


第二章 学术期刊相关信息学术期刊简介为了解和查找高质量学术期刊文章提供了有效的方法。期刊文章是十大科技文献中最重要、最常见的。本章分别介绍期刊文章的分类、学术期刊的评价指标、学术期刊的识别代码、学术期

1、 Which of the following scientists should be listed as the top one?

A:Scientist whose h-index is 780
B:Scientist whose h-index is 60
C:Scientist whose h-index is 39
D:Scientist whose h-index is 90
答案: Scientist whose h-index is 780

2、 The intentions of academic journals are the followings except for:

A:To help researchers get promoted
B:To lead the research directions
C:To disseminate academic information
D:To cultivate talents
答案: To help researchers get promoted

3、 Journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.

A:evaluate an academic journal’s impact and quality
B:reflect the place of a journal within its field
C:measure the prestige associated with the journal
D:all of the other three
答案: all of the other three

4、 Which metric is used to measure the productivity and impact of an author?

B:Cited Half-life
答案: H-factor

5、 How many digits does ISBN have after 1st January 2007?

答案: 13

6、 Which of the following citation indexes was not originally published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)?

答案: EI

7、 Generally speaking, which two types can abbreviations be classified into?

A:Initials and acronyms
B:Syllabic abbreviations and alphabetic abbreviations
C:Contractions and short forms
D:Single-letter abbreviations and multiple-letter abbreviations
答案: Syllabic abbreviations and alphabetic abbreviations

8、 Which of the following abbreviations is not correct?

答案: C-chapter

9、 Which of the following is not the suitable tool for you to search for the top journals, top conferences and top authors?

A:Microsoft academic search
C:Web of Science
答案: GPO

10、 The influence of an author’s journal articles can be evaluated by the following factors except for ______.

C:Citation index
答案: JCR

11、 Journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.

A:evaluate an academic journal’s impact and quality
B:reflect the place of a journal within its field
C:measure the prestige associated with the journal
D:all of the other three
答案: all of the other three

第三章 文献管理和学习软件 信息素养主要体现在运用信息工具;获取信息;处理信息。本章为大家介绍两类软件:Noteexpress,它可以用来搜索、下载和管理网络文献和本地文献,在写作中可以直接插入引文

1、 What do you use the software of Note-express for?

A:for reading novels
B:for listening to lectures
C:for literature searching and management
D:for calculating
答案: for literature searching and management

2、 Which function of the below is not listed as one of the functions of Endnote?

A:taking a note in the form of a photo
B:supporting downloading overseas literature
C:inserting references in word editor
D:linking to many databases
答案: taking a note in the form of a photo

3、 Zotero is similar to EndNote in some aspects, but different in that

A:it is used for collecting scientific documents
B:it is inserted in internet surfer
C:it is used for managing scientific documents
D:it is used for exporting references
答案: it is inserted in internet surfer

第四周学习内容 英语科技文献介绍 (四) 第一章测试

1、 Which of the following is not categorized as scientific literature?

B:Academic journals
C:Movie comments
D:Product specifications
答案: Movie comments

2、 Which of the following is defined as tertiary literature?

A:Research articles
B:Science news
C:Graduation papers
答案: Encyclopedia

3、 Which type of the following international conferences is listed as Number one conference in the world?

A:Conference A
B:Conference A +
C:Top conference
D:Conference C
答案: Conference A +

4、 The followings are published in academic journals except for:

A:Research articles
B:Book reviews
C:Review articles
D:Science fictions
答案: Science fictions

5、 There are differences between a journal research article and a graduation paper. They are different in the following aspects except for:

A:They can be both focusing on some unknown problems.
B:They can be both primary research.
C:They can be both written by one researcher.
D:They can be written both by university students.
答案: They can be both written by one researcher.

6、 Which is not the feature of product specification?

A:Being genuine
B:Being scientific
C:Being costly
D:Being popular
答案: Being costly

7、 Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?

A:Industrial product specification
B:Agricultural product specification




