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Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin Quiz

Benjamin Franklin is not a regular writer in the sense that he_____.‎

A: wrote no fiction
B: wrote only drama.
C: wrote only poetry
D: wrote his Autobiography which started a tradition
答案:  wrote his Autobiography which started a tradition

‌Benjamin Franklin was an unlikely person to become a celebrity mostly because_____.‎

A: of his large gamily
B: of the shabby family situation
C: of his poor education
D: of the low origin of birth
答案:  of the shabby family situation

​It is said that Benjamin Franklin was born again at 17 as he_____.​

A: broke law by running away from home
B: would make Boston famous by leaving the city
C: ran away to Philadelphia to make his home there
D: ran away from home to New York
答案:  ran away to Philadelphia to make his home there

‎Herman Melville referred to Benjamin Franklin as “Jack of all trades” to mean that_____.‎

A: he was involved in many things
B: he was versatile and successful
C: he was a successful printer
D: his nickname was Jack
答案:  he was versatile and successful

​By “Benjamin Franklin was a man of his age”, it is meant that he_____.​

A: made the best out of the age he lived in
B: was conscious of his age
C: pursued his interests
D: controlled his age
答案:  made the best out of the age he lived in

​It is suggested that Americans, with the influence of Enlightenment, learned to be_____.​

A: submissive
B: assertive
C: obedient
D: pessimistic
答案:  assertive

‎By “Franklin…had no patience with the Calvinistic attitude that earth was a vale of tears and suffering”, it is meant that his view of life is_____.‎

A: pessimistic
B: impatient
C: sincere
D: hopeful
答案:  hopeful

‏With the inspiration of Franklin, what is supposed to be the work ethic of Americans?​

A: Life with patience
B: Attitude of practicality
C: Improvement of ability
D: Success through work
答案:  Success through work

​“He marked a historical shift in emphasis from Providence to the individual, from the afterlife to this life.” refers to the shift of focus_____.‍

A: from God to Man
B: from past to present
C: from death to life
D: from life to death
答案:  from God to Man

‌Benjamin Franklin had a(n)_____role in public life.‏

A: interesting
B: active
C: passive
D: unique
答案:  active

‏As a balance for being criticized by some as being too much a practical man, Franklin also believed in_____.​

A: fair play
B: hard work
C: doing good
D: being thrifty
答案:  doing good

‎“Franklin’s image is that of a self-made man” means that he_____.‎

A: worked independently
B: was self-disciplined
C: was self-regulated
D: was self-centered
答案:  worked independently

​The phrase “from rags to riches” stands for_____.‌

A: poor clothing
B:  rich life
C: reputation
D: upward movement
答案:  upward movement

‌Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac was originally a_____.‍

A: poetry collection
B: collection of maxims
C: collection of household words and mottos
D: farming calendar
答案:  farming calendar

​The proverb “Fish and visitors stink in three days” means_____.‍

A: fish and visitors are the same
B:  a long stay with friends is unwelcome
C: fish can stay fresh for three days
D: visitors should not eat fish
答案:   a long stay with friends is unwelcome

‏It is said that The Autobiography is first of all a Puritan document because_____.‌

A: Franklin was a Puritan
B: Franklin was born in a Puritan family
C: it was a record of self-examination
D: it was written during the Colonial Period
答案:  it was a record of self-examination

​The writing style of The Autobiography is_____.​

A: simple and direct
B: passionate and sincere
C: concise and sophisticated
D: fanciful and flowery
答案:  simple and direct

‌Benjamin Franklin was all but_____.‏

A: a printer
B: a postmaster
C: a statesman
D: a dreamer
答案:  a dreamer

‍Nathaniel Hawthorne’s criticism of Franklin’s axioms is that they are____.‍

A: too materialistic
B: too subjective
C: too objective
D: too arrogant
答案:  too materialistic

‍D.H. Lawrence’s criticism of Franklin’s idea of man’s perfectibility expresses his_____about human nature.​

A: sincerity
B: admiration
C: wonder
D: doubt
答案:  doubt

Unit 10 Mark Twain

Mark Twain Quiz

‎Who is among the very few authors who have made their fame with the pen name?‍

A: William Faulkner
B: Henry James
C: Charles Dickens
D: Samuel Clemens
答案:  Samuel Clemens

‏Mark Twain has been crowned as __________ by William Faulkner.​

A: The father of Literature
B: The forerunner of Western Literature
C: The Father of American Literature
D: The father of humor
答案:  The Father of American Literature

​What is true of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn?‎

A: It is a book which people praise and don’t read.
B: It is a book which people read and don’t praise.
C: It is a classic that is both praised and still read.
D: It is not a classic but it is praised and read by people.
答案:  It is a classic that is both praised and still read.

​Which of the following has a crucial influence on Twain’s very best fictions?‎

A: His job as a reporter.
B: His civil war experience.
C: His Hannibal boyhood.
D: His experience in New York.
答案:  His Hannibal boyhood.

‌What is Mark Twain’s first literary success?‏

A: The Gilded Age
B: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
C: “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”
D: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
答案:  “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”

‍Which of the following books of Mark Twain was thought to be an artistic failure?‏

A: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
B: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
C: The Gilded Age
D: Life on the Mississippi
答案:  The Gilded Age

‏Mark Twain likes going on book tour wearing __________.‏

A: A white suit
B: A black suit
C: A white sweater
D: A red suit
答案:  A white suit

‏________________ contains bitter attacks on the human race.‎

A: Life on the Mississippi
B: The Mysterious Stranger
C: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
D: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
答案:  The Mysterious Stranger

‎The basic reason for Twain’s later literary change lies in ____________.‌

A: the death of his daughters
B: his poor health
C: the darkening social life
D: his failed investment
答案:  the darkening social life

‎In terms of realism, Mark Twain deals largely with the ___________ of society.‎

A: upper class
B: the privileged
C: middle class
D: lower class
答案:  lower class

​Which of the following is NOT the features of Twain’s literary language?‎

A: Concrete
B: Colloquial
C: Direct
D: Sophisticated
答案:  Sophisticated

‏____________ almost always comes first and foremost whenever Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is discussed.‍

A: Humor
B: Satire
C: Local colorism
D: Realism
答案:  Humor

​Which kind of humor can NOT be found in Twain’s famous frog story?​

A: wild exaggeration
B: digression
C: satire
D: understatement
答案:  understatement

‏“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” was published when the _______________ ended.​

A: American Independent War
B: First World War
C: Second World War
D: American Civil War
答案:  American Civil War

‌The frog story is a comic sketch which is set in the ________ of America.‍

A: East
B: North
C: West
D: South
答案:  West

‎Readers’ unexpected reversal of expectations are triggered by Twain’s use of ___________ in the frog story.‎

A: colloquial expressions
B: humor
C: exaggeration
D: digression
答案:  digression

​____________ is typical of the way in Twain’s best humor works.‏

A: Comic indeterminacy
B: Critical tone
C: Miniature stories
D: First-person narrative
答案:  Comic indeterminacy

‎The whole story of “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” was derived from the __________ Twain heard in the mining camp.‎

A: Tall tales
B: Legends
C: Folk stories
D: Jokes
答案:  Tall tales

‎According to Mark Twain, the most valuable capital in the building of novels is ______________.‌

A: narrative structure
B: personal experience
C: geographical setting
D: figurative speech
答案:  personal experience

‎______________, popular in the late 19th century, is a unique variation of American literary realism.‏

A: Feminism
B: Mannerism
C: Local colorism
D: Colloquialism
答案:  Local colorism

Unit 11 Henry James

Henry James Quiz

‍As a passionate pilgrim in search of experience, Henry James was born in ___________.‌

A: a poor family
B: England
C: a wealthy family
D: France
答案:  a wealthy family

‎Which of the following influential thinkers was not connected with the father of Henry James?‍

A: Henry David Thoreau
B: Ernest Miller Hemingway
C: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
D: Nathaniel Hawthorne
答案:  Ernest Miller Hemingway

‍The brother of Henry James is ______________.‏

A: William James, a noted philosopher and psychologist
B: William James, a wealthy businessman
C: Steven James, a noted psychologist
D: Steven James, a famous literary writer
答案:  William James, a noted philosopher and psychologist

‎Henry James shares a life-long friendship with __________, who later becomes his “moral police”.​

A: Gustave Flaubert
B: Honoré de Balzac
C: Henry David Thoreau
D: William Dean Howells
答案:  William Dean Howells

​As an author working for realism, Henry James ______________.​

A: deals with the middle class
B: deals with the lower class
C: deals with the working class
D: deals with the upper class
答案:  deals with the upper class

‌Which of the following is James’ major fictional theme?‌

A: The international theme
B: The inevitable fate of the humans
C: The evils existing in the society
D: The equal rights of women
答案:  The international theme

​Henry James’s literary life can be divided into _______________.‍

A: two distinctive periods
B: three distinctive periods
C: four distinctive periods
D: five distinctive periods
答案:  three distinctive periods

‍The American (1877) deals with the stories of the __________ American who confront the ___________ of European life.‎

A: sophisticated; innocence
B: traditionless; sophistication
C: complex; superiority
D: traditionless; innocence
答案:  traditionless; sophistication

‌Which of the following novels brought James his first international fame?‌

A: The Ambassadors
B: The Portrait of a Lady
C: The American
D: Daisy Miller
答案:  Daisy Miller

‎James’s reputation is founded on his versatile studies of ____________, who insists upon American standards in European society.‍

A: “The American entrepreneur”
B: “The American girl”
C: “The European girl”
D: “The European aristocrat”
答案:  “The American girl”

‌Which of the following does NOT fit the description of Henry James?‏

A: the forerunner of the “stream-of-consciousness” movement
B: the first of the “modern psychological novelists”
C: “a realist of the inner life”
D: the first of the “postmodern novelists”
答案:  the first of the “postmodern novelists”

​During 1882-1895, ____________ were public failures as were James’s attempts to write for the stage.‏

A: His novels of inter-personal relationships
B: His novels of international theme
C: His novels of the American girl
D: His novels of psychological realism
答案:  His novels of inter-personal relationships

‌Which literary period of James’s creative life is praised as “The Major Phase”?​

A: the first period
B: the second period
C: the third period
D: the fourth period
答案:  the third period

‎To Henry James, _______ is important in its own ways, and it must be related to life.‎

A: history
B: art
C: everyday life
D: psychology
答案:  art

‍Which of the following fits the description of Henry James’s reputation?‎

A: His greatest influence was exerted on his own age.
B: At the time of his death, his audience was big and impact huge.
C: His literary significance has been gradually recognized with the development of the modern novel and the Freudian approach.
D: He was influential and well-accepted all through his life.
答案:  His literary significance has been gradually recognized with the development of the modern novel and the Freudian approach.

​In The Portrait of a Lady, Isabel Archer is presented as a _________ American girl who comes into a great deal of money and confront her destiny.‌

A: sophisticated
B: complex
C: free-spirited
D: hypocritical
答案:  free-spirited

‎Gilbert Osmond, the man Isabel finally marries, is ______________.‎

A: a man of social standing and wealth
B: fundamentally cold and cruel
C: the finest gentleman in Europe
D: cultivated both outwardly and inwardly
答案:  fundamentally cold and cruel

‍The Portrait of a Lady stands as a perfect example in addressing _____________.​

A: the difference between the “old world” and the “new world”
B: the similarities between the European values and the American values
C: the fine traditions of the European culture
D: the sophistication of the American culture
答案:  the difference between the “old world” and the “new world”

​By the time The Portrait of a Lady was written though, the literary tradition associated with the Old World was in a state of ______________.‎

A: booming prosperity
B: growth
C: popularity
D: decadence
答案:  decadence

‍As a great psychological realist, many of James’s stories can be considered as ______________.​

A: psychological thought-experiments
B: an abstract philosophical consideration
C: product of philosophical consideration
D: vivid example of social experiments
答案:  psychological thought-experiments

Unit 12 Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane Quiz

‎The most prominent American naturalist writers include_____.‎

A: Stephen Crane, Henry James, Jack London and a few others
B: Stephen Crane, Jack London, Frank Norris and a few others
C: Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, William Dean Howells and a few others
D: Stephen Crane, Willa Cather, Theodore Dreiser and a few others
答案:  Stephen Crane, Jack London, Frank Norris and a few others

‎According to Theodore Dreiser, absent from the media then are_____.‍

A: the coarse and the cruel
B: the beauty and peace
C: the charm and discrepancy
D: the terrible and the current
答案:  the coarse and the cruel

‎To put in very simple terms, naturalism is about_____.‍

A: the imagination of nature and man
B: nature and scientific enquiry
C: adaptation of man to his natural environment
D: application of principles of scientific determinism to fiction and drama
答案:  application of principles of scientific determinism to fiction and drama

‏According to Emile Zola, the naturalist novel is_____.‍

A: a work of genius
B: a work of pure imagination
C: a work of craftsmanship
D: a work of observation and experiment
答案:  a work of observation and experiment

‌As remarked by Howells in terms of what literature should do, the “smiling aspects of life” most probably refers to_____.‎

A: the extreme end of life
B: the pleasant side of life
C: the true aspect of life
D: the harsh side of life
答案:  the pleasant side of life

‏With environment and heredity as two keywords in their writing, the naturalist writers generally regard the world as_____.‌

A: moral
B: immoral
C: amoral
D: morally-oriented
答案:  amoral

‌The concept “survival of the fittest” was put forward by_____.‍

A: Charles Darwin
B: Emile Zola
C: Stephen Crane
D: Herbert Spencer
答案:  Herbert Spencer

‌It is suggested that Stephen Crane’s first novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets was initially rejected by editors and publishers for its description of_____.‌

A: women
B: slums
C: war
D: gentry class
答案:  slums

‎Supposedly, Henry Fleming, the protagonist in The Red Badge of Courage, chooses to go to the war partly for_____.‍

A: glory
B: justice
C: hatred
D: revenge
答案:  glory

‏To the naturalist writers, the universe is all but_____.‌

A: benevolent
B: malevolent
C: indifferent
D: pantheistic
答案:  benevolent

​“The Open Boat”, one of Crane’s best-known short stories, is initially based on_____.​

A: the author’s ingenious imagination
B: the author’s real-life experience
C: the author’s artistic creation
D: the author’s naturalist position
答案:  the author’s real-life experience

‌In the story “The Open Boat”, the phrase “many a man ought to have a bath-tub larger than the boat” is used to emphasize_____.‍

A: the courage of the four men in the boat
B: the irony of the story
C: the intensity of the situation
D: the indifference of the sea
答案:  the intensity of the situation

‎Of the four men in the boat, only the oiler’s name “Billie” is mentioned. The reason is probably that_____.‍

A: the other three don’t have a name
B: thematically those names are insignificant
C: naturalist writers are unwilling to give names
D: they are not the same type
答案:  thematically those names are insignificant

‎The anthropocentric view of man refers to the view of_____.‎

A: man as the center of universe
B: the universe as being indifferent
C: all beings as the center of universe
D: equality among all beings
答案:  man as the center of universe

​As is pointed out by the narrator “It would be difficult to describe the subtle brotherhood of men that was here established on the seas.” This is supposed to mean that_____.‍

A: the four men are all friendly people
B: the four men have developed deep attachment to each other
C: the four men have only themselves to rely on
D: the four men treasure the time spent together
答案:  the four men have only themselves to rely on

‍The complaint “If she has decided to drown me, why did she not do it in the beginning and save me all this trouble. The whole affair is absurd…” implies that_____.​

A: fate cannot possibly harm me
B: drowning is inevitable
C: existence itself is absurd
D: efforts will be rewarded
答案:  efforts will be rewarded

‍Of the four men in the boat, only_____dies in the end.‍

A: the captain
B: the oiler
C: the cook
D: the correspondent
答案:  the oiler

‏One very important stylistic feature of the story is_____.​

A: the extensive use of various colors
B: the description of the hill-like waves
C: the description of the glamorous scene of the sea
D: the light-house on the shore
答案:  the extensive use of various colors

​It is suggested that in this story the reader sees experience only through_____.‏

A: the eyes of the narrator
B: the eyes of the hero
C: the mind’s eye
D: the eyes of the correspondent
答案:  the eyes of the hero

​Stephen Crane is referred to by critics as “an impressionist” mostly because of_____.‍

A: his impression of the sea
B: his impression of the universe
C: his use of nameless characters
D: his extensive use of colors
答案:  his extensive use of colors

Unit 13 Willa Cather

Willa Cather Quiz

‏Willa Cather was the first modern novelist to find in the soil of the ______­­ and Southwest the rich cultural inheritance.‎

A: West
B: South
C: North
D: East
答案:  West

In 1883, Willa Cather’s family left ______ for ______.‏

A: Nebraska, Virginia
B: Virginia, Nebraska
C: Nebraska, California
D: California, Nebraska
答案:  Virginia, Nebraska

There are three famous towns in America that belong both to fact and to fiction: William Faulkner’s _____, Mississippi; _____’s Hannibal, Missouri; and Willa Cather’s _____ , Nebraska.‏

A: Red Cloud, Mark Twain, Oxford
B: Red Cloud, Henry James, Oxford
C: Oxford, Henry James, Red Cloud
D: Oxford, Mark Twain, Red Cloud
答案:  Oxford, Mark Twain, Red Cloud

_______ is Willa Cather’s first novel.‌

A: O Pioneers!
B: Alexander’s Bridge
C: The Song of the Lark
D: My Ántonia
答案:  Alexander’s Bridge

Alexandra is the main character of the novel __________.‎

A: O Pioneers!
B: Alexander’s Bridge
C: The Song of the Lark
D: One of Ours
答案:  O Pioneers!

‏In Willa Cather’s works, the town/east is __________.​

A: morally higher
B: simple and meaningful
C: effete and corrupting
D: sophisticated and meaningful
答案:  effete and corrupting

‏__________ in most of Willa Cather’s novels is the center of moral reference against which modern existence is measured.​

A: Old East
B: Old West
C: Old North
D: Old South
答案:  Old West

“The best days are the first to flee” is from _________.​

A: My Ántonia
B: The Song of the Lark
C: One of Ours
D: O Pioneers!
答案:  My Ántonia

‏_________ gained Willa Cather the Pulitzer Prize in 1923.‌

A: My Ántonia
B: The Song of the Lark
C: One of Ours
D: O Pioneers!
答案:  One of Ours

​________ once said “On or about December 1910 human nature changed.”‏

A: Virginia Woolf
B: Willa Cather
C: Henry James
D: Sherwood Anderson
答案:  Virginia Woolf

‍Which of the following statement is NOT true about Willa Cather?​

A: Willa Cather once claimed that “in 1922 or thereabouts, the world broke into two.”
B: Willa Cather was one of the few “uneasy survivors of the nineteenth century.”
C: Willa Cather lived in between the worlds, rejecting the modern and trying to escape into the refuge of the past.
D: Willa Cather tried her every effort to adapt to the times she lived in.
答案:  Willa Cather tried her every effort to adapt to the times she lived in.

‎Which of the following statement is NOT true about Willa Cather’s writing?‍

A: She wanted to stand midway between the journalists whose omniscient objectivity and the psychological novelist whose use of subjective point of view.
B: In Willa Cather’s writing, some experimental techniques are adopted, such as stream of consciousness.
C: Willa Cather’s greatest achievement remained her portrayals, with fine simplicity and what she called “the gift of sympathy”.
D: In Willa Cather’s writing, simple men and women struggled to find meaningful lives in the midst of adversity.
答案:  In Willa Cather’s writing, some experimental techniques are adopted, such as stream of consciousness.

‌Which of the following statements is NOT true about toward the end of the 19th century?‏

A: American economy was developing at a quick rate.
B: Old moral codes were breaking down.
C: Men improved their own lives in the pursuit of morality.
D: Possession of money became the standard of success.
答案:  Men improved their own lives in the pursuit of morality.

‌Willa Cather claimed _____________ : “Our present is ruined — but we had a beautiful past”.‎

A: in her old age
B: when she got Pulitzer Prize
C: after the Second World War broke out
D: after the First World War broke out
答案:  after the First World War broke out

‏Cather began to write ________ during the First World War.‏

A: One of Ours
B: O Pioneers!
C: The Song of the Lark
D: My Ántonia
答案:  My Ántonia

​In My Ántonia, the memories related to Ántonia is narrated by ________.‌

A: Ántonia’s husband
B: Jim Burden
C: The author
D: Ántonia’s female friends
答案:  Jim Burden

‌Ántonia ___________.‍

A: is directed by the social standards
B: an ideal of the wonderful past
C: always tries to imitate other people
D: is sad when she works like men
答案:  an ideal of the wonderful past

‎In My Ántonia, ______________.‎

A: the male characters and female characters are equal
B: the male characters are nice, responsible and strong-minded
C: the female characters defy the male-dominated Victorian culture
D: the female characters are sheltered and fragile
答案:  the female characters defy the male-dominated Victorian culture

‍__________ is regarded as Cather’s greatest.‏

A: Alexander’s Bridge
B: O Pioneers!
C: The Song of the Lark
D: My Ántonia
答案:  My Ántonia

‍Which of the following statements is NOT true about My Ántonia?‌

A: The prototype of most characters can be found in Cather’s childhood life.
B: For Cather, writing the novel is the process of reviewing the wonderful past.
C: My Ántonia is the second of Cather’s “prairie trilogy” of novels.
D: After publication, My Ántonia brought attention to the hardships of immigrant life in the United States.
答案:  My Ántonia is the second of Cather’s “prairie trilogy” of novels.

Unit 14 Sherwood Anderson

Sherwood Anderson Quiz

‎Sherwood Anderson’s works ___________.‏

A: are objective
B: focus on the rural and small-town life
C: focus on the urban and city life
D: portray the beauty of life
答案:  focus on the rural and small-town life

​Sherwood Anderson’s sketches and tales drew upon his own experiences in the American _________ at the end of the nineteenth century.‌

A: Midwest
B: West
C: East
D: Southwest
答案:  Midwest

​Sherwood Anderson _____________.‏

A: grew up in Winesburg, Ohio
B: was born in a wealthy family
C: got little formal education
D: served in the army for many years
答案:  got little formal education

When he was twenty Anderson left home for __________.‏

A: New York
B: Chicago
C: Seattle
D: Elyria
答案:  Chicago

‍At the age of ________, Anderson began his life as a writer, asserting, “I will be a servant to words alone.”‌

A: thirty
B: thirty-six
C: twenty-two
D: forty-two
答案:  thirty-six

By the turn of the century, the “little renaissance” in ________ provided a favorable avant-garde climate.‍

A: New York
B: Chicago
C: Philadelphia
D: Washington
答案:  Chicago

​In 1919 Anderson’s fourth book and his masterpiece, _______________ , won international attention.‎

A: Winesburg, Ohio
B: Windy McPherson’s Son
C: Marching Men
D: Many Marriages
答案:  Winesburg, Ohio

Anderson’s works put emphasis on __________ figures.‎

A: lower class
B: middle class
C: upper class
D: the privileged class
答案:  lower class

‌Anderson’s works reflect the important period in American history, that is, __________.‏

A: a rural society
B: from a rural to a predominantly industrial society
C: an industrialized society
D: from an industrialized to a highly industrialized society
答案:  from a rural to a predominantly industrial society

‌In the times Anderson lived in, ________________ are the distinct features of America’s small-town life.‏

A: thwarted emotions
B: repressed drives and frustrated lives
C: distorted natures
D: all of the above
答案:  all of the above

‌Anderson was _____________.‎

A: among the earliest to reflect the reality
B: the first to write in colloquial style
C: among the earliest to respond to the new Freudian psychology
D: the first to try brief and simple sentences
答案:  among the earliest to respond to the new Freudian psychology

​_________ acknowledged Anderson as “the father of my generation of American writers and the tradition of American writing which our successors will carry on”.‎

A: Ernest Hemingway
B: William Faulkner
C: F. Scott Fitzgerald
D: Ezra Pound
答案:  William Faulkner

‍The Triumph of the Egg, one of Anderson’s best works, was published in ­_____.‌

A: 1920
B: 1921
C: 1931
D: 1933
答案:  1921

‎The main theme of Sherwood Anderson’s most works is __________.‎

A: the conflicts between the lower and upper class
B: the conflicts between the lower and the privileged
C: the conflicts between the industrialization in the East and the closed culture and customs in the Midwest
D: the conflicts between the Midwest with closed culture and the subconscious instincts of the individual
答案:  the conflicts between the industrialization in the East and the closed culture and customs in the Midwest

​The Triumph of the Egg is about a _________ family.‏

A: three-person
B: four-person
C: happy
D: special
答案:  three-person

__________ is the driving force of the family.​

A: The grandfather
B: The mother
C: The father
D: The son
答案:  The mother









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