企业绩效管理(华东交通大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Chapter 3 Development and Trends of Performance Management 绩效管理的发展与趋势-李敏、黄彬云 Quiz for Chapter 3 第3章

1、 PM system information is necessary for the implementation of which of the following HR function(s)?

A:Workforce planning
C:Recruitment and Selection
D:All of the above
答案: All of the above

2、 A strength-based approach to performance management requires an appreciative climate in which managers:

A:Identify employees’ weaknesses
B:Provide positive feedback on what employees are doing
C:Discuss future development goals
D:Work out ways to overcome employees’ weaknesses
答案: Provide positive feedback on what employees are doing

3、 Which of the following is the characteristic of performance management tomorrow?

A:Managers and employees avoiding feedback
B:Often linked with pay decisions
C:Development being part of the daily work
D:Review often occurs annually
答案: Development being part of the daily work

4、 If a company no longer has a clear annual cycle, then it will be impossible to implement performance management.

答案: 错误

5、 Benchmarking means comparing performance of an organization, or part of an organization, with a “benchmark”. The benchmark may be external organziation, such as a competitor company, or another department or division with the same organization.

答案: 正确

6、 Feedback is information produced from a system that is used by management to take action to control further inputs to the system.

答案: 正确

Chapter 4 Strategic Performance Measurement (SPM) 战略性绩效测量-黄彬云 Quiz for Chapter 4 第4章测验

1、 Performance Prism is a three dimensional model and has five facets. These five facets are:

A:financial, customer, internal process, learning and growth, employee satisfaction
B:stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategies, processes, capabilities
C:stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategies, processes, learning and growth
D:stakeholder satisfaction, employee satisfaction, strategies, processes, capabilities
答案: stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategies, processes, capabilities

2、 Skandia Navigator excels in:

A:measuring intangible capital
B:integrate business units’ activities
C:balancing the strategic goals of financial and nonfinancial aspects
D:considers the contribution and satisfaction of the stakeholders
答案: measuring intangible capital

3、 Which of the following is regarded as horizontal alignment?

A:Aligning individual performance goals
B:Cascading strategic objectives to department level
C:Coordination across functions or units
D:All of the above
答案: Coordination across functions or units

4、 Distributed leaders include:

A:Employee in key positions
B:Middle managers who run critical businesses and functions
C:Frontline managers who run important groups or teams
D:Technical and domain experts who occupy key spots in the formal networks
答案: Middle managers who run critical businesses and functions;
Frontline managers who run important groups or teams;
Technical and domain experts who occupy key spots in the formal networks

5、 Commitment across function and business units is key to the success of strategy

答案: 正确

Chapter 5 Designing a SPM Framework: Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map 设计战略性绩效测量系统:平衡计分卡与战略地图-黄彬云

1、 Balanced scorecards consist of four inter-related perspectives. Which perspective or layer will be the main driver or enabler for outcomes within the financial perspective?

B:Internal Process
C:Learning & Growth
D:make development plans
答案: Customer

2、 A good vision statement is all of the following EXCEPT:

B: Detailed
C: Inspiring
D:Bound by timeline
答案: Detailed

3、 The mission statement summarizes:

A:the organization’s future image
B:the organization’s values
C:the organization’s most important reason for existing
D:the organization’s needs
答案: the organization’s most important reason for existing

4、 Which of the following describe the cause-and-effect linkages in the Balanced Scorecard?

A:Each perspective is related to eah other according to bottom-up causal linkages
B:Different types of performance measures are integrated according to financial and nonfinancial standards
C:The performance measures of each individuals are connected by positional linkages
D:The strategic objectives and performance measures are cascaded according to a top-down causal relationship
答案: Each perspective is related to eah other according to bottom-up causal linkages;
The strategic objectives and performance measures are cascaded according to a top-down causal relationship

5、 Strategy map and balanced scorecard are two different tools for strategic performance management.

答案: 错误
分析:Strategy map is one part of a balanced scorecard

Chapter 6 Designing a SPM Framework: Organization-wide Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 设计战略性绩效测量系

1、 Key performance Indicators tell you:

A:what to do to increase performance dramatically
B:how you have done in a perspective or critical success factor
C:what to do
D:what you have done
答案: what to do to increase performance dramatically

2、 What is the role of critical success factors in developing KPIs?

A:Measure the strategic objectives
B:Link daily activities to the organization’s strategies
C:Monitor employees’ behaviors
D:Summarize the activities of teams
答案: Link daily activities to the organization’s strategies

3、 Which of the following performance indicators can be used as a Key Performance Indicator:

A:Percentage increase in sales with top 10% of customers
B:Return on capital employed
C:Number of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection
D:Net profit before tax
答案: Number of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection

4、 One of the foundation stones for Key Performance Indicators is “transfer of power to the frontline”, which means

A:ensuring mutual understanding between frontline managers and employees
B:providing frontline managers and employees with significant access to strategic organizational information





