商务英语主题阅读(齐鲁师范学院)1453842166 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版


1 Positive Attitudes

Quiz on Further Reading

‍The main idea of the essay is that _____.‍

A: people can never make full use of their seeing faculty
B: valuable things often pass unnoticed by people
C: we should make full use of our seeing faculty and never take life for granted.
D: different people see different things
答案:  we should make full use of our seeing faculty and never take life for granted.

​According to the author, thrilling stories with heroes having limited and specified time to live may set up _____.‍

A: wishing to do what the heroes might do in similar circumstances
B: realizing that we are all mortals
C: appreciating the values of life better
D: feeling more happy as free people with a choice
答案:  appreciating the values of life better

‏Keller thinks that if people live each day as if they should die tomorrow, _____.‌

A: they would eat, drink and be merry
B: no one would follow the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry”
C: all the people would be chastened by the impending death
D: most people would cherish each day
答案:  most people would cherish each day

‏Most people take life for granted because _____.‍

A: they don’t know that they will die each day
B: they are in good health
C: they care about petty tasks only
D: they think death is far in the future
答案:  they think death is far in the future

​According to Keller, those appreciating sight and hearing most are ones who _____.‍

A: are able to see and hear
B: are not able to see and hear
C: have lost sight and hearing in adult life
D: are born deaf and blind
答案:  have lost sight and hearing in adult life

‌When a good friend told Keller after a long walk in the woods that she had observed nothing in particular _____.‌

A: Keller knew that her friend was not telling the truth
B: it surprised Keller very much
C: Keller knew that she was telling the truth
D: Keller thought that that should be the case
答案:  Keller knew that she was telling the truth

‎Keller is delighted by the pageant of seasons in the woods through _____.‍

A: hearing
B: seeing
C: reading
D: touching
答案:  touching

‏What Keller wished to see most is _____.‌

A: the colorful nature
B: daylight
C: her teacher’s face
D: as many people as she could
答案:  her teacher’s face

‏According to Keller, she can understand people’s personalities by _____.​

A: touch
B: hearing
C: their thoughts expressed to her
D: looking at their eyes
答案:  their thoughts expressed to her

‍Keller thinks that most people _____.‌

A: try to see into the inner nature of a friend or acquaintance
B: look only at the outward features of their friends or acquaintances
C: can accurately describe the faces of five of their good friends
D: pay attention only to changes in appearances
答案:  look only at the outward features of their friends or acquaintances

‏All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live.‌

A: stated exactly
B: made special
C: very short
D: preserved
答案:  stated exactly

‏We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.‎

A: moving
B: vista
C: picture
D: passing
答案:  vista

‏When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable.‏

A: plain
B: conscious
C: safe
D: cheerful
答案:  cheerful

‍But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties.​

A: loss
B: disease
C: weakness
D: improvement
答案:  loss

​I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little.‍

A: credible
B: indubious
C: dubious
D: incredible
答案:  dubious

​I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions, and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me.‍

A: twistings
B: pictures
C: workings
D: shiverings
答案:  twistings

​To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.‎

A: spectacle
B: changing
C: performance
D: pages
答案:  spectacle

‎And, incidentally, it is a chronic complaint of wives that their husbands do not notice new dresses, new hats, and changes in household arrangements.​

A: constant
B: medical
C: occasional
D: suffering
答案:  constant


​Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.‎​The telegram asked for an instant  _____. (react, release, reflect, reply)‎
答案:  reply

‏Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.​‏The assistants observed carefully how the bacteria would _____ to this stimulus. (react, release, reflect, reply)​
答案:  react

‏Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.‎‏The prisoner was questioned before he was _____. (react, release, reflect, reply)‎
答案:  released

​Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.​​I begin to _____ on the importance of my position. (react, release, reflect, reply)​
答案:  reflect

​Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.​​I had to get off and _____ the bike along. (junk, decline, allergic, consciousness, fragment, wheel)​
答案:  wheel##%_YZPRLFH_%##wheeled

‏Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.‌‏A previous _____ reaction to penicillin is a contraindication to the future use of that drug. (junk, decline, allergic, consciousness, fragment, wheel)‌
答案:  allergic

‍Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.​‍The road was covered with _____ of glass from the shattered window. (junk, decline, allergic, consciousness, fragment, wheel)​
答案:  fragments

‌Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.‍‌We ought to clear out this cupboard——it’s full of _____. (junk, decline, allergic, consciousness, fragment, wheel)‍
答案:  junk

‌Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.‍‌They _____ to tell me how they had got my address. (junk, decline, allergic, consciousness, fragment, wheel)‍
答案:  declined

‍Fill in the blanks with one of the words in brackets. Change the form where necessary.​‍Do you think her _____that she’s somehow different makes her feel uneasy? (junk, decline, allergic, consciousness, fragment, wheel)​
答案:  consciousness

‌Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‏‌I have a lot to say about the fiction The Bridge of Madison County——the theme, the language, the suspense and so on, but the _____ is quite simple: it is so far the best love story that gives respect for family.‏
答案:  bottom line

‏Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‎‏Five years after the 9·11 attack, New York has witnessed a(n) _____ recovery.‎
答案:  amazing

‍Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‎‍While people give much of their sympathy to the _____ of the disaster, many people start to reflect on where this country has been, where it is going next and how it may get there.‎
答案:  victims

‎Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‍‎It was the first time that Mary _____ to come to my birthday party.‍
答案:  declined

‌Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‌‌I was really curious about what had _____ her mind, because we had been friends for years.‌
答案:  gone through

​Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‌​He had a bad day yesterday. He was _____ attend an important meeting at 9, but he got up late.‌
答案:  supposed to

‍Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in the passage “Be Happy ‘Cause I Choose Happiness”. Here is a piece of advice: You must be really familiar with the text to accomplish the following tasks.‎‍When he got off the bus, it was 8:55. In a hurry, one of his shoes _____ before the bus door closed. He had to stop by a shoe store before hurrying for the meeting. Guess what? When he arrived at the company, it was 10:30.‎
答案:  slipped off

Vocabulary & Expressions

‌We must ____________________ the influence of television violence on children. (go up to, get it, be supposed to, reflect on, hold up, slip off)‎
答案:  reflect on

​I don’t ____________________. Why would she want to diet in such a radical way? (go up to, get it, be supposed to, reflect on, hold up, slip off)​
答案:  get it

‎Exhaustion couldn’t ____________________ the students’ passion of pursuing knowledge. (go up to, get it, be supposed to, reflect on, hold up, slip off)​
答案:  hold up

‍After the game, she ____________________ her trainer and thanked her for all her help. (go up to, get it, be supposed to, reflect on, hold up, slip off)​
答案:  went up to

​You ____________________ pay the bill by Sunday. (go up to, get it, be supposed to, reflect on, hold up, slip off)​
答案:  are supposed to

‏She was so shocked at the news that she ____________________ the cell phone. (go up to, get it, be supposed to, reflect on, hold up, slip off)‌
答案:  slipped off

2 Marriage Issues

Quiz on Comprehension

Test Yourself

Vocabulary & Expressions

Vocabulary & Expressions

‏In some countries and regions, inequality worsened, as poor people did not reap the fruits of economic expansion, because of a lack of job opportunities, limited education or bad health.‏

A: reward
B: revive
C: derive
D: trigger
答案:  derive

‏They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.‍

A: promising
B: relaxing
C: discouraging
D: unimaginable
答案:  discouraging

‌Our conscientious work attitude makes us well received by our customers.​

A: scrupulous
B: ignorant
C: unique
D: unparalleled
答案:  scrupulous

‎The fundamental goal of economic development is to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people.‏

A: intoxicate
B: enhance
C: transcend
D: surpass
答案:  enhance

‏We will work hard to transform the economic development pattern, restructure the economy and set out on a path of balanced and sustainable development.‏

A: reverse
B: foster
C: change
D: utilize
答案:  change



商务英语主题阅读(齐鲁师范学院)1453842166 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版第1张

‍    A Few years ago, a university professor tried a little experiment. He sent Christmas cards to a sample of perfect strangers. Although he expected some reaction, the response he received was amazing—holiday cards addressed to him came pouring back from the people who had never met nor heard of him. The great majority of those who returned a card never inquired into the identity of the ___1___ professor. They received his holiday greeting card, and they ___2___ sent one in return. This study shows the action of one of the most powerful of the weapons of influence around us—the rule for reciprocation. The rule says that we should try to repay, in ___3___, what another person has provided us. If a woman does us a favor, we should do her ___4___ in return; if a man sends us a birthday present, we should remember his birthday with a gift of our own; if a ___5___ invites us to a party, we should be sure to invite them to one of ours. By ___6___ of the reciprocity rule, then, we are obligated to the future repayment of favors, gifts, invitations, and the like. So typical is it for ___7___ to accompany the receipt of such things that a term like “much obliged” has become a synonym for “thank you,” not only in the English language but in others as well.

‍    The impressive aspect of the rule for reciprocation and the sense of obligation that ___8___ with it is its pervasiveness in human culture. It is so ___9___ that after intensive study, sociologists such as Alvin Goldener can report that there is no human society that does not ___10___ to the rule.

‍1. _____ (只填写大写字母即可)

‍答案:  M


商务英语主题阅读(齐鲁师范学院)1453842166 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版第1张

    A Few years ago, a university professor tried a little experiment. He sent Christmas cards to a sample of perfect strangers. Although he expected some reaction, the response he received was amazing—holiday cards addressed to him came pouring back from the people who had never met nor heard of him. The great majority of those who returned a card never inquired into the identity of the ___1___ professor. They received his holiday greeting card, and they ___2___ sent one in return. This study shows the action of one of the most powerful of the weapons of influence around us—the rule for reciprocation. The rule says that we should try to repay, in ___3___, what another person has provided us. If a woman does us a favor, we should do her ___4___ in return; if a man sends us a birthday present, we should remember his birthday with a gift of our own; if a ___5___ invites us to








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