon” from the Internet, what do you predict to read in the article? Choose a content that best describes your prediction.‍

A: Wives beaten by their husbands will soon get money as compensation.
B: Beaten wives get together to raise money.
C: Beating one’s wife will soon be forbidden.
D: Statistics about wives who were injured because they were beaten.
答案:  Wives beaten by their husbands will soon get money as compensation.

​When you read the headline “Cure That ‘Is Worse Than the Problem’” from the Internet, what do you predict to read in the article? Choose a content that best describes your prediction. ‍​‍

A: A new drug has been discovered but it is far too expensive.
B: A doctor criticizes the use of medicines in general.
C: A widely used drug is found to cause more harm than good.
D: People would face their problems better if they did not take drugs.
答案:  A widely used drug is found to cause more harm than good.

‎When you read the headline “500 Jobs to Go” from the Internet, what do you predict to read in the article? Choose a content that best describes your prediction.‌

A: 500 jobs will be created as a factory opens.
B: 500 persons will have to move to another town to keep their jobs.
C: 500 jobs will be lost as a firm closes.
D: The result of a study on the best 500 jobs.
答案:  The result of a study on the best 500 jobs.

‍Learning Styles‏‍‏‍We all learn in different ways. One theory of learning focuses on the way information is given to learners and refers to visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.‏‍• Visual learners respond well to pictures, colours, images. They need to see things to‏‍help them learn and remember.‏‍• Auditory learners learn best by hearing things.‏‍• Kinaesthetic learners like movement. They need movement and hands-on tasks to help them learn.‏‍In any class we teach, the learners will have a range of learning styles. This means that to help all of our learners learn we have to use a range of classroom activities and techniques so that different styles of learner are interested and can learn from our lessons.‏(Adapted from: British Council (2008), Teaching Speaking)‏‏‍If this is the first part of a text on learning styles, what do you think the second part will be about?‏

A: Different tasks and techniques that teachers can use to reach all learners.
B: Explanation for the causes of different learning styles.
C: The benefits of different learning styles.
D: None of the above.
答案:  Different tasks and techniques that teachers can use to reach all learners. 运用衔接手段理解文章测验

Schedule Fairness IntelligenceIn recent years, employee engagement has grown in importance for contact center leaders—and for a good reason. Typically, engaged employees contribute about 20 percent more revenue and are 44 percent more productive than employees who are categorized as satisfied. And scheduling is one of the most critical ways to ensure employees are engaged—more than one in four employees who feel they have no support for work/life balance say that they’ll leave within two years, while only 17 percent of those who feel their work/life balance is supported are planning to leave. ‎Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used by employee engagement solutions to give employees a degree of ownership in the often overwhelming process of meeting customer demand. Machine Learning (ML) can also be used to create a fair workplace that replaces or enhances traditional seniority-based assignment processes. Some examples of this in action include:‎Adaptive Assignment: When workforce management AI is combined with adaptive intelligence, work schedules can be assigned using the uniquely identifiable metrics, attributes and preferences of each employee.‎Preference Persona Assignment: As robust personas are managed and updated by employees, an AI machine monitors constantly for changes in employee preferences and adjusts the schedule accordingly. Details such as, shift availability can be customized by staff, and the machine will automatically take into account their preferences when scheduling. ‎Policy Assignment: Intelligent ML policies have been integrated into modern workforce management solutions that create schedules and manage assignments in a balanced way while meeting customer demands. There are algorithms designed in the technology to balance the needs of both the employees and the business.‎Personalized Fairness Assignment: Often, employees want to volunteer to work specific days of the week, weekends or holidays, while their colleagues may want to be rotated through the assignments routinely. ML workforce management tools can monitor assignment history, fairness credits, volunteerism, work rules, and business need to manage the assignments fairly. ‎ AI’s utility and promise is an exciting shift for contact centers. The technology’s ability to learn the unique, decision-influencing factors of any omnichannel environment and rapidly apply intelligence is already benefiting contact centers, back-office operations, and branch environments. Adopting this technology frees your staff to focus on those activities and thought processes that require a human touch.‎‎‌Q: Some examples of scheduling fairness intelligence include:‎‌‎

A: Adaptive Assignment
B: Preference Persona Assignment
C: Policy Assignment
D: Personalized Fairness Assignment
答案:  Adaptive Assignment;
Preference Persona Assignment;
Policy Assignment;
Personalized Fairness Assignment 寻读测验

Read the Passage and complete four answers.‌The old conditions of travel and the new conditions of most travel of today are exactly opposite. For in old trav








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